www.android-online.ru ПриложенияДостопримечательности

Лучшие по рейтингу в категории 'Достопримечательности' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
151-160 из 6979
Иконка для NHM Fribourg 1.4

NHM Fribourg (v. 1.4)

Saphir Consulting опубликовал приложение 2012-11-22
(обновлено 2012-11-22)

The Museum of Natural History of Fribourg (CH) offers you a free application for your Smartphone. With this application, you can get important information on a selection of interesting and unique objects exhibited in the Museum, making your visit all the more enjoyable.

This version is the first in its class for the museum. All comments and suggestions regarding its improvement are welcome!

The Museum of Natural History team wishes you a pleasant visit, full of new information!

This new application is provided by the Société des Amis of the Museum of Natural History of Fribourg and was developed by Saphir Consulting.

Иконка для TXINGUDIenGPS_CT 5.0


Bluguía, S.L. опубликовал приложение 2012-11-22
(обновлено 2012-11-22)

BLUGUIA és una audioguia multimèdia, una guia turística pel teu Smartphone que et guiarà per vuit rutes predeterminades de la Badia del Bidasoa i pels més de 150 punts d'interès, t'informarà sobre el més destacable de cada un d'ells. El funcionament és molt senzill, atractiu i potent. Tries la ruta i el Smartphone t'indica el camí. AL passar pels punts d'interès, (edificis, escultures, parcs...) la informació multimèdia t'explicarà el més rellevant del lloc.
Una nova forma de recórrer la Badia del Bidasoa.
Una nova forma de descobrir la Badia del Bidasoa.

Иконка для TXINGUDIenGPS_EN 5.0


Bluguía, S.L. опубликовал приложение 2012-11-21
(обновлено 2012-11-21)

Bluguia is a multimedia audio-guide, a touristique guide for your SmartPhone that guides you through Txingudi Bay, and every time you reach one of the more than 1000 points of interest, it will give you the most significant information about it.

The operation is really easy, atractive and powerfull. You start the route and the SmartPhone shows you the way. When you pass close to any point of interest (buildings, monuments, parks, …) the multimedia will show you all the relevant
information of this place.

A new way of going through Txingudi Bay.
A new way of discovering Txingudi Bay.

Иконка для 桃米坑蛙堡 1.0.2

桃米坑蛙堡 (v. 1.0.2)

美美網 опубликовал приложение 2012-11-21
(обновлено 2012-11-21)



好友成群,在此暢談;攜家帶眷,享受親情。天晴時可見遠山含笑、山巒層疊;雨水 時山嵐飄逸,空氣清新。總讓人留連忘返。蛙堡實在是個特別的地方,有著甘甜的泉源滋潤,有著感人肺腑的歷史故事,更有著致命的吸引力。

歡迎您,一定要來桃米坑 「挖寶」喔!  








好友成群,在此畅谈;携家带眷,享受亲情。天晴时可见远山含笑、山峦层迭;雨水 时山岚飘逸,空气清新。总让人留连忘返。蛙堡实在是个特别的地方,有着甘甜的泉源滋润,有着感人肺腑的历史故事,更有着致命的吸引力。

欢迎您,一定要来桃米坑 「挖宝」喔!  





Иконка для Beijing Travel Guide 1.8.6

Beijing Travel Guide (v. 1.8.6)

Triposo Travel Guides опубликовал приложение 2012-11-19
(обновлено 2012-11-19)

Beijing one of the most beautiful cities in the world with all its sights in one guide for your phone.

Features of the Beijing Travel Guide by Triposo:

* Complete background information
* A detailed sights section
* Mini guides for nearby destinations
* An offline map

About our guides

We make great, interactive travel guides.
To make our guides we use the content that is freely available. Open content sites like Wikitravel, Wikipedia, World66 and Openstreetmap are among the best resources for any traveler. Our mission is to make that content relevant for you. So we mix and mash and annotate - and we distill great, relevant travel guides out of it.
We like open content. In fact some of us were involved in World66, one of the first open content travel guides on the web. Triposo's travel guides are very much a re-mix of open content out there.
Currently we're using content from: Wikipedia, Wikitravel, World66, Open Streetmaps, DMOZ and Chefmoz
We're big fans of these projects. If you stumble across some inaccurate information in this guide, we would appreciate it if you correct it on the web site of these projects.

Иконка для BIJELJINA DANAS 1.0


www.bijeljina.org опубликовал приложение 2012-11-18
(обновлено 2012-11-18)

BIJELJINA DANAS for Android™ v1.0 aplikacija donosi Vam katalog svih važnijih lokacija i firmi u gradu sa pozicijom na mapi i mogućnošću direktnog poziva.
Pored toga, možete pratiti sve novosti iz Bijeljine, servisne informacije iz elektrodistribucije i vodovoda, kao najave svih dešavanja (klubovi, manifestacije, koncerti...).
Za zabavu u slobodno vrijeme tu je i uvijek aktuelni BIJELJINA DANAS magazin. Aplikacija je besplatna.

Иконка для i慢玩 1.0.1

i慢玩 (v. 1.0.1)

i236.Travel опубликовал приложение 2012-11-15
(обновлено 2012-11-15)


Иконка для Vacation Planner 1.0

Vacation Planner (v. 1.0)

PhoneForum.org опубликовал приложение 2012-11-14
(обновлено 2012-11-14)

Vacation Planner is an app to help you plan and budget for your next fun trip. Its pre-programmed and customizable list contains over 120 tasks that go into the typical vacation. Check them off as you accomplish them, and keep track of what still needs to be done. Its easy and intuitive thumb-friendly check/uncheck options make using the list quick and painless. Program costs in at each step, and compare it to the overall budget at a glance, so you know how much you've spent, and how much you have left.

The checklist incorporates multiple features that makes using it a breeze, including several ways to manipulate entries as you go: hiding, unhiding, editing, rearranging, and deleting, among others. Save an unlimited number of lists, and export them to your SD card or other external storage. Easily share them through e-mail or any other sharing client you have on your device. This app comes with free lifetime updates, has no ads, and doesn't require an Internet connection, so you know your privacy is secure.

Vacations are supposed to be all fun, but can be stressful in the planning stages. Why add to it by being disorganized? Vacation Planner helps you make sure that the only memories you have are the good ones in your photographs.

• Organizes everything you need to do before your vacation in one app
• Plan using a huge customizable list of pre-programmed tasks
• Check off, edit, and otherwise manipulate task items as you need to
• Save, share, and export as many lists as you want
• Keeps track of your budget and expenses as you go

Иконка для 土師祭2011 1.1

土師祭2011 (v. 1.1)

The SaitamaShimbun опубликовал приложение 2012-11-14
(обновлено 2012-11-14)

平成23年9月4日(日)に行われる第29回 土師祭。

Иконка для Afghan Interpreters Service 1

Afghan Interpreters Service (v. 1)

Arms and Legs Ltd опубликовал приложение 2012-11-13
(обновлено 2012-11-13)

A pioneering  free service providing English-speakers in Afghanistan with instant, live, 24/7 over-the phone interpreter assistance.

The service is managed and run by Afghans in the UK.

Press...listen...and choose the preferred gender of your LIVE interpreter.

We will call you back ASAP (as long as your number is not hidden).

The service is free.

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