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Иконка для Onhangul (Korean Keyboard) 2.3

Onhangul (Korean Keyboard) (v. 2.3)

온한글 опубликовал приложение 2011-12-06
(обновлено 2011-12-06)

If you are looking for easy and quick Korean Alphabet, Hangul IME, I recommend Onhangul app. This new smartphone app is easy and quick Hangul keyboard. Any Question is welcom to my email: onhangul@gmail.com
Onhangul developer will respond directly. ^ ^

★ How to set up Onhangul after installation
unlike other apps, the keyboard app need to go through the settings step 2 below.
1. Phone settings> language and keyboard> check Onhangul(온한글).
2. After pressing and holding prompt on text edit screen with your finger, "Input Method" menu appears. Please to check Onhangul(온한글).
[Note] Step 1 appears warning message for possibility of illegal privacy information collection. But don't worry. Onhangul never collect your privacy information.

★ character input method
Hangul is not the result of an accident but the result of careful scientific research.
According Hunminjungum,
ㄱ, ㄴ, ㅁ, ㅅ, ㅇ are basic consonants,
and ㅋ,ㄷ,ㅌ,ㅂ,ㅍ,ㅈ,ㅊ,ㅎ are derivated consonants
With consonant transform button(~button), basic consonants transfome to derivated consonants
basic, 1 stroke add, 2 stroke add
ㄱ         ㅋ
ㄴ         ㄷ          ㅌ
ㅁ         ㅂ          ㅍ
ㅅ         ㅈ          ㅊ
ㅇ         ㅎ

※ ㄹdoes not derive, also is not derived consonant

In other words,
basic consonants:ㄱ, ㄴ, ㅁ, ㅅ, ㅇ
1stroke add :ㅋ(ㄱ), ㄷ(ㄴ), ㅂ(ㅁ), ㅈ(ㅅ), ㅎ(ㅇ)
2stroke add  : ㅌ(ㄷ), ㅍ(ㅂ), ㅊ(ㅈ)

The principle has been used into Onhangul.
~ button can transform other consonants as follows:
ㅋ = ㄱ + ~
ㄷ = ㄴ + ~
ㅌ = ㄴ + ~ + ~
ㅈ = ㅅ + ~
ㅊ = ㅅ + ~ + ~
ㅂ = ㅁ + ~
ㅍ = ㅁ + ~ + ~
ㅎ = ㅇ + ~

ㄸ = ㄴ + ~ +ㄴ + ~
ㄲ = ㄱ + ㄱ
ㅆ = ㅅ + ㅅ
ㅉ = ㅅ + ~ + ㅅ + ~
ㅃ = ㅁ + ~ + ㅁ + ~

according to the principle of Heaven(•), earth(ㅡ), human(ㅣ)
ㅏ = ㅣ + •
ㅑ = ㅣ + • + •
ㅓ = • + ㅣ
ㅕ = • + • + ㅣ
ㅗ = • + ㅡ
ㅛ = • + • + ㅡ
ㅜ = ㅡ + •
ㅠ = ㅡ + • + •
ㅟ = ㅡ + • + ㅣ
ㅝ = ㅡ + • + • + ㅣ
ㅚ = • + ㅡ + ㅣ
ㅘ = • + ㅡ + ㅣ + •
ㅞ = ㅡ + • + • + ㅣ + ㅣ
ㅙ = • + ㅡ + ㅣ + • + ㅣ

it is very simple.
Hangul, he implied, the beauty of simplicity!

The number in Hangul mode is entered by pressing the button and hold. Capitalized in the English mode, press and hold the Enter button is

★ Keywords: method, ime, korea, korean, qwerty,Hangeul,input, keypad

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