New New New!!!!
CandySwipe on a whole new level!
New Bigger Candy Game Pieces!
Lemons and Gumballs are Wild!
Lemons clear the whole board and give you the points.
Like the original version of CandySwipe?
This version has bigger pieces making it easier to swipe with "Fat Fingers". It also has Lemons added to the game play which clears the whole board and gives you the points use the lemon, swipe it with a gumball globe and it doubles you score to 2,592 for the single swipe!
New to CandySwipe?
This is a unique puzzle game that looks like bejeweled, bubble blast etc where you can swipe candy pieces. A whole new twist on the bejeweled type games!
Try it out today!
Move to SD!
Free version coming soon!
How to play CandySwipe:
CandySwipe is challenging and designed to be played by both adults and kids.
Swipe you finger across matching candy pieces either up/down, left/right, or even diagonally no keyboard required. The object of the game is to collect as many pieces as you can in a single swipe without touching non matching candy pieces. This earns points and time.
You can even go back for missed pieces during your swipe as long as you don’t touch any other non-matching pieces along the way.
The player starts the game with 100 seconds on the games clock
There are 20 levels. The player will reach a new level and more time every 2,500 points.
Your games score is calculated by the number of candy pieces swiped multiplied by itself. For example, if you swipe 9 pieces 9x9=81 etc.
Ice cream cones are wild and double your swipe score.
Lemons are also wild and clear the board, they give you points for every piece on the board.
Your game difficulty level dictates how much time is added when you swipe:
Normal - adds 1 second for every 25 points acquired in a single swipe.(Swiping 5 will add 1 second to the games time)
Too Easy - adds 1 second for every 9 points acquired in a single swipe. (Swiping 3 will add 1 second to the games time)
Hard - adds 1 second for every 64 points acquired in a single swipe. (Swiping 8 will add 1 second to the games time)
Under Pressure - starts with 20 seconds.
Swiping 10 candies in normal mode earns you 100 points and 4 seconds added to your clock.