If you are having problems with the humidity level in your home, and you have a basic thermometer and hygrometer which shows temperature and relative humidity, you can use this application to track humidity over time.
When you take a reading, you must enter temperature in degrees C, and relative humidity as a percentage.
If you know it, you can also enter the accuracy of your instruments e.g. ±1 degree; if you don't know this, you can use the default accuracy.
The application will then calculate estimates of dew point and water vapour density (how much water is in the air).
If you want, you can then save the point into one of six data banks. Stored points can then be graphed so that you can see if there is a trend over time.
NOTE: If this free app is useful for you, please do me a favour and try out my word game 'Four letter words' (search for that, you should find it, the icon has a big 4 in); there's a free demo and a paid version.