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Последние обновлённые в категории 'Достопримечательности' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
5851-5860 из 6979
Иконка для Norway Subway & Bus 1.0

Norway Subway & Bus (v. 1.0)

Sai Tiam опубликовал приложение 2011-06-24
(обновлено 2011-06-24)

Norge metrostasjon & Bus

Merk: yongSubway2 er den andre utgaven av yongsubway. Det viser en omfattende liste over nærliggende bussholdeplasser og stasjoner. Enkelte ankomsttid for T-bane og buss er ikke tilgjengelig ennå. Når de er utgitt av myndighet, vil de være umiddelbart tilgjengelig på yongSubway. Nyt! http://yongsubway2.appspot.com

En 100% gratis app for å finne nærliggende T-bane og buss ankomst i store Russland byer og tettsteder.

- Få undergrunnsbaner, busser og stopper i nærheten av din posisjon
- Rask visning av din favoritt bussen ankomst dersom data er tilgjengelig
- Rask, enkel og praktisk

Jeg har laget yongSubway i fritiden. Det dekker hele regionen. Som det er veldig nytt, ville jeg være takknemlig hvis du kan din tilbakemelding bruk problem eller dele reisen skjer i app deling delen.

yongSubway tjener sin hensikt hvis det kan spare deg for tid. Med yongSubway, kan du enkelt sjekke hva bussen for å gå til din destinasjon. Med kun en knapp, kan du vite alle bussene
og tog som er i nærheten av din nåværende posisjon.

Takk veldig mye.

- GPS må være aktivert
- God 3G / wifi-tilkobling
- Android 2 og over / iPhone


   En. Oslo Transit laget kun

Norway Subway & Bus

Note: yongSubway2 is the second edition of yongsubway. It display a comprehensive list of nearby bus stops and stations. Certain arrival time for subway and bus are not available yet. When they are released by the authority, they will be instantly available on yongSubway. Enjoy!  http://yongsubway2.appspot.com  

A 100% free app to find nearby subway and bus arrival in major Russia cities and towns.

- Get subways, buses and stops near your location
- Quick view of your favorite bus arrival if data is available
- Fast, simple and convenient

I have created yongSubway in my free time. It covers the whole region. As it is very new, I would be grateful if you can feedback your usage issue or share your journey happening in the app sharing section.

yongSubway serves its purpose if it can save you time. With yongSubway, you can easily check what bus to go to your destination. With only 1 button, you can know all the buses
and trains that are near to your current location.

Thank you very much.

- GPS must be enabled
- Good 3G / wifi connection
- Android 2 and above / iPhone


   1. Oslo Transit layer only

Иконка для Poland Subway & Bus 1.0

Poland Subway & Bus (v. 1.0)

Sai Tiam опубликовал приложение 2011-06-24
(обновлено 2011-06-24)

Subway & Bus Polska

Uwaga: yongSubway2 jest druga edycja yongsubway. To wyświetlić pełną listę przystanków autobusowych i stacji. Niektóre czas przybycia na metro i autobus nie są jeszcze dostępne. Gdy są one dopuszczone przez organ, będą one natychmiast dostępne w yongSubway. Enjoy! http://yongsubway2.appspot.com

100% bezpłatna aplikacja do znalezienia pobliskiej stacji metra i autobus przyjazdu w największych miastach Rosji i miast.

- Get metro, autobusy i przystanki w pobliżu lokalizacji
- Szybki podgląd swoich ulubionych przyjazdu autobusu, jeśli dane są dostępne
- Szybki, prosty i wygodny

Stworzyłem yongSubway w wolnym czasie. Obejmuje ona cały region. Ponieważ jest to bardzo nowy, byłbym wdzięczny, gdyby można opinie problemu użytkowania lub udziału podróży dzieje się w sekcji udostępniania aplikacji.

yongSubway spełnia swoje zadanie, jeżeli można zaoszczędzić czas. Z yongSubway, można łatwo sprawdzić, co autobus, aby przejść do miejsca docelowego. Tylko 1 przycisk, można poznać wszystkie autobusy
i pociągów, które obok swojej aktualnej lokalizacji.

Dziękuję bardzo.

- GPS musi być włączona
- Dobry 3G / wifi
- Android 2 i powyżej / iPhone


   1. Białostocka Komunikacja Miejska w Białymstoku
   2. Olsztyn MPK Olsztyn
   3. Szczecin ZDiTM Szczecin
   4. Warszawa Transit tylko warstwę
   5. Zielona Góra MZK Zielona Góra

Poland Subway & Bus

Note: yongSubway2 is the second edition of yongsubway. It display a comprehensive list of nearby bus stops and stations. Certain arrival time for subway and bus are not available yet. When they are released by the authority, they will be instantly available on yongSubway. Enjoy!  http://yongsubway2.appspot.com  

A 100% free app to find nearby subway and bus arrival in major Russia cities and towns.

- Get subways, buses and stops near your location
- Quick view of your favorite bus arrival if data is available
- Fast, simple and convenient

I have created yongSubway in my free time. It covers the whole region. As it is very new, I would be grateful if you can feedback your usage issue or share your journey happening in the app sharing section.

yongSubway serves its purpose if it can save you time. With yongSubway, you can easily check what bus to go to your destination. With only 1 button, you can know all the buses
and trains that are near to your current location.

Thank you very much.

- GPS must be enabled
- Good 3G / wifi connection
- Android 2 and above / iPhone


   1. Białystok Białostocka Komunikacja Miejska
   2. Olsztyn MPK Olsztyn
   3. Szczecin ZDiTM Szczecin
   4. Warsaw Transit layer only
   5. Zielona Góra MZK Zielona Góra

Иконка для France Subway & Bus 1.0

France Subway & Bus (v. 1.0)

Sai Tiam опубликовал приложение 2011-06-24
(обновлено 2011-06-24)

Métro & Bus France

Note: yongSubway2 est la deuxième édition de yongsubway. Il affiche une liste complète des arrêts de bus à proximité et les stations. Certains heure d'arrivée pour le métro et les bus ne sont pas encore disponibles. Quand ils sont libérés par l'autorité, ils seront instantanément disponibles sur yongSubway. Amusez-vous! http://yongsubway2.appspot.com

Une application 100% gratuit pour trouver de métro à proximité et l'arrivée des autobus dans les villes de la Russie et les villes importantes.

- Obtenez les métros, les autobus et des arrêts à proximité de votre emplacement
- Vue rapide de votre arrivée bus favori si des données sont disponibles
- Rapide, simple et pratique

J'ai créé yongSubway dans mon temps libre. Il couvre toute la région. Comme il est très nouveau, je vous serais reconnaissant si vous pouvez le feedback de votre problème d'utilisation ou de partager votre voyage se passe dans la section application de partage.

yongSubway sert son objectif si elle peut vous faire gagner du temps. Avec yongSubway, vous pouvez facilement vérifier ce bus pour se rendre à votre destination. Avec seulement 1 bouton, vous pouvez connaître tous les bus
et les trains qui sont à proximité de votre emplacement actuel.

Je vous remercie beaucoup.

- GPS doit être activé
- Bonne 3G / connexion wifi
- Android 2 et plus / iPhone


   1. Bordeaux TBC
   2. Choletbus Cholet (via Urbineris Mecatran)
   3. Dax Nouveau! RDTL (via Mecatran)
   4. Lille Transit seule couche
   5. Lyon Transit seule couche
   6. Marseille transit seule couche
   7. Maubeuge Stibus
   8. Paris Transit seule couche
   9. Rennes Transit seule couche
  10. Strasbourg Transit seule couche
  11. Toulouse Transit seule couche

France Subway & Bus

Note: yongSubway2 is the second edition of yongsubway. It display a comprehensive list of nearby bus stops and stations. Certain arrival time for subway and bus are not available yet. When they are released by the authority, they will be instantly available on yongSubway. Enjoy!  http://yongsubway2.appspot.com  

A 100% free app to find nearby subway and bus arrival in major Russia cities and towns.

- Get subways, buses and stops near your location
- Quick view of your favorite bus arrival if data is available
- Fast, simple and convenient

I have created yongSubway in my free time. It covers the whole region. As it is very new, I would be grateful if you can feedback your usage issue or share your journey happening in the app sharing section.

yongSubway serves its purpose if it can save you time. With yongSubway, you can easily check what bus to go to your destination. With only 1 button, you can know all the buses
and trains that are near to your current location.

Thank you very much.

- GPS must be enabled
- Good 3G / wifi connection
- Android 2 and above / iPhone


   1. Bordeaux TBC
   2. Cholet Choletbus (via Mecatran Urbineris)
   3. Dax New! RDTL (via Mecatran)
   4. Lille Transit layer only
   5. Lyon Transit layer only
   6. Marseille Transit layer only
   7. Maubeuge Stibus
   8. Paris Transit layer only
   9. Rennes Transit layer only
  10. Strasbourg Transit layer only
  11. Toulouse Transit layer only

Иконка для Denmark Subway & Bus 1.0

Denmark Subway & Bus (v. 1.0)

Sai Tiam опубликовал приложение 2011-06-24
(обновлено 2011-06-24)

Denemarken Subway & Bus

Opmerking: yongSubway2 is de tweede editie van yongsubway. Het geeft een uitgebreide lijst van de nabijgelegen bushaltes en stations. Bepaalde aankomsttijd voor de metro en bus zijn nog niet beschikbaar. Zodra ze zijn vrijgegeven door de overheid, zullen ze onmiddellijk beschikbaar zijn op yongSubway. Genieten! http://yongsubway2.appspot.com

Een 100% gratis app naar de nabijgelegen metro en bus bij aankomst in de grote Russische steden en dorpen te vinden.

- Haal de metro, bussen en haltes in de buurt van uw locatie
- Snelle weergave van uw favoriete bus aankomst als gegevens beschikbaar zijn
- Snel, eenvoudig en handig

Ik heb gemaakt yongSubway in mijn vrije tijd. Het bestrijkt de hele regio. Want het is erg nieuw, zou ik dankbaar zijn als u uw verbruik feedback geven of deel je reis gebeurt in de App delen sectie.

yongSubway dient zijn doel als het u tijd kan besparen. Met yongSubway, kunt u eenvoudig controleren welke bus naar uw bestemming. Met slechts 1 knop, kun je weten alle bussen
en treinen die in de buurt van je huidige locatie.

Dank u zeer veel.

- GPS moet worden ingeschakeld
- Goede 3G / wifi-verbinding
- Android 2 en hoger / iPhone


    1. Denemarken Rejseplanen

Denmark Subway & Bus

Note: yongSubway2 is the second edition of yongsubway. It display a comprehensive list of nearby bus stops and stations. Certain arrival time for subway and bus are not available yet. When they are released by the authority, they will be instantly available on yongSubway. Enjoy!  http://yongsubway2.appspot.com  

A 100% free app to find nearby subway and bus arrival in major Russia cities and towns.

- Get subways, buses and stops near your location
- Quick view of your favorite bus arrival if data is available
- Fast, simple and convenient

I have created yongSubway in my free time. It covers the whole region. As it is very new, I would be grateful if you can feedback your usage issue or share your journey happening in the app sharing section.

yongSubway serves its purpose if it can save you time. With yongSubway, you can easily check what bus to go to your destination. With only 1 button, you can know all the buses
and trains that are near to your current location.

Thank you very much.

- GPS must be enabled
- Good 3G / wifi connection
- Android 2 and above / iPhone


   1. Denmark Rejseplanen

Иконка для Bulgaria Subway & Bus 1.0

Bulgaria Subway & Bus (v. 1.0)

Sai Tiam опубликовал приложение 2011-06-24
(обновлено 2011-06-24)

България метро и автобус

Забележка: yongSubway2 е второто издание на yongsubway. Това показва подробен списък на близките спирки и гари. Някои време на пристигане за метро и автобус все още няма. Когато те се освобождават от органа, те ще бъдат незабавно на разположение на yongSubway. Наслаждавайте се! http://yongsubway2.appspot.com

А 100% безплатно приложение за намиране наблизо метро и автобус пристигане в големите градове и малките градове на Русия.

- Вземете метрото, автобусите и спира близо до населено място
- Бърз оглед на любимия си автобус пристигане, ако има налични данни
- Бързо, лесно и удобно

Аз създадох yongSubway в свободното си време. Той обхваща целия регион. Тъй като това е съвсем нова, аз ще бъда благодарен, ако можете да вашето мнение използване въпрос или да споделите вашето пътуване става в приложението споделяне раздел.

yongSubway постига целите си, ако може да ви спести време. С yongSubway, лесно можете да проверите какво автобус да отида до вашата дестинация. Само с един бутон можете да знаете всички автобуси
и влакове, които са в близост до текущото си местоположение.

Благодаря Ви много.

- GPS трябва да се даде възможност
- Добро 3G / WiFi връзка
- Android 2 и повече / iPhone


    1. София транзит слой само

Bulgaria Subway & Bus

Note: yongSubway2 is the second edition of yongsubway. It display a comprehensive list of nearby bus stops and stations. Certain arrival time for subway and bus are not available yet. When they are released by the authority, they will be instantly available on yongSubway. Enjoy!  http://yongsubway2.appspot.com  

A 100% free app to find nearby subway and bus arrival in major Russia cities and towns.

- Get subways, buses and stops near your location
- Quick view of your favorite bus arrival if data is available
- Fast, simple and convenient

I have created yongSubway in my free time. It covers the whole region. As it is very new, I would be grateful if you can feedback your usage issue or share your journey happening in the app sharing section.

yongSubway serves its purpose if it can save you time. With yongSubway, you can easily check what bus to go to your destination. With only 1 button, you can know all the buses
and trains that are near to your current location.

Thank you very much.

- GPS must be enabled
- Good 3G / wifi connection
- Android 2 and above / iPhone


   1. Sofia Transit layer only

Иконка для iSki NorAm 1.0

iSki NorAm (v. 1.0)

intermaps опубликовал приложение 2011-06-23
(обновлено 2011-06-23)

iSki NorAm offers daily updated data and information on US and Canadian skiing areas. Detailed information on snow situation, open lifts and slopes, weather and livecams, even up-to-date panorama maps can be viewed.

Let's iSki!

Sorting by distance, name, snow conditions, size of the skiing resort
Save personal favorites
24 h cache function (offline)

- Current resort status
- Weather forecast incl. temperature
- Map display
- skimap – panorama
- Tips
- Lifts (open/total)
- Slopes (open/total)
- Snow values and quality
- Livecam(s)

Content: Sitour, feratel, intermaps + Partner

iSki by intermaps

Иконка для Verbier 2.00

Verbier (v. 2.00)

Whatamap.com опубликовал приложение 2011-06-23
(обновлено 2011-06-23)

Verbier Mobile is a GPS-enabled mobile guide to Verbier skiing resort, including

- Info guide / Yellow pages. - Over 800 entries for businesses, public services and events.
- Ski maps of Verbier and 4 Valleys.
- Street maps of Verbier and Le Châble.

Иконка для Catalan to Finnish Phrasebook 1.0.2

Catalan to Finnish Phrasebook (v. 1.0.2)

Phrasebook King опубликовал приложение 2011-06-23
(обновлено 2011-06-23)

Phrasebook and Translator contains all the essential travel words and phrases you will need, more than 250 phrases and words which will help you on your trip. All of content is downloaded onto your device so you do not need internet connection to use this app. In addition to the phrasebook, this app includes a full Translator which you can use with internet or data connection, translating over a million words and phrases. Use the search feature to quickly find the phrase you need, or browse one of the nine categories. The categories are Public Transportation, Common Phrases, Shopping, Restaurants, Numbers and Money, Emergencies, Hotels, Dates and Times, Asking for Directions, and Other. Rated one of the top phrasebook apps. A must have application for your trip.

Иконка для Catalan to Spanish Phrasebook 1.0.2

Catalan to Spanish Phrasebook (v. 1.0.2)

Phrasebook King опубликовал приложение 2011-06-23
(обновлено 2011-06-23)

Phrasebook and Translator contains all the essential travel words and phrases you will need, more than 250 phrases and words which will help you on your trip. All of content is downloaded onto your device so you do not need internet connection to use this app. In addition to the phrasebook, this app includes a full Translator which you can use with internet or data connection, translating over a million words and phrases. Use the search feature to quickly find the phrase you need, or browse one of the nine categories. The categories are Public Transportation, Common Phrases, Shopping, Restaurants, Numbers and Money, Emergencies, Hotels, Dates and Times, Asking for Directions, and Other. Rated one of the top phrasebook apps. A must have application for your trip.

Иконка для Catalan to English Phrasebook 1.0.2

Catalan to English Phrasebook (v. 1.0.2)

Phrasebook King опубликовал приложение 2011-06-23
(обновлено 2011-06-23)

Phrasebook and Translator contains all the essential travel words and phrases you will need, more than 250 phrases and words which will help you on your trip. All of content is downloaded onto your device so you do not need internet connection to use this app. In addition to the phrasebook, this app includes a full Translator which you can use with internet or data connection, translating over a million words and phrases. Use the search feature to quickly find the phrase you need, or browse one of the nine categories. The categories are Public Transportation, Common Phrases, Shopping, Restaurants, Numbers and Money, Emergencies, Hotels, Dates and Times, Asking for Directions, and Other. Rated one of the top phrasebook apps. A must have application for your trip.

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