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Лучшие по рейтингу бесплатные в категории 'Достопримечательности' в Android Market

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371-380 из 4442
Иконка для 대구 무료주차장 찾기 1.3

대구 무료주차장 찾기 (v. 1.3)

은영닷컴 опубликовал приложение 2012-06-18
(обновлено 2012-06-18)

[주차 고민 끝!]
대구 무료 주차장 어플리케이션은 대구시에 있는 무료주차장을
내 주변, 지역별, 역세권 찾기 검색을 통하여
지도를 통해 확인하고 정보를 볼 수 있는 어플리케이션입니다.
*주차장 테이터가 내장되어 있어 주차장정보 검색시간편하고 편리합니다.

[주차장 검색]
내 주변, 지역별, 역세권 3가지의 검색기준으로 주차장 정보를 제공합니다.

[주요 기능]
1.내 주변 주차장 찾기 : 현재 위치기반으로 한 주차장 찾기기능을 제공합니다. (5km반경 표시)
2.지역별 주차장 찾기 : 대구지역 군별 주차장 찾기 기능을 제공합니다.(동구 / 서구/중구/남구 / 등)대구 모든지역 포함
3.역세권 주차장 찾기 :대구지역 지하철 주변 무료 주차장 찾기 기능을 제공합니다. (지하철1호선/2호선 주변)

Иконка для Cheqqer Triplog 2.0

Cheqqer Triplog (v. 2.0)

Oberon Interactive опубликовал приложение 2012-06-18
(обновлено 2012-06-18)

Cheqqer Triplog is there for you to help you keep track of the many places on earth you have visited and will visit in the future. By cheqqing in to each and every city you visit, you'll come across funky rewards you'll receive as a surprise. Wanna find out what they are and collect them all? Download the Cheqqer Triplog App and start to travel, cheq in & share!

+ Cheq in to every city in the world
+ Share your cheq ins with your friends on Facebook & Twitter
+ Keep track of your travels in your personal Triplog
+ See where your friends have been
+ Full offline functionality for when you are travelling abroad without data roaming.

Иконка для Sant Pere de Reus 2.4

Sant Pere de Reus (v. 2.4)

Tarracodroid опубликовал приложение 2012-06-17
(обновлено 2012-06-17)

Aquesta aplicació és una guia de les activitats que es duen a terme durant la Festa Major Sant Pere 2011 de Reus.

Amb aquesta aplicació es poden veure els actes que es realitzen en un dia concret o totes les activitats d'un tipus determinat. Per exemple: quins espectacles infantils hi ha programats, quins concerts, quines projeccions, etc.
A més a més, l'aplicació està integrada amb Google Maps i si es desconeix l'ubicació d'un acte, es pot consultar el mapa per veure on es cel·lebra i la nostra posició actual. Tanmateix, es poden veure tots els llocs on es cel·lebren actes.

IMAC (Institut Municipal d'acció Cultural) ha col·laborat en la creació d'aquesta aplicació aportant les dades del programa de Festa Major Sant Pere 2011.

Per més informació consultar la plana web:

Terminals on s'ha provat l'aplicació:
- HTC Desire
- HTC Desire HD
- HTC Hero
- HTC Wildfire
- Motorola Defy
- Samsung Galaxy Mini
- Samsung Galaxy S

TarracoDroid Community
Comunitat d'Usuaris Android de Tarragona

Иконка для LAUSD Search 1.0.11

LAUSD Search (v. 1.0.11)

John Li Cheng опубликовал приложение 2012-06-16
(обновлено 2012-06-16)

The LAUSD Search app is created to help Los Angeles home owners and home buyers easily look up school coverage and distance to nearby schools using their Android powered phone.

* Automated coverage search using GPS.
* Shows the location of each school on Google Maps.
* Shows distance between your current location to each school in the area.
* Manually look up coverage for any location.

This app is created to help LA residents. I'd like to thank the LAUSD for providing public access to the LAUSD School Finder web site, without which this app could not be possible.

PLEASE READ! I am not affiliated with the Los Angeles Unified School District, nor is this app endorsed or approved by LAUSD in anyway. The accuracy of the search data is not guaranteed. You should always personally validate coverage with local schools.

Иконка для myNYC 1.0.1

myNYC (v. 1.0.1)

B-Beyond опубликовал приложение 2012-06-15
(обновлено 2012-06-15)

This android application is dedicated to New York. Your delegates will find everything they need to organize their stay.

The presented version is made for congresses located in New York.

This mobile app features
- Up to the minute news managed from a dedicated interface (direct access given to the Event organizer).
- Information about the hosting city.
- The official program of the event, there again managed from a dedicated interface.
- A restaurant search engine sorting out restaurants by distance and by specialities.
- A hotel search engine sorting out hotels by distances and categories.
- Both restaurants and hotels results include geo localization, descriptions, pictures, pricing along with a rating system.

Иконка для Reutte Guide 1.2

Reutte Guide (v. 1.2)

TOURIAS опубликовал приложение 2012-06-15
(обновлено 2012-06-15)

Dieser offizielle Reiseführer informiert Sie detailliert über die Naturparkregion Reutte. Informationen zu Unterkünften, Sehenswürdigkeiten, Freizeit und Erholung, Gastronomie und vielem mehr stehen Ihnen offline permanent zur Verfügung - es wird keine Verbindung in das mobile Internet benötigt. Integriertes Kartenmaterial hilft beim Auffinden von Points of Interest, eine 5-Tages-Wettervorhersage versorgt Sie mit aktuellen und prognostizierten Wetterdaten - bestens geeignet für die Planung Ihrer Tagesausflüge.

Als eines der schönsten Urlaubsgebiete Tirols bietet Ihnen die zauberhafte Welt der Naturparkregion Reutte neben hohem Erholungswert und Naturschönheit so manches außergewöhnliches Urlaubsvergnügen. Jede der 11 Gemeinden ist für sich einzigartig, jede mit individuellen Highlights. Ob Sommer oder Winter, Frühling oder Herbst – die Naturparkregion Reutte bietet jedem Urlauber zu jeder Jahreszeit einen unvergesslichen Urlaub. Sei es der Winterspaß auf der Piste, das ruhige Wandern im Sonnenschein oder ein ausgedehntes Wellness-Programm, Reutte besticht durch Vielseitigkeit und echte österreichische Gastfreundlichkeit.

Иконка для I San Vito lo Capo

I San Vito lo Capo (v.

Kawet опубликовал приложение 2012-06-13
(обновлено 2012-06-13)

“I San Vito Lo Capo " per iPhone e iPod Touch è la guida turistica a tutte le attrazioni e i servizi su San Vito Lo Capo, puoi trovare ciò che cerchi in modo semplice e veloce. Realizzata dalla Grafiprint, l'applicazione è un’ottima e aggiornata fonte di informazioni per permettere a tutti di apprezzare le bellezze della città.
È possibile trovare le strutture alberghiere, i ristoranti i prodotti tipici, i bar e la vita notturna, le spiagge il divertimento, le escursioni, i servizi di trasporto e d'emergenza.
Le informazioni sono potenziate da schede descrittive e da fotografie: ogni scheda permette di connettersi ai siti internet di riferimento, effettuare prenotazioni online e localizzare l'indirizzo su una mappa interattiva.

Caratteristiche principali dell'applicazione:
- Funzionamento off-line;
- Come arrivare;
- Mappa completa di tutto il comprensorio sanvitese;
- Numeri utili (locali e nazionali);
- Eventi e manifestazione;
- Enti e associazioni;
- Meteo;
- Dove dormire (hotel, b&b, camping, residence, casa vacanze, ...);
- Dove mangiare (ristoranti, trattorie, pizzerie, gastronomie, bar, gelaterie, pasticcerie, pub, ...);
- Capacità di prenotare un tavolo o una camera per e-mail o telefono;
- Elenco di tutti i posti da visitare a San Vito Lo Capo, con foto, descrizioni e mappe;
- Elenco di tutte le spiagge, calette e grotte, con foto, informazioni utili e mappe di localizzazione;
- Descrizioni ed elenchi di tutte le escursioni fatte sul territorio;
- Elenco dei posti da visitare nella Sicilia Occidentale, con foto, informazioni utili e mappe di localizzazione;
- servizi noleggio;
- Servizi transfert;
- Prodotti tipici;
- Discoteche;
- Geolocalizzazione.

Иконка для Pangrazio's Pizza 1.5

Pangrazio's Pizza (v. 1.5)

Local Free Apps опубликовал приложение 2012-06-13
(обновлено 2012-06-13)

Pangrazio Pizza was purchased in 1978, by Robert and Thelma Armstrong in 1978.

The restaurant has been in the Armstrong family for more than 30 years. We still use the original Pangrazio recipe to make both our spaghetti and pizza sauce. We also make our own homemade spaghetti noodles, meatballs, and pizza dough daily.
Pangrazios Pizza is currently owned by James and Susan (Armstrong) Sexton.

Иконка для Restaurang Michelangelo 1.6

Restaurang Michelangelo (v. 1.6)

Restaurang Michelangelo опубликовал приложение 2012-06-13
(обновлено 2012-06-13)

Restaurang Michelangelo är en italiensk restaurang mitt i Karlskrona. Med den här appen får du snabbt och lätt tillgång till restaurangens olika menyer, veckans pasta-, GI-, fisk- och grillrätt samt dagens lunch. Du kan även skicka en bokningsförfrågan och med ett knapptryck visa var restaurangen ligger i Google Maps.

Иконка для Châlons-en-Champagne 2.2

Châlons-en-Champagne (v. 2.2)

Agence51 опубликовал приложение 2012-06-12
(обновлено 2012-06-12)

Bienvenue à Châlons-en-Champagne, petite Venise Champenoise, ville d’art et d’histoire.

Cette application est le premier guide multimédia, édité par l’Agence51 en étroite collaboration avec l’office de tourisme de Châlons, permettant de faciliter votre découverte de la région Châlonnaise.

Découvrez les lieux où manger, où dormir, mais également ce qu’il faut voir ou visiter pour pleinement profiter de votre séjour Châlonnais.

Profitez de visites audio-guidées et de visites panoramiques à 360°.

Vous aurez la possibilité de contacter directement par courrier électronique ou par mail les différents établissements présentés, ou bien de calculer l’itinéraire le plus proche pour vous y rendre.

Soyez au courant de ce que vous pouvez faire ou voir sur le secteur, en utilisant la fonction Agenda de l’application, avec des filtres par catégorie d’évènement, à la date du jour ou pour le week-end.

Actualisation quotidienne des informations et de l’agenda.

Bref, restez connecté et découvrez ou redécouvrez la région de Châlons-en-Champagne.

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