Balda is easy russian word game, in which players should compose words with help of letters placed on field. There can be 2 or more players.
Usually, game field is just 25 cells (5х5) or it can be bigger. If somebody plays then he(or she) should add one letter on game field. And letter must be placed above, below, to the left or to the right of filled cell. After player needs to compose word with using of this letter. There are some rules:
- Word must be composed on straight lines or right angles.
- Word must exist in dictionaries.
- Word must be a common noun in first form (singular in nominative case).
- Added letter must be used in this word.
- The longer words the better. One letter - one point.
- Game ends when all cells are filled.
- One cell - one letter. Game is move by move.
- All words in one game should be unique.
In this version of game there are realized such features as:
- 2, 3, 4, 5 players
- Playing on fields 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6, 7x7.
- Saving of game and all game settings such as players names, game language, players number or field size without SD-card requirement
- Playing on russian or english languages with checking words with help of big noun dictionaries.
- 30 seconds or 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 minutes timer for each move.
- User dictionary where user can add words which isn't known in built-in dictionaries
- Vibration in 15 seconds before time is up.
- Player can skip his/her move by long clicking of Move button.
- Player can undo such actions as selecting cells and adding letter on field by clicking Undo button. Long click will cancel all such actions at once.
- Written word can be found in internet to find out its meaning.
- Selection of words realized in this way: firstly player needs to set letter in highlighted cell and then player can enter the word with letter-by-letter clicking on field. Another easy way to select word is to swype your finger over all word letters. In the end you should click on Move button.