Новые бесплатные в категории 'Погода' в Android Market

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141-150 из 515
Иконка для WGN Weather 2.0.1

WGN Weather (v. 2.0.1)

WSI Corporation опубликовал приложение 2012-07-16
(обновлено 2012-07-16)

When in doubt, Chicago turns to WGN-TV chief meteorologist Tom Skilling and his team to understand the weather. With the Chicago Weather Center app, you will have the latest forecasts and reports on current conditions from Chicago's superman of meteorology with you wherever you go.


• Highly responsive interactive map optimized for 3G and WiFi performance
• Vertical and horizontal map display with looping
• NOWrad, the gold standard for radar in the weather industry
• Highest resolution satellite cloud imagery available
• Exclusive patent pending Road Weather Index
• Color coded weather alerts arranged by severity
• Fully integrated GPS for current location awareness
• Integrated compass overlay
• Most accurate 10 day forecasts with both daily and hourly detail
• Ability to easily save your favorite locations
• Full featured and user tested
• Weather Widget for unlock page
• Earthquake Plotting
• Storm Track Plotting
• Tropical Track Plotting
• Status bar alert acknowledgement
• Alerts over map on/off switch in settings
• Additional Small Widget
• Widget Configuration (Daily or Hourly view)
• Watch/Warning (Alert) boxes on map.
• Spanish language support; NOTE: Language used in the app will reflect the overall language being used for the device
• Ability to acknowledge Alerts from within the app
• Audio, LED, and vibrate for Alert Notifications
• Feature tips to help users more fully take advantage of app features

Иконка для 말하는 웨더 알람 1.8

말하는 웨더 알람 (v. 1.8)

WIDEWIT опубликовал приложение 2012-07-15
(обновлено 2012-07-15)

1.6버전 업데이트 안내.

주간예보 듣기 기능이 추가 되었습니다.

기타 버그가 수정 되었습니다.

똑똑한 말하는 웨더 알람 많은 이용 감사 드립니다.


휴대폰 속 들리는 기상청, 말하는 웨더알람
신나게 외출한 당신, 예고도 없이 갑자기 쏟아지는 비에
흠뻑 젖으셨나요?
아침에 일어나기도 힘든데 일기예보 하나 보기 위해 떠지지도
않은 눈으로 TV를 트신다구요?

이제는 날씨 걱정 하지 마세요
말하는 웨더알람이 당신의 아침과 일기예보를 책임지겠습니다.
언제든지 알람을 맞춰놓은 시간에 따라 실시간 날씨정보를
들려드리는 똑똑한 알람!

더 이상 날씨 때문에 망설이지 마세요.
당신의 화창한 매일을 기원합니다.

자매품 일상의 파트너, WLife

* 이용안내
- 알람추가(+) : 알람을 추가로 등록합니다.
- 알람삭제(x) : 등록된 알람을 삭제합니다.
- 알람ON/OFF : 알람을 ON/OFF 할 수 있습니다.
- 오늘 날씨 듣기 : 선택한 지역의 오늘 일기 예보를 바로 들을 수 있습니다.
- 주간 날씨 듣기 : 선택한 지역의 주간 일기 예보를 바로 들을 수 있습니다.

* 문의사항이나 건의사항은 댓글 또는 이메일을 이용해 주세요.

※기상 정보 제공 : 기상청

Иконка для Yartemp.com widget 1.0

Yartemp.com widget (v. 1.0)

Oleg Elifantiev опубликовал приложение 2012-07-12
(обновлено 2012-07-12)

Online realtime air temperature in Yaroslavl, Russia from personal digital outdoor sensor.

Data provided by http://yartemp.com (c) @force_net
Written by @lexaguskov
Splash logo by Kravtsov Vladimir

Иконка для Weer & Zo 3.4

Weer & Zo (v. 3.4)

Klwinkel.com опубликовал приложение 2012-07-09
(обновлено 2012-07-09)

Meest complete android weer app voor Nederland.
Geeft een uitgebreid beeld van het weer in Nederland door het tonen van diverse actuele en verwachtings kaarten.
Daarnaast toont de app ook nog diverse andere interessante kaarten van Nederland.

App neemt zeer weinig ruimte in, slechts 124Kb!

Zeer eenvoudige bediening, doordat alle kaarten met 1 klik op het juiste tab-blad, op te roepen zijn. Geen ingewikkelde configuratie opties.

Alle weerinformatie in deze app is publiekelijk beschikbaar op het internet, daarom is deze app natuurlijk ook gratis en zal dat ook blijven.

Alle kaarten zijn zoombaar en de volgorde van de kaarten is ook volledig configureerbaar. Als u schermen wilt weglaten is dat ook mogelijk. Gebruik menu toets om dit te doen.

Welke weerinformatie kunt u in deze app vinden:

+ Onweer ontladingen huidige dag
+ Temperatuur kaart
+ Neerslag kaart
+ Wind (m/s) kaart
+ Wind (bft) kaart
+ Zicht kaart
+ Gevoelstemperatuur kaart (alleen tijdens wintertijd)
+ Fijnstof kaart
+ Zonkracht (UV-index)
+ Satelietkaart Europa
+ Radioactieve straling
+ Isobaren/Luchtdruk

Overige weerkaarten:

+ Verwachtingen (vandaag en morgen)
+ Waarschuwingen (vandaag en morgen)
+ Teletekst pagina 703
+ Teletekst pagina 704
+ Natuurbrand gevaar
+ seismogram

Sneller (en makkelijker) dan via je browser de informatie ophalen, alles bij elkaar in één app.

Als u suggesties heeft voor nieuwe kaarten, dan hoor ik ze graag.

Kaarten komen van de KNMI, weeronline.nl MetOffice en het RIVM.
Teletekst informatie komt van NOS Teletekst.

Иконка для METAR Grabber 1.3

METAR Grabber (v. 1.3)

Amrit Ayalur опубликовал приложение 2012-07-08
(обновлено 2012-07-08)

This is my first ever android app. It fetches the most recent raw METAR (and now TAF) data for any airport in the world from NOAA. Comments and ratings are appreciated!

On a side note, I am a high school student and I developed this app during the summer. I have kept this ad-free and have left it at no cost to the user. I would greatly appreciate it if you could make a donation of any amount to support me. Donations can be made to my PayPal account: slicekick@gmail.com


Иконка для Wetterwarner 7.1

Wetterwarner (v. 7.1)

Stephans Apps опубликовал приложение 2012-07-08
(обновлено 2012-07-08)

Die App bietet einen einfachen und komfortablen Zugriff auf die mobilen Seiten des DWD (Deutscher Wetterdienst)auf der es das aktuelle Wetter und Warnungen vor Unwetter gibt.

Hier gibt es Unwetterwarnungen für alle Landkreise und eine Wochenvorhersage der möglichen Unwetter Gefahren (Gewitter, Hagel, Schnee, Eis, Sturm oder was auch immer).

Zusätzlich kann ein Hintergrundservice aktiviert werden, der regelmäßig die Wetterwarnungen checkt und eine Unwetterwarung im Display des Handys zeigt. Hierzu muss die App nicht gestartet sein. Hier wird die Region verwendet die im Regionenfenster ausgewählt wurde. Eine zweite Region kann in den Einstellungen aktiviert werden.

NEU - Jetzk können die Warnungen auch in einem Widget dargestellt werden. Funktioniert nur wenn die App NICHT auf der SD-Karte instelliert ist. Aktualisierung des Widgets aktuell fix 60 Minuten.

Die App funktioniert aktuell NUR für Deutschland.

Dies ist KEINE offizielle App des DWD sondern lediglich eine optimierter Browser mit praktischen Zusatzfunktionen.

Schlechte Bewertungen helfen nicht die App zu verbessern, schickt mir lieber Fehlermeldungen oder Wünsche!

Um mehr Platz auf dem Bildschirm zu haben kann die Tableiste über einen langen Klick oder das Optionsmenü ausgeblendet werden.

Für die Qualität der Meldungen übernehme ich keine Verantwortung.

Иконка для AusSnowCam (Free) 3.3

AusSnowCam (Free) (v. 3.3)

James Giang опубликовал приложение 2012-07-07
(обновлено 2012-07-07)


Craving some snow?

See what's happening at snow resorts across Australia from your phone/tablet with ease!
AusSnowCam provides you with a simple interface to quickly browse snow cams of various snow resorts in Australia.

To show your support for the app and sponsor the developer's coffee fund - please purchase the donate version of the app on the market.

Currently supports the following resorts

-Mt Buller
-Mt Hotham
-Falls Creek
-Mt Baw Baw
-Lake Mountain

New South Wales
-Selwyn Snowfields
-Charlotte Pass

-Ben Lomond
-Mt Mawson

This app is not affiliated with any of the above mentioned snow resorts. All images are copyright to their respective owners.

Weather Data:
Copyright Commonwealth of Australia 2011, Bureau of Meteorology.
For more information see: http://www.bom.gov.au/other/copyright.shtml

Source code available on GitHub https://github.com/jamesgiang/AusSnowCam

==Please Note==
If you have issues launching the app after updating to version 3+, please re-install the app to fix

-Added Tasmanian snowfields (Ben Lomond and Mt Mawson)
-Added donation support on free app
-Released donate version of app (no ads)
-Added Honeycomb 3.2 support
-Readjusted menu layout

-Added weather support

-Added all cams for Hotham
-Fixed up cam names for Thredbo and Perisher

-Fixed issue with Charlotte Pass and Lake Mountain incorrectly loading Selwyn cams on phone (Thanks Jason!)

-Added menu icons
-Major codebase refactoring

-Optimized layout for tablet devices
-Supports dual-pane viewing for both portrait and landscape
-Cam selection now in a list as opposed to a spinner
-Resort selection now part of the Action Bar

-Fixed issue with Charlotte Pass' webcams not loading due to new URLs
-Dropped support Android 1.5 in preparation for Honeycomb updates

-Added support for "Little Buller Spur" cam for Mt Buller
-Added support for Lake Mountain
-Fixed ad & spinner alignment

-Added support for Selwyn Snowfields and Charlotte Pass
-Added Google Analytics tracking
-Fixed up ad loading issue
-Retweaked codebase

-Added support for Mt Baw Baw, Thredbo and Perisher
-AusSnowCam now licensed under Apache License Version 2.0

-Added Small screen support

-Initial release
-Supports Mt Buller, Mt Hotham and Falls Creek

Иконка для Quaker 2.3.0

Quaker (v. 2.3.0)

Appaholics опубликовал приложение 2012-07-06
(обновлено 2012-07-06)

Are you planning a holiday? Do you know if an earthquake is taking place somewhere close by?

Quaker is an app that tells you which places have had earthquakes in the past 24 hours.

With high detail google maps and offering normal map views and satellite imagery this app beats all the others.

It can help you decide where to go, which cities to avoid and which relative to rescue.

As of know it only shows earthquakes for the past 24 hours. This app can help to be safe and help others reach safety and avoid disasters.

Иконка для Weather Forecast Addon Tablet 5.6.2

Weather Forecast Addon Tablet (v. 5.6.2)

Android Apps опубликовал приложение 2012-07-02
(обновлено 2012-07-02)

-Forecast animation addon: optimized for tablet size devices

=== HTC like full screen animation when you unlock phone, disabled on older phones by default, enable it in setting ==

==click forecast icon displays the forecast, click text to launch shortcut==

**change the skin to whatever you want with build-in skin downloader and installer**

Иконка для Moon Watch 1.1

Moon Watch (v. 1.1)

Paradex Media опубликовал приложение 2012-07-02
(обновлено 2012-07-02)

Requires Flash.

If you want to follow the phases of the moon, this is the simplest application, with one click it shows you the current moon phase.

There are many professions that need to know the current moon position; fisherman, hunter, gardener, photographer, hiker, boater/sailor, nature lover,star gazer, historian, scientist, educator, investor, psychologist, astronomer, medical practitioner astrologer, new ager, paranormal investigator, military leader, religious leader and many others.

If you want to predict, research, or track the moon, you will love this application!

(The application requires a recent version of flash installed. For more information please visit: www.moonconnection.com)

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