엘도라도펜션 (v. 1.0)
TMGmobile опубликовал приложение 2011-07-30
50m앞에 바다가 바로 앞으로 펼쳐지는 환상의 펜션 엘도라도! 서해바다의 낭만이 있는 마검포 해수욕장 앞에 위치한 엘도라도 펜션은 특별함이 가득한 곳입니다. 건물과 내부에 독특한 일러스트 벽화가 분위기있게 연출되어 있어 이국적인 느낌과 함께 동화속의 주인공이 된듯한 느낌을 주는 사랑스런 펜션 엘도라도로 여러분을 초대합니다. 원형의 미니풀장에서는 100m 천연암반 1급수의 신선한 물로 아이들과 함께 안전하고 시원하게 물놀이를 할 수 있으며, 각 객실마다 DVD 콤보, 보드게임등이 비치되어 영화를 감상과 함께 즐거운 시간을.. 주변의 아름다운 서해바다 해수욕장에서 갯벌체험과 먹거리를 즐길수 있는곳! 바로앞 갯바위의 등대를 배경삼아 바다낚시를 즐길수 있는 천혜의 환경까지 제공합니다. 아름다운 서해낙조를 바라보며 연인과 즐거운 대화속에 엘도라도의 밤은 깊어갑니다. 또한 항상 깔끔하고 정결하게 침구를 관리하고 있으므로 예민하신 분들께도 만족을 드리는 엘도라도 펜션으로 여러분을 초대합니다. |
German Rude Phrasebook LITE (v. 1.3)
MangoTaster опубликовал приложение 2011-07-30
Learn to swear, curse, insult and dirty/sex talk in German. Each phrase is written out, translated to English and has two audio recordings. One normal recording and another slow, 'broken apart' version. Handy to have in Germany. |
Russian Rude Phrasebook LITE (v. 1.3)
MangoTaster опубликовал приложение 2011-07-29
Learn to swear, curse, insult and dirty/sex talk in Russian. Each phrase is written out, translated to English and has two audio recordings. One normal recording and another slow, 'broken apart' version. Handy to have in Russia. |
Slovak Rude Phrasebook LITE (v. 1.3)
MangoTaster опубликовал приложение 2011-07-29
Learn to swear, curse, insult and dirty/sex talk in Slovak. Each phrase is written out, translated to English and has two audio recordings. One normal recording and another slow, 'broken apart' version. Handy to have in Slovakia. |
그림일기펜션 (v. 1.0)
TMGmobile опубликовал приложение 2011-07-29
안면도의 드넓은 바다가 눈앞에 펼쳐지는 곳에 자리잡은 그림일기 펜션은 동화같이 예쁜펜션입니다! 객실별로 스파가 딸려있는 아름다운 인테리어의 방들과 함께 서해바다와 함께 어울어진는 낭만적인 풍경, 유명 관광지인 청포대해수욕장, 마검포, 꽃지해수욕장, 팜카밀레, 천리포수목원, 백사장항, 리솜오션캐슬, 안면암, 자연 휴양림, 토끼바위 등과 가까이 위치하여 있으며 커플여행에 최고의 펜션입니다! 각 객실별 스파시설이 되어 있으며 그림일기 펜션에서만 즐길수 있는 경비행기 체험, 4륜바이크, 서바이벌게임, 갯벌체험, 짜릿한 손맛을 느낄 수 있는 낚시, 바베큐파티 등 재미난 체험활동 등이 가능합니다! 객실별로 LCD TV, 냉장고, 전기밥솥, 드라이기, 럭셔리 가구들, 아름다운 내부 인테리어, 티테이블, 식탁, 취사도구, 침대, 에어컨 등을 갖추었습니다. 저희 펜션은 그림일기, 충남, 태안, 청포대해수욕장, 마검포, 꽃지해수욕장, 팜카밀레, 천리포수목원, 백사장항, 안면암, 자연휴양림, 토끼바위 로 찾아 주세요 |
French Portuguese Translator (v. 1.0.3)
Phrasebook King опубликовал приложение 2011-07-29
Phrasebook and Translator contains all the essential travel words and phrases you will need, more than 250 phrases and words which will help you on your trip. All of content is downloaded onto your device so you do not need internet connection to use this app. In addition to the phrasebook, this app includes a full Translator which you can use with internet or data connection, translating over a million words and phrases. Use the search feature to quickly find the phrase you need, or browse one of the nine categories. The categories are Public Transportation, Common Phrases, Shopping, Restaurants, Numbers and Money, Emergencies, Hotels, Dates and Times, Asking for Directions, and Other. Rated one of the top phrasebook apps. A must have application for your trip. |
French To Romanian Translator (v. 1.0.3)
Phrasebook King опубликовал приложение 2011-07-29
Phrasebook and Translator contains all the essential travel words and phrases you will need, more than 250 phrases and words which will help you on your trip. All of content is downloaded onto your device so you do not need internet connection to use this app. In addition to the phrasebook, this app includes a full Translator which you can use with internet or data connection, translating over a million words and phrases. Use the search feature to quickly find the phrase you need, or browse one of the nine categories. The categories are Public Transportation, Common Phrases, Shopping, Restaurants, Numbers and Money, Emergencies, Hotels, Dates and Times, Asking for Directions, and Other. Rated one of the top phrasebook apps. A must have application for your trip. |
A Season of Fresh Greenery (v. 1)
NEC BIGLOBE Ltd. опубликовал приложение 2011-07-29
A sprout just popping out of the soil, clover speckled with morning dew, bamboo shoots growing straight up, green reflected in the water. "Green" alone cannot describe a world made up of subtle gradations woven from light and wind. These shots show the delicate, yet vital face of new life. Experience the healing power of green when you are tired. Includes 50 images. |
French to Korean Translator (v. 1.0.3)
Phrasebook King опубликовал приложение 2011-07-29
Phrasebook and Translator contains all the essential travel words and phrases you will need, more than 250 phrases and words which will help you on your trip. All of content is downloaded onto your device so you do not need internet connection to use this app. In addition to the phrasebook, this app includes a full Translator which you can use with internet or data connection, translating over a million words and phrases. Use the search feature to quickly find the phrase you need, or browse one of the nine categories. The categories are Public Transportation, Common Phrases, Shopping, Restaurants, Numbers and Money, Emergencies, Hotels, Dates and Times, Asking for Directions, and Other. Rated one of the top phrasebook apps. A must have application for your trip. |
French to Dutch Translator (v. 1.0.3)
Phrasebook King опубликовал приложение 2011-07-29
Phrasebook and Translator contains all the essential travel words and phrases you will need, more than 250 phrases and words which will help you on your trip. All of content is downloaded onto your device so you do not need internet connection to use this app. In addition to the phrasebook, this app includes a full Translator which you can use with internet or data connection, translating over a million words and phrases. Use the search feature to quickly find the phrase you need, or browse one of the nine categories. The categories are Public Transportation, Common Phrases, Shopping, Restaurants, Numbers and Money, Emergencies, Hotels, Dates and Times, Asking for Directions, and Other. Rated one of the top phrasebook apps. A must have application for your trip. |