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Популярные приложения разработчика Sheridan Programmers Guild

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Иконка для PasswordRN 1.6.1

PasswordRN (v. 1.6.1)

Sheridan Programmers Guild опубликовал приложение 2011-01-24
(обновлено 2012-01-27)

Too many passwords and access codes that change all too often?

PasswordRN is a simple, effective 'password keeper' app designed to be used by nurses and technicians in a clinical setting.  Large fonts and a simple interface put the information you need at your fingertips and you in control of your shift!

Иконка для DOT Placards 3.1.0

DOT Placards (v. 3.1.0)

Sheridan Programmers Guild опубликовал приложение 2010-11-07
(обновлено 2013-04-27)

Our version of the ERG 2012 gives you super fast access to the Yellow (Substances by ID), Orange (Guides), and Table 1 (Isolation Distances) sections. From the Guide text, you have a hotlink to the Emergency Response Phone Numbers. Find the right number, press it, and the app will pop up your phone dialer, ready to make the call.

Search by placard number, substance name, or for a specific Guide. One click takes you to the Guide page that gives you details on toxicity, flammability, and what to do in case of a spill.

Sure, the Department of Transportation Emergency Response Guidebook 2012 (DOT ERG 2012) is available on paper and as a PDF. But don't you want to have ERG2012 right at hand, right on your phone, when you need to look up something FAST?

Note that our app is built from the same files as the recently published PHMSA app.  But that app doesn’t have the phone number lookup links or ability to autodial.

Ad free, no special permissions required.

Please contact the developer if you are interested in site licensing this app.  

Do you or your colleagues have non-Android mobile devices? An expanded Kindle ebook version of this app is now available from the Amazon store. It includes a similar quick-lookup capability but also all the content of the paper book. When combined with one of the free Kindle Reading apps, it makes this material available on just about any mobile device you might have. Go to Amazon and search for 'ERG 2012: Quick Lookup'.

Recent Update Summary:
* Updated contents from the newly published ERG2012.
* User may now choose from one of three font sizes.
* Added the missing Guide 111.
* Improved the formatting and readability of the guides.
* Fixed an outdated reference to the ERG2008 in message text.

* Fixed a defect that was preventing proper guide display on tablets.  Thank you! to the user's who reported this so we could fix it

* Small changes under the cover to stay in sync with the paid Plus version.

* Fixed a rare problem with opening the ERG data that has been seen once so far in the field and reported to us as a crash.

* Removed advertisements.
* App can now be moved to the SD Card.
* Eliminated the need for internet and location permissions.
* Fixed a bug that would cause a re-search when rotating the phone.

* Updated SDK Toolset

Иконка для SnapToMe 1.3.0

SnapToMe (v. 1.3.0)

Sheridan Programmers Guild опубликовал приложение 2012-05-16
(обновлено 2012-05-16)

Snap a picture from your camera directly into your email inbox, in just two quick clicks.

Do you ever take pictures on your phone and then email them to yourself?  To record progress on a project as you work? To make a permanent copy of what's on a whiteboard before you erase it?  To help you remember a display in a store window or the setup of a cool tradeshow booth? To record the state of a jobsite as you leave it?  To have a picture of a maintenance problem to send along to the responsible party?

Now you can go from camera to inbox in two clicks -- just Capture and Send.  The app also automatically records the date, time, and location and includes them in the email, great for documenting what/where/when with an indisputable photographic record.


You configure a destination email address the first time you run the app.  For maximum flexibility, make it your own email address.  Then you can review the picture and download/upload it or forward to anyone, anywhere from your inbox.  Or, if you routinely use a photo sharing service such as Flickr, which has an email upload feature, use that email address instead and go from phone to Flickr in two quick clicks.

Note that, with this free version, you do have to have cell service at the time you use the app and sending the email can take a LONG time depending on the size of the photo file your camera generates and the vagaries of the cell network you are transmitting through.  Don’t shut down the app while the Send is in progress, though, or you will lose your photo.  (The paid version improves this delay AND can queue up photos to send later when you get in cell coverage back.)

You can use the Notes button to enter a Subject for the email and as much text for the body of the email as you want.  If you don’t use Notes before you press Send, the email subject line and the name of the photo will always be SnapToMe appended with the date and time. If you do enter your own subject, that will also be used for the name of the photo.  This means that typing in a Subject before you hit Send can make it much, much easier long term to be able to search your email/harddrive for a specific photo.

The pictures captured by SnapToMe are NOT usually stored in the Gallery on your phone, although we have reports that this is happening on some specific phone models.  Please email us at support@sherprog.com if you are interested in this feature; we may be able to add it if folks want it.

Recent update summary:

* Added progress dialog to be shown after Capture before Send is enabled.  Some phones take an appreciable amount of time to process the image after Capture is pressed.  This progress dialog will help the user know the app is ready for Send to be pressed.
* Allow the app to be moved to an SD card.

Made exact image width scaling an option, disabled by default. This will fix freezes on slower phones.

Иконка для SnapTo Scott Hininger 1.3.1

SnapTo Scott Hininger (v. 1.3.1)

Sheridan Programmers Guild опубликовал приложение 2012-09-13
(обновлено 2012-09-13)

Scott Hininger is an agricultural and horticultural educator for the Sheridan County (Wyoming) Cooperative Extension Service.  One part of his job is helping the public in Sheridan identify weeds, pests, invasive species, and the like.  If you want to get Scott’s advice about a problem on your property, you can download and install this free app, then use it to snap a picture that will get sent directly to Scott for his review and analysis.

On installation, the app will ask you for a return email address and your name and phone number, so Scott can get back to you with your answer or follow-up questions.  Then, instead of using your built-in camera app to take your photo, use this SnapTo Scott app.  Capture your picture, use the optional Notes feature to add information or ask a specific question, and hit Send to shoot an email with your photo attached off to Scott.

If you want to get in touch with Scott directly, use the Menu key to bring up the About box.  There you’ll find Scott’s phone number (which can be dialed directly from the app) and email address.

If you would be interested in having an app like this published for you, please email us at support@sherprog.com and include 'SnapTo' in your subject line.

Recent update summary:

* The email retrying service will now restart after the phone reboots; you won’t have to manually retry after you turn your phone off.
* To improve speed and reliability, we’ve made the EXIF-writing feature a preference that is turned off by default.  This feature allows us to correct the date/time for a few phones that don’t set it correctly.  Only if you notice date/time problems, turn this feature on and try it.  
* Users are now informed if location tracking is disabled on their phone.

* Added Retry All and Resend All buttons to the Outbox.
* Added progress dialog to be shown after Capture before Send is enabled.  Some phones take an appreciable amount of time to process the image after Capture is pressed.  This progress dialog will help the user know the app is ready for Send to be pressed.

* Changed the default subject line and the name of the photo file to reflect the sender's identity  rather than the product name.  
* Added support for 7 digit (local U.S.) phone numbers.
* Allow the app to be moved to an SD card.
* Changed the location of outbox data on the phone to prevent missing images.

Иконка для Hazmat Placards 1.1

Hazmat Placards (v. 1.1)

Sheridan Programmers Guild опубликовал приложение 2011-11-09
(обновлено 2011-11-09)

Why spend 30 bucks on an NFPA 704 poster that just hangs on a wall in your shop?  Now you can keep our HazMat Diamond Decoder right at your fingertips and for just 99 cents!

Whether you are looking for a fast, accurate decoder for placards you see in the field or you are trying to quiz yourself so you know the values cold off the top of your head, this simple app is for you.

With a placard in front of you, tap the colored squares to dial in the values you see and then press Decode to get the hazard details.  Or, press and hold a square to see a cheatsheet on the values for that particular hazard class.

You'll never need to guess about a hazmat placard again.  It's that simple!

Иконка для DOT Placards Plus 1.3.0

DOT Placards Plus (v. 1.3.0)

Sheridan Programmers Guild опубликовал приложение 2010-12-26
(обновлено 2011-11-29)

You share the road with all sorts of loads and all sorts of drivers. Whether you are just curious or you want to be prepared when things go wrong, this searchable version of the ERG 2008 is the app you want to have.

Enter the four digit number from  the DOT placard off the side of a tanker truck or railroad card to find out what material is stored inside.  From there, one click will take you to the page in the Department of Transportation Emergency Response Guidebook 2008 (ERG 2008)  that gives you details on toxicity, flammability, and what to do in case of a spill.  Protective distances are available where applicable.

Sure, the ERG2008 is available on paper and on the web. But don't you want to have it right at hand and right on your phone when you need it most?

No ads!  This Plus version lets you keep a 'life list' of when and where you were when you saw a particular placard.  You can review your list sorted in different ways or displayed against a zoomable Google map.

Recent Update Summary:

* Fixed a bug in the Edit Placards screen that was causing crashing.
* Fixed a bug that caused a re-search when phone rotation occurred in the Search Results Screen.
* Fixed a bug that caused the location tracker to remain on after the map view was exited.
* Allow the app to be moved to an SD card..
* Added some code to encourage ratings and comments.

* Fixed issue where a MyPlacards entry without a pin couldn't be deleted.

Иконка для RUP Record 1.2.0

RUP Record (v. 1.2.0)

Sheridan Programmers Guild опубликовал приложение 2012-09-13
(обновлено 2012-09-13)

RUP Record helps private pesticide applicators comply with the record-keeping requirements of the federal regulations on restricted-use pesticides (RUP).  Failure to comply with these regulations can result in civil penalties of $500 or more.

Your phone provides the date, time, and location information.  RUP Record remembers your name and applicator id.  All you do out in the field is fill in a simple form with the application-specific data. The resulting record, which meets the USDA requirements, is then emailed to you.  Print it out, drop it into a file folder, and you’ve complied with the regulation that the information be on file within 14 days and be kept for at least two years.

Use RUPRecord for keeping track of both spot and area applications. It remembers the names and ids of the restricted-use pesticides you’ve applied, making it even easier to record additional applications from the same container.

If you don’t have cell phone service out in the field, no problem.  The app stores the email in its own outbox, waits until you get in range of a cell phone tower, and then transmits the record.

Please note that your state may have its own record-keeping requirements that exceed those of the USDA and, if so, you are fully responsible for meeting those requirements.  We do provide a Notes field that may allow you to enter the extra data required but it is up to you to determine if the resulting record does, in fact, meet all applicable standards.

Note also that this app is only intended for use by private applicators.  It does not meet the USDA RUP record-keeping requirements for commercial applicators.  Nor is it intended to generate records that satisfy state or federal worker protection standards (WPS).

If you have problems, questions, or suggestions (and, particularly, if you are looking for an app for commercial applicators) please email us at support@sherprog.com.

If you are involved in educating or regulating private pesticide applicators and you would like to receive a free review/demo copy of this app, please email your request to us at reviews@sherprog.com

Recent Update Summary:

*Fixed a small bug in the “About” button in the outbox’s menu.

*Messages that have not been sent will automatically be retried when the phone now reboots.
*Removed the move to SD Card capability; conflicts with the new automatic retry feature.
*Fixed some odd behavior with the outbox layout.

*Fixed a small bug that was causing the Retry and Resend all buttons to remain visible when they shouldn’t be.

*Added an outbox that will automatically retry sending emails until successful.  This means that you can use the product in field locations where you don’t have cell phone service!  The records are just queued up on the phone and emailed later when you get back into cell tower range.
*Added Move to SD Card capability.
*Improved ‘Preferences’ interface; should make it easier to set up the app initially and to change settings as needed.

* Clarified disclaimer text based on feedback we've gotten from early users.

* Initial version with special early access pricing.

Иконка для SnapToMe Plus 1.3.1

SnapToMe Plus (v. 1.3.1)

Sheridan Programmers Guild опубликовал приложение 2012-07-16
(обновлено 2012-07-16)

Snap a picture from your camera directly to your email inbox, in just two quick clicks.  Works even if you don't have cell service when you take the photo!

Do you ever take pictures on your phone and need to get them back to your desktop reliably, without having to futz with cables and uploads?  Do you want them in your email inbox where you can easily forward them to co-workers or vendors?  Do you ever need to do that “out in the field” when you may be without cell phone service? Do you ever use photos to record the way you found a worksite when you got there or the state you left it in when you were done?

Now you can go from camera to inbox in two clicks -- just Capture and Send.  Our app automatically records the date, time, and location and includes them in the email, great for documenting what/where/when with an indisputable photographic record.  And, if you don’t have cell service when you take your picture, it will be queued up for transmission as soon as you get back in range.


You configure a destination email address the first time you run the app.  For maximum flexibility, make it your own email address.  Then you can review the picture and download/upload it or forward to anyone, anywhere from your inbox.  Or, if you routinely use a photo sharing service such as Flickr, which has an email upload feature, use that email address instead and go from phone to Flickr in two quick clicks.

After you press the Send button, the email/photo is transmitted in the background, leaving you free to Capture another photo.  If you don’t have service when you hit Send, the email will be queued and transmitted as soon as you get back in range.

You can use the Notes button to enter a Subject for the email and as much text for the body of the email as you want.  If you do enter your own subject, that text will also be used for the name of the photo.  If you don’t use Notes before you press Send, the email subject line and the name of the photo will always be SnapToMePlus appended with the date and time. This means that typing in a Subject before you hit Send can make it much, much easier long term to be able to search your email/harddrive for a specific photo.

Note that the pictures captured by SnapToMePlus are NOT usually stored in the Gallery on your phone, although we have reports that this is happening on some specific phone models.  Please email us at support@sherprog.com if you are interested in this feature; we may be able to add this as a feature if folks want it.

If you’re interested in SnapToMePlus but you’d like to try some of the features before you buy, check-out SnapToMe -- available for free in the Android Market!

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