Difficult to get around in Guangzhou? Even if you speak Mandarin?
Taxi drivers don't speak English and you don't know the name of the place or the right address? On top Guangzhou is constantly changing.
That is why in this application many places are listed in bold addresses as taxi cards to show to the driver where exactly you want to go to.
In addition, each address has a telephone number to call in case you need help or guidance. Also addresses can be shared or shown on maps.This application is the first version and still not perfect, but it already is a great help to people.
On top it features Metro / subway maps for Guangzhou ( China ), current events in the city and also it has a list of emergency numbers.
Keep checking for updates, since new places and features will be added frequently.
For suggestions of new locations please send an email to my contact with possibly the name,address and phone number of that place.