Many generations of geeks have contemplated the eternal question on how to create an ultimate geek game.
And finally, geek ladies and gents, we can proudly say we did it! ThePrimes is the name of the game.
Anyway, this game is all about Prime numbers and the use of little grey cells whilst creating Prime number formulas from numbers and operations on a 5x8 grid. You should select numbers and operations in alternate order to form prime number expressions (for example 4*1+7 is 11 = prime number). As your score increases, game speed is faster. You can also play the game on three different game levels.
Think this is too hard and too complicated for you? Great, that just means that you’re not ready, so you only have two options: either you give up and go play with watercolors and crayons or try hard, practice your brain and become a member of an ultimate geek battalion of excellence!