Lucky Dice (v. 0.3.1)
Разработано teichan
This application simulate the Game lll "Lucky Dice" that is included in "Game Calculator MG-888".
"Game Calculator MG-888" was released by CASIO in 1982.
When you push the start button, dice becomes rolling.
This game is to eliminate by combination of total number of the spot on a cast dice and total numbers When you are unable to eliminate the number of the spot on a cast dice, you can ‘pass’ and you are allow to pass by 3 times.
When the rest of number of pass is ‘0’ and unable to eliminate the number of the spot on a cast dice, it is game over.
When you eliminate all numbers, it becomes clear.
When box cars, you can have 1 more pass.
Generally, the panel is from 1 to 9 in case of game calculator, spot is from 1 to 6 in case of dice. However, the biggest number of spot might be changed based on the biggest number of panel - like ‘Lucky Dice’ can choose the panel from 3x3 to 9x9.
When the number of panel becomes increase, the combination of double-digit becomes bigger and it makes difficult to calculate overall. Good luck!!