Modulus is a mental math puzzle game. If you're looking to practice your mental math skills or stretch your brain's capabilities, Modulus is for you!
In each Puzzle or Challenge there is a Target Number and your starting number. Your job is to make Your Number equal the Target Number. To do this, there are six buttons that each perform a math operation on Your Number: Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Modulus, and Exponent. Each button has a value, which is how much the button will affect your number. For example, it's how much the Add button adds to Your Number, or how much the Divide button divides Your Number by. Use the buttons to make Your Number equal to the Target Number.
There are three game modes: Puzzle, Challenge, and Free Play. In Challenge mode, there's a limit on the number of moves you can make. There are twenty Puzzles and Challenges for each of the three difficulty modes, so there are 120 unique games for you to solve.
In Free Play mode, Medium difficulty puzzles are randomly generated, so you can keep playing forever once you solve the Puzzles and Challenges!
We hope you'll enjoy Modulus, please let us know what you think!
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