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Популярные бесплатные в категории 'Достопримечательности' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
71-80 из 4442
Иконка для Berlin City Guide 3.4

Berlin City Guide (v. 3.4)

TripAdvisor опубликовал приложение 2013-01-07
(обновлено 2013-01-07)

Going to Berlin? Get this FREE city guide, a personal trip advisor in your pocket.   With restaurants, attractions, hotels and TripAdvisor reviews you love, stored in the app, all available offline -- no data roaming charges!

Key reasons millions of travelers love this app:

Need we say more? Download the app now, there’s absolutely no risk, and we’re sure you’ll love it!

There is no need for a live data connection while using this app, as everything is stored on your phone, after you do an initial update. This means you won’t be charged for expensive data roaming, and the app is super fast to use. You can update user reviews periodically when you are on WiFi.

All places that are listed on TripAdvisor.com in this city are included in the app.

TripAdvisor’s community of millions of worldwide travelers ensures that content is fresh, plentiful and honest. With over 50 million reviews and thousands more added daily, City Guides offer the best and most recent content.

TripAdvisor members and destination experts have handpicked the best itineraries in the city for you, enabling you to explore interesting neighborhoods, famous landmarks and hidden gems. Using the phone's GPS, you can follow along and read about  the interesting sights along the route.

Want to remember the places you visit? It is now easy to do this with TripAdvisor City Guides.  Simply Check In, take a photo and add a note for each location, and your journal and travel album will be created for you automatically.  You can share it with friends and family on Facebook, or just use it to remember your trip.  And, you can even Check In while you are offline and share later when you are online.

Searching for pizza around Times Square? Coffee near the Eiffel Tower? Or do you just want to find a highly recommended place near you? With this app you can easily search any way you want, and find exactly what’s best for you and your travel companions.

Once you have selected a restaurant or attraction, this app will guide you there using the fun & useful “Point Me There” screen, which uses the phone’s GPS and Compass.

Written by TripAdvisor members and edited by professionals, City Facts articles provide helpful information for when you plan your trip, such as when to go, how to get around in the city, what neighborhoods to visit, etc.

This app leverages the GPS in the phone to show you the best restaurant, attractions etc nearby. The app also uses the compass to guide you to a place once you selected it

Иконка для Barcelona City Guide 3.4

Barcelona City Guide (v. 3.4)

TripAdvisor опубликовал приложение 2013-01-07
(обновлено 2013-01-07)

Going to Barcelona? Get this FREE city guide, a personal trip advisor in your pocket.   With restaurants, attractions, hotels and TripAdvisor reviews you love, stored in the app, all available offline -- no data roaming charges!

Key reasons millions of travelers love this app:

Need we say more? Download the app now, there’s absolutely no risk, and we’re sure you’ll love it!

There is no need for a live data connection while using this app, as everything is stored on your phone, after you do an initial update. This means you won’t be charged for expensive data roaming, and the app is super fast to use. You can update user reviews periodically when you are on WiFi.

All places that are listed on TripAdvisor.com in this city are included in the app.

TripAdvisor’s community of millions of worldwide travelers ensures that content is fresh, plentiful and honest. With over 50 million reviews and thousands more added daily, City Guides offer the best and most recent content.

TripAdvisor members and destination experts have handpicked the best itineraries in the city for you, enabling you to explore interesting neighborhoods, famous landmarks and hidden gems. Using the phone's GPS, you can follow along and read about  the interesting sights along the route.

Want to remember the places you visit? It is now easy to do this with TripAdvisor City Guides.  Simply Check In, take a photo and add a note for each location, and your journal and travel album will be created for you automatically.  You can share it with friends and family on Facebook, or just use it to remember your trip.  And, you can even Check In while you are offline and share later when you are online.

Searching for pizza around Times Square? Coffee near the Eiffel Tower? Or do you just want to find a highly recommended place near you? With this app you can easily search any way you want, and find exactly what’s best for you and your travel companions.

Once you have selected a restaurant or attraction, this app will guide you there using the fun & useful “Point Me There” screen, which uses the phone’s GPS and Compass.

Written by TripAdvisor members and edited by professionals, City Facts articles provide helpful information for when you plan your trip, such as when to go, how to get around in the city, what neighborhoods to visit, etc.

This app leverages the GPS in the phone to show you the best restaurant, attractions etc nearby. The app also uses the compass to guide you to a place once you selected it

Иконка для e편한원룸 (원룸,오피스텔 부동산 정보) 1.4

e편한원룸 (원룸,오피스텔 부동산 정보) (v. 1.4)

전국 제휴 부동산 모집 опубликовал приложение 2013-01-05
(обновлено 2013-01-05)

■자취생 필수어플 e편한원룸

-개인 직거래 매물 무료등록
-전국 부동산 네트워크 제휴점 안전매물 확인가능
-100% 실사진 100% 실가격(허위매물 신고:010-4444-8801)

투명하고 정직한 공인중개사 모임 입니다
네이버 카페를 기반으로 폭넓은 정보를 제공하고자 앱을 제작하였습니다.

네이버 카페 e편한원룸(http://cafe.naver.com/roommate79) 에서  더 많은정보 확인 할 수 있습니다.

전국 부동산 네트워크 제휴 문의:010-4444-8801

< 추천 어플 >

서울원룸,서울투룸,서울쓰리룸,서울오피스텔,오피스텔,강남구원룸,강동구원룸,강북구원룸,강서구원룸,관악구원룸,광진구원룸,구로구원룸,금천구원룸,노원구원룸,도봉구원룸,동대문구원룸,마포구원룸,서대문구원룸,서초구원룸,성동구원룸,성북구원룸,송파구원룸,양천구원룸, 영등포구원룸,용산구원룸,은평구원룸,종로구원룸,중구원룸,중량구원룸,대전원룸,대구원룸,포천시원룸 동두천시원룸 파주시원룸 양주시원룸,의정부시원룸 김포시원룸 고양시원룸 구리시원룸,남양주시원룸 하남시원룸 광주시원룸 성남시원룸,용인시원룸 이천시원룸 안성시원룸 오산시원룸,평택시원룸 안산시원룸 화성시원룸 수원시원룸,부천시원룸 광명시원룸 과천시원룸 시흥시원룸,안양시원룸 의왕시원룸 군포시원룸 구미원룸 포항원룸 경산원룸 창원원룸,진주원룸,통영원룸,사천원룸,김해원룸,밀양원룸,거제원룸,양산원룸,의령원룸,함안원룸,창녕원룸,고성원룸,남해원룸,하동원룸,산청원룸,함양원룸,거창원룸,포항원룸,경주원룸,김천원룸,안동원룸,구미원룸,영주원룸,영천원룸,상주원룸,문경원룸,경산원룸 군위원룸,의성원룸,청송원룸,영양원룸,영덕원룸,청도원룸,고령원룸,성주원룸,칠곡원룸,예천원룸,봉화원룸,울진원룸,목포원룸,여수원룸,순천원룸,나주원룸,광양원룸,담양원룸,곡성원룸,구례원룸,고흥원룸,보성원룸,화순원룸,장흥원룸,강진원룸,해남원룸,영암원룸,무안원룸,홤평원룸,영광원룸,장성원룸,완도원룸,진도원룸,전주원룸,군산원룸,익산원룸,정읍원룸,남원원룸,김제원룸,완주원룸,진안원룸,무주원룸,장수원룸,임실원룸,순창원룸,고창원룸,부안원룸,천안원룸,공주원룸,보령원룸,아산원룸,서산원룸,논산원룸,계룡원룸,청주원룸,충주원룸,제천원룸,춘천원룸,원주원룸,강릉원룸,동해원룸,태백원룸,속초원룸,삼척원룸,수원원룸,성남원룸,의정부원룸,안양원룸,부천원룸,광명원룸,평택원룸,동두천원룸,안산원룸,고양원룸,과천원룸,구리원룸,남양주원룸,오산원룸,시흥원룸,군포원룸,의왕원룸,하남원룸,용인원룸,파주원룸,이천원룸,김포원룸,화성원룸,광주원룸,양주원룸,포천원룸,종로원룸,중원룸,용산원룸,성동원룸,광진원룸,동대문원룸,중랑원룸,성북원룸,강북원룸,도봉원룸,노원원룸,은평원룸,서대문원룸,마포원룸,양천원룸,강서원룸,구로원룸,금천원룸,영등포원룸,동작원룸,관악원룸,서초원룸,강남원룸,송파원룸,강동구원룸,부산원룸,울산원룸,제주원룸,제주도원룸,인천원룸,광주원룸,대전원룸,서울 특별시.종로구,중구,용산구,성동구,광진구,동대문구,중랑구,성북구,강북구,도봉구,노원구,은평구,서대문구,마포구,양천구,강서구,구로구,금천구,영등포구,동작구,관악구,서초구,강남구,송파구,강동구.부산 광역시.중구,서구,동구,영도구,부산진구,동래구,남구,북구,해운대구,사하구,금정구,강서구,연제구,수영구,사상구.기장군.대구 광역시.중구,동구,서구,남구,북구,수성구,달서구,달성군.인천 광역시.중구,동구,남구,연수구,남동구,부평구,계양구,서구,강화군,옹진군.광주 광역시.동구,서구,남구,북구,광산구.대전 광역시.동수,중수,서수,유성수,대덕구.울산 광역시.중,남,동,북구,울주군.경기도.수원,성남,의정부,안양,부천,광명,평택,동두천,안산,고양,과천,구리,
장성,완도,진도,신안군,경상북도 포항,경주,김천,안동,구미,영주,영천,상주,문경,경산시.
경상남도 창원,진주,통영,사천,김해,밀양,거제,양산시 의령,함안,창녕,고성,남해,하동,산청,함양,거창,합천군 제주도 구글,구청,군산등남해지역목포,네이버,네이트,네일,네일아트,노래방,놀이공원,놀이방,농구,뉴스,다음,닥트,당구장,대구맛집,벨소리,변호사,병무청,병원,성형외과,보건소,보령,보석,보습학원,보쌈,보일러,보험,부동산,부산,부천,부평,분당,분식,뷔페,뷰티샵,비뇨기과,비만,비지니스호텔,빵집,사랑,사우나,사주,사주카페,사진,사진관,산부인과,산후조리원,삼성카드ShopFinder,삼척,상조,생활,생활병원,생활용품,샷시,서울맛집,서점,서천,서해지역,대천,선술집,성남,성당,성형외과,세계요리,세무사,세일온,세차장,소방서,소셜커머스,소아과,속초,쇼,쇼핑,수능학원,수도,수영,숙박,,양식,양양,어디갈까,어린이집,어플스토커,어플추천,어학원,에어컨,여수,여행,여행사,여행안내,연극,열쇠,영광,카카오톡,배달통,퀵생활정보,모바일114,,인기앱,인기어플,인쇄,인천,인테리어,일산,경산원룸,대구원룸,통영,화물,화장품,횟집,coupon,PC방,QR코드,spa,ticket,tstore,TV,TV맛집,주방,주변정보,주변찾기,무료초대이벤트,철물점,부동산114,부동산뱅크,부동산써브,스피드뱅크,좋은집구하기,대구원룸,음악학원,딩동,패레 마니아,부동산,부동산어플,
대구,부동산,오피스텔,아파트,공실,원룸,투룸,쓰리룸,미니투룸,이편한세상,래미안,아이파크,아이캐슬,푸르지오,자이,e편한세상,더샾,비발디,블루밍,대구대학교,대학교,자취,기숙사,하숙,e편한원룸,대구e편한원룸,부동산114,전세,월세,실거래,좋은집,깨끗한 원룸, 지역정보,매물,공인중개사,룸메이트,룸메,하메,하우스메이트,대구부동산,이쁜집,예쁜집,대구학교,대구미래대,영남대학교,경산원룸,경산투룸,경일대학교,대구한의대,대구대경산캠퍼스,대경대학교,효가대,카톨릭대학교,외대,외국어대학교,원룸의달인,경북대학교,계명대학교,영남이공대,대구이사,대구자취,독립,대구방,대구시청,경산시청,수성구청,동구청,중구청,남구청,황금동,두산동,범어동,만촌동,범어네거리,동인동,성서,영대원룸,계대원룸,투룸,쓰리룸,포룸,주인세대,아파트,주택,수원원룸,영통구원룸,장안구원룸,팔달구원룸,권선구원룸,삼성전자원룸,삼성전기원룸,기흥반도체원룸,화성사업장원룸,디지털엠파이어원룸,망포사거리원룸,경희대원룸,태장동원룸,영통원룸,신영통원룸,망포동원룸,신동원룸,매탄동원룸,원천동원룸,아주대원룸,인계동원룸,우만동원룸,지동원룸,권선동원룸,곡반정동원룸,세류동원룸,수원역원룸,세류역원룸,방죽역원룸,동수원사거리원룸,성빈센트병원원룸,동수원병원원룸

Иконка для JAF道の駅ガイド 1.08

JAF道の駅ガイド (v. 1.08)

一般社団法人 日本自動車連盟 опубликовал приложение 2013-01-03
(обновлено 2013-01-03)



対応OS:Android OS 2.0~2.3、および4.0~4.1
IS03、 IS04、IS06、ISW13HT、KYY04

Иконка для HolidayCheck 1.4.2

HolidayCheck (v. 1.4.2)

HolidayCheck AG опубликовал приложение 2012-12-31
(обновлено 2012-12-31)

„This site/app is great! It's literally got thousands more reviews and photos than Trip Advisor. Definitely recommend. 5 star!" (by GillianM_)

“Finally “HolidayCheck” to go. The function that shows hotels in the area is my favorite. Especially for my spontaneous business trips, it is very helpful. Intuitive usability. I am looking forward to my next mission as a hotel tester!" (by MrMarc Germany)

“For frequent travelers this App is highly recommended. Extensive hotel informations, search function, the possibility for a quick review. Super. Good bet!” (from Georg P.)

" Finally, I can review my hotel right away without any hesitations- Great!" (from Mark R.)


The most important functions:

Hotel search
Show all the hotels near you on a map. Thanks to the connection to Europe's largest hotel review platform you have access to millions of reviews for over 250,000 hotels. That way you should always be able to find the right hotel for you.

Review a hotel
Do you like to save your experience of the hotel while you're still there? No problem! Now you can review your hotel while on the road or simply make a QuickCheck.

Favorites function
You can now easily keep an eye on interesting hotels with the favorite function. Simply mark it with a star and you can find it again any time.

Иконка для PointToPoint 3.2

PointToPoint (v. 3.2)

Mobile Essentials опубликовал приложение 2012-12-31
(обновлено 2015-03-22)

PointToPoint is the easiest navigation app you will find on Android Market. It does not require data connection. Point To Point simply tells you how to go from point A to point B using the fastest, direct route.

PointToPoint is free and easy to use, with all required information displayed at all times. It only takes 2 clicks on a button to save your location and one click on a button to be guided to last or saved location.

Use Point To Pint to remember where you parked your car, location of your hotel, location of camping spot, when hiking, to be guided to pre given coordinates, to save your favorite diving spots, spots in nature and other outdoor activities... or any other location you would like to return to later.

PointToPoint enables you to:
- save current GPS location
- navigate from new location to saved location
- store multiple locations and manage stored locations
- enter location manually (coordinates)
- get data about current location, altitude, speed
- use compass to guide you to desired location
- get data about distance to desired GPS coordinates and estimated time of arrival (ETA Time)
- arrow points you to desired location
- use either metric (km, m, Km/h) of imperial (ft, miles, mph) system of units

Hold your device parallel to the ground as you would hold a compass in navigation mode. Please make sure your phone's GPS is turned on! GPS does not work well in inside buildings. PointToPoint is best used outdoors!

Иконка для Storehours 2.6

Storehours (v. 2.6)

Dominik Jaworski опубликовал приложение 2012-12-30
(обновлено 2015-03-21)

Never again standing in front of closed doors, whether it might be the supermarket, post office or bakery: With the Öffnungszeitenbuch, you can see upfront whether a trip to the store is actually worth it. The largest directory specialized in store hours for Germany, Austria and Switzerland has now gone mobile. With this app you will find the next open store even when you are underway.    
You enter the “what” and “where” of the requested stores or offices into the search screen, where you can search for place name and area codes.  There is of course also a GPS search available that is activated for area search of the current location. It will right away display the closest branches with store hours, addresses, contact information and distance to your present location. In addition, there is a map view available, showing you the exact location.
The directory already covers over 4 million entries in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. These entries come from 25,000 storehours scouts. Become a storehours scout yourself and make money with the entry of each store under www.oeffnungszeitenbuch.de.
With one of the handy app features, you can also suggest new stores without registration. You don’t have to go through the tedious process of entering all data into your Phone, but it is sufficient, to simply take a photo of the sign displaying the store hours together with the name of the store.  
Stores and shops, whose contact information and store hours are needed regularly, can be stored in the favorite list and will therefore be available even when your app is not connected to the server. What’s more, the most frequent searches can be stored and are available with two fingertips.  

This app is financed through advertisement and therefore free of charge in the long run.

If you want to know more about the content of the app, go to http://www.oeffnungszeitenbuch.de, and find there a free search with all stores and offices that are also available on your app.

Иконка для Thailand Flood Maps 2011 1.2.5

Thailand Flood Maps 2011 (v. 1.2.5)

Thaitronix Innovative Co., Ltd. опубликовал приложение 2012-12-29
(обновлено 2012-12-29)

This app collects useful maps created during the 2011 Thailand Floods. These maps are created by many sources available online e.g. Google Crisis Response - Thailand Floods 2011, thaiflood.com, Thaitvnews, Department of Highways, etc. The purpose of this map is to make these information more useful by integrating them with the Google Map App on your Android phone. By utilizing the power of Layers, you can see floods information in the same map as other layers e.g. Traffic, your current location, Latitude layer, etc. You can even use the Google Map to find a direction to parking area, donation points, shelters, etc.
We hope this app can help some or many people affected floods. We hope this crisis is resolved soon.

แอพพลิเคชันนี้รวบรวมแผนที่ต่าง ๆ ที่มีประโยชน์ในช่วงวิกฤตการณ์อุทกภัยปี 2554 แผนที่เหล่านี้ได้มาจากเว็บไซท์ต่าง ๆ เช่น Google Crisis Response - วิกฤตการณ์อุทกภัยปี 2554, thaiflood.com, Thaitvnews, กรมทางหลวง ฯลฯ วัตถุประสงค์ของแอพพลิเคชันนี้คือต้องการทำให้แผนที่เหล่านี้สามารถใช้งานได้สะดวกขึ้นโดยการนำข้อมูลมาแสดงบนแอพ Google Map ที่อุปกรณ์แอนดรอยด์ของทุก ๆ คนมีอยู่แล้ว ข้อมูลน้ำท่วมเหล่านี้จะถูกนำไปแสดงเป็นอีกเลเยอร์หนึ่งของ Google Map ทำให้ผู้ใช้งานสามารถดูข้อมูลน้ำท่วมในแผนที่เดียวกันกับเลเยอร์อื่น ๆ เช่น ตำแหน่งปัจจุบันของผู้ใช้งาน, การจราจร (รถติด, ไม่ติด), ตำแหน่งของเพื่อน ๆ จาก Google Latitude ได้
นอกจากนี้ผู้ใช้งานยังสามารถใช้ความสามารถของ Google Map เช่น การนำทาง โดยสามารถนำทางจากตำแหน่งปัจจุบัน ไปยังสถานที่ต่าง ๆ เช่นจุดจอดรถ จุดรับบริจาค ศูนย์อพยพ ฯลฯ
ทีมพัฒนาหวังเป็นอย่างยิ่งว่าแอพพลิเคชันนี้จะมีประโยชน์ต่อประชาชน ผู้ประสบอุทกภัย หรืออาสาสมัครที่ต้องการทราบข้อมูลการเดินทางไม่มากก็น้อย และหวังว่าวิกฤตน้ำท่วมครั้งนี้จะผ่านพ้นไปโดยเร็ว

Иконка для Flight Tracker Trial 1.8.3

Flight Tracker Trial (v. 1.8.3)

Smart Mobile Software опубликовал приложение 2012-12-28
(обновлено 2012-12-28)

Flight Tracker is the ideal companion for frequent travelers.
With flight tracker, you will get :
-Get real-time flight status
-Worldwide, accurate departures and arrivals
-Boarding gate information
-Flight route map (only for US flights)

Flight Tracker is a great alternative to Worldmate flight features. Give it a try.

This is a trial app, you will be able to perform a few searches. At the end of the evaluation period, you will be able to buy the app.
However, because we need your comments to hear your suggestions, you can get the app for free by leaving a review.

keywords : flight, flight track, flight tracker, flight tracking, airport delays, travel, flight status

*** Satisfied or Refunded. Let us know of any bug BEFORE leaving a review ***

Иконка для Washington DC City Guide 3.2

Washington DC City Guide (v. 3.2)

TripAdvisor опубликовал приложение 2012-12-28
(обновлено 2012-12-28)

Going to Washington DC? Get this FREE city guide, a personal trip advisor in your pocket.   With restaurants, attractions, hotels and TripAdvisor reviews you love, stored in the app, all available offline -- no data roaming charges!

Key reasons millions of travelers love this app:

Need we say more? Download the app now, there’s absolutely no risk, and we’re sure you’ll love it!

There is no need for a live data connection while using this app, as everything is stored on your phone, after you do an initial update. This means you won’t be charged for expensive data roaming, and the app is super fast to use. You can update user reviews periodically when you are on WiFi.

All places that are listed on TripAdvisor.com in this city are included in the app.

TripAdvisor’s community of millions of worldwide travelers ensures that content is fresh, plentiful and honest. With over 50 million reviews and thousands more added daily, City Guides offer the best and most recent content.

TripAdvisor members and destination experts have handpicked the best itineraries in the city for you, enabling you to explore interesting neighborhoods, famous landmarks and hidden gems. Using the phone's GPS, you can follow along and read about  the interesting sights along the route.

Want to remember the places you visit? It is now easy to do this with TripAdvisor City Guides.  Simply Check In, take a photo and add a note for each location, and your journal and travel album will be created for you automatically.  You can share it with friends and family on Facebook, or just use it to remember your trip.  And, you can even Check In while you are offline and share later when you are online.

Searching for pizza around Times Square? Coffee near the Eiffel Tower? Or do you just want to find a highly recommended place near you? With this app you can easily search any way you want, and find exactly what’s best for you and your travel companions.

Once you have selected a restaurant or attraction, this app will guide you there using the fun & useful “Point Me There” screen, which uses the phone’s GPS and Compass.

Written by TripAdvisor members and edited by professionals, City Facts articles provide helpful information for when you plan your trip, such as when to go, how to get around in the city, what neighborhoods to visit, etc.

This app leverages the GPS in the phone to show you the best restaurant, attractions etc nearby. The app also uses the compass to guide you to a place once you selected it

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