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Популярные бесплатные в категории 'Достопримечательности' в Android Market

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Иконка для 鉄道絶景の旅 1.0.35

鉄道絶景の旅 (v. 1.0.35)

RESONANCE опубликовал приложение 2012-05-17
(обновлено 2014-03-28)

まだ見ぬ風景を求めて、日本の各地へ ・・・
BS朝日で毎週木曜 夜9:00~9:54に放送している、"鉄道・絶景の旅"をドコモスマートフォン向けにアレンジしたアプリケーションです。



BS朝日 鉄道・絶景の旅 毎週木曜日 夜9:00~9:54放送

※アプリケーション内の情報は番組取材時の情報であり、現在における情報の正確性、完全性、真実性または有用性等について、一切保証いたしません。万一、アプリケーション内の情報に関連して、アプリケーション利用者に何らかのトラブル、損害等が発生した場合、BS朝日・国際放映 RESONANCEは何らの責任を負いません。

Иконка для 同程旅游-特价景点门票.机票.酒店 5.1.3

同程旅游-特价景点门票.机票.酒店 (v. 5.1.3)

tongcheng Co.,Ltd. опубликовал приложение 2012-05-16
(обновлено 2014-03-27)

同程旅游 – 休闲旅游专家 !中国驰名商标!“同程网”出品!大品牌,有保障的高品质服务!

1. 新增机票非会员下单,方便您快速预订
2. 新增无线专项景点,无线会员更多实惠
3. 新增同游人发送短信,方便和朋友一起出行
4. 优化支付流程

主要功能 :
【航班动态】掌控所有航班的实时状态信息,方便安排接送机、规划工作时间 !

1. 机票又降价啦!使用支付宝快捷支付满¥600减¥30!
2. 客户端全面取消现金券规则,无需现金券,优惠轻松享!
3. 客户端点评景点门票,奖金变3倍!
4. 客户端点评酒店,比网站多返5元!!

Иконка для 플라메니아 1.2

플라메니아 (v. 1.2)

Gisok Kang опубликовал приложение 2012-05-15
(обновлено 2012-05-15)

일반 가정에서 사람들이 화초를 기르는 것을 보고 궁금하기도 하였고, 요즘 세계 환경이 많이 파괴되는 것을 볼 수 있습니다. 그러한 것을 보고 많은 경각심도 일께워 줄 수 있을 것 같습니다. 처음 만들어본 웹이여서 많이 부족하고 불편 하시겠지만 좋은 자료가 되었으면 좋겠네요. 각각의 수목원, 식물원과 그밖의 정보가 제공되어 있어요
많이 즐기시구요 좋은 하루 되셔요.

키워드) 꽃, 지구, 환경, 축제, 식물, 꽃축제, 관광, 추천

추천어플) 알스터디, 안드로이드 초보자 가이드, 오늘 뭐먹냐,

채동하 님 이하 삼가고인의 명복을 빕니다.
TAG : 필수 앱, 달력, 시험날짜, 시험접수,시간표,점수확인, 합격, 자격증
CGV 영화 예매,완전정복 자격증, 한자능력검정 급수별, 앱순이의 앱순위,성격 유형 테스트,자명종 프로,핸드폰 분실보험 & 위치추적, 두근두근, 한국 프로 야구,11번가, 최저가 쇼핑, 계획 도우미, 워드업 무료 단어암기, 즐거운 사자성어, 각종 시험 일정 정보, 후토스, 세계의 국기,한방에 메모장,Springpad, 자는아이지킴이 무료, Garmin OpenCaching, GI Monitor, 스마트DMB, EBS 온에어, 필기 재미, 글로리 코레일, HUDY(허디), 환율정보, BikeTrack(자전거여행), Google Goggles, 음주문화 종결자 당신멋져~!!, eBuddy,Silly Dino, 서울택시, Bump, Soul Movie, 다음 팟, 보카로이드, 수학, 영어, 워크넷, 2011 토정비결S,네이버북스, 롯데시네마, 날씨위젯,코코몽시즌2 틀린그림 찾기,터치, 환율조회, 책꽂이, t cash, 배경화면, 모자이크,스마트빌, 시계 랙션, 혈액형, 아이유, 소녀시대, 메이플스토리, 빅뱅, 무한도전, 배달통, 맥스무비,DIGITAL CLOCK, 티켓링크,,예스24eBook, 스마트 갈아타기, 도서관 좌석, 은어사전, TV맛집 제사의 달인, 바코드 스캐너, 블럭퍼즐 2, 배터리 정보, 실시간 검색어 ,코코몽 틀린그림찾기, Bike Track, 자전거 여행, 여자어 사전, 캠핑장 정보, 잘 먹는 법,아임IN, 연봉계산기, 사람인, 다음 마이피플 무료통화, 기념일 관리, 세계의 수도, 뭉글 도난 경보기, 알람+, 날씬쟁이, KBS 뉴스, 멜론, 전국버스, 지식맘, 프리리슨,정신 연령 테스트,드로우메모, 포도 리모콘, Talking Tom Cat, 랙션, 열린약국찾기,시간표 Timetable Spread, 카카오톡, 트위터 ,티티톡, 오브제, BathingCat, 앵그리버드, TiKL, 튜브메이트, 여자 아이돌 월드컵,Chord, 설리,일본어 단어,무료 배경화면, 네이트온, MSN 톡, 페이스북,전자신문, SBS 뉴스, 사진 다이어트, 리디북스, 고속도로 교통 정보, 서울 버스,지하철 노선도,G마켓(지마켓), 딩굴 한글 입력기, 디지털 어학기, 찍찍이, 어플 제거,Daum 쇼핑, 롯데닷컴,쇼핑카트 ,회화 번역기, 하루 한 단어, 실시간 동영상 순위, 신세계백화점, 다음 지도, Google maps, 바코드 스캐너,짠돌이 가계부, 카톡, 여행 통역사, 호핀, 컬러노트 수스 번역기, 알약, 인터파크, 사진 퍼즐 게임, 유박스, Kakao Talk, 배달의민족,모두의 웹툰, 데몬헌터, 구하라,엠씨스퀘어, 전자책, 컬러라이트,스마트 롯데,가위바위보 게임,던전헌터, Bump, 지컷, 브라우저,쿠폰모아, 멜론, fx, 미투데이, 살랑살랑 돛단배, kb 뱅킹, 단위변환기, 학교 시험, 이미지패러디,신한s뱅크, 네이버 웹툰, 소비자신문고, 벅스, n드라이브, 네이트 만화,티스토리 ,맛클 테마스토어,하나SK카드 ,푸딩, 싸이월드,오늘의 유머, 오늘의 유머, 헬로 키티, 편의점 할인 목록, 던전,포켓몬스터, ucloud, 세컨드라이브, bizhard, 소셜 매칭 게임 , 달력 위젯,안드로이드용,두산동아 프라임 영한한영,자가진단 마이닥터,OTO(오티오) 무료국제전화,파우더룸 ,칼로리 코디, 테그라크,Google 번역,이마트,음성검색,네이버 뮤직,카라, 비스트, 아스트로 파일 관리자,살랑살랑 돛단배,도돌, 옥션, 인간관계, 오빠이거, 원피스, mario,슈퍼 마리오, 미디블 캐슬 디펜스,맞고, 고스톱, 네이버톡, 연합뉴스, 티플, 위메프, 티몬, 문자,국민은행, 미래에셋,키움, 월급, 영어, 보카, 디씨 인사이드, 모두의 쇼핑, 라이프스타일, 생활백서, 고민그만, 카카오,14일 이내, 잘 자는 법,안드로이드, 벨소리 메이커, 말하는 산타, 잘 자는 법,M커머스 모바일커머스 소셜커머스 쿠폰 티켓 맛집 숙박, 주변 음식점, CJONE 카드,영화순위 - 무비차트, SKYPE, 컬러라이트, MP3, 좋은집구하기, 필수어플가이드, 뱅킹, 멜론,고스톱, 쉐도우가디언, 소셜커머스 모음-쿠폰파크, 잘 입는 법,룰렛 게임, kb 스타, ShakeCall 흔들어, 지진계, 프로야구 2011,에어 혼, 코레일, t world, 티아라 , 다음, 싸이월드, 병원, 국세청, 플래너,마비노기, 가정교사 히트맨, 몰드스카이, 던전 앤 데스티니, 괴물던전, MOTP, 말하는 요정, 디씨인사이드, 뽐뿌, 114, 장바구니, 씨스타, 보라, 한국전화번호부,아트데이, 우리은행, 리듬, 명언, 교보문고, 패션, 시간능력자,mbc mini, 수면관리, 웨더볼, 라스트서퍼 ,mnet, 완전정복 자격증, 버즈니, 영화 예매, 심리 테스트,소셜커머스 모음 - 티켓초이스, 마이앱, 홈플러스, 끌량 클리앙, 싸이카메라, 스왑 모음 한글 키보드, 디지털 어학기, 찍찍이,섹시, 영어, 화보, 갤럭시,카카오, 잘 자는 법, 콜택시, 알바, 구글, 안드로이드,두뇌건강 패턴암기, 컬러라이트, 필수어플, 뱅킹,그루폰, 슈퍼스타, 낯선 사람과의 대화 (랜덤 채팅), 나가수,Voca ,현대카드, LG전자, 음악, 3쿠션, 독고진, 최고의 사랑,무한도전 , 시티헌터, 김사랑, 삼성전자, 대성, 교통사고

Иконка для Mobile Ticket 1.0.3

Mobile Ticket (v. 1.0.3)

Fluidtime опубликовал приложение 2012-05-13
(обновлено 2012-05-13)

Nutzen Sie Mobile Ticket als Ergänzung zu qando, dem mobilen Infoservice von Wiener Linien und VOR!

Lösen Sie ein Ticket für Wien per SMS und fahren Sie kreuz und quer durch die Kernzone 100. Laden Sie auch qando auf Ihr Gerät und nutzen Sie Mobile Ticket in Verbindung mit Fahrplanabfragen!

Weitere Infos auf www.qando.at

Иконка для Malaysia Directory 1.7.0

Malaysia Directory (v. 1.7.0)

Mobilesoft Masters опубликовал приложение 2012-05-12
(обновлено 2014-03-19)

Malaysia Directory is tourist guide application which shows you points of interest in Malaysia. This is a simple application with lots of useful information about Culture & Heritage (People, Architecture, Handicrafts and etc.), Essential things that you should be aware (such as Do’s & Dont’s, Transportation, some important sentences into Malay, etc.), what activities you can do, complete information about Events & Festivals (this is valuable info if you have plane to see Malaysia), and many more information such as Hotels (including ratings, prices, addresses) and Phone Directory.

In Mobile products like this, we are proud to offer guidance to Thousands of people every day.

Hope to enjoy this application.

Current release:
>>VersionCode: 9, VersionName: 1.7.0

Previous Releases:
>>VersionCode: 8, VersionName: 1.6.0
>>VersionCode: 7, VersionName: 1.5.0
>>VersionCode: 6, VersionName: 1.4.9
>>VersionCode: 5, VersionName: 1.4.5
>>VersionCode: 4, VersionName: 1.3.4
>>VersionCode: 3, VersionName: 1.3.2
>>VersionCode: 2, VersionName: 1.3.1
>>VersionCode: 1, VersionName: 1.0.0

Иконка для Locator360 1.0.1

Locator360 (v. 1.0.1)

Jianzhong Li опубликовал приложение 2012-05-08
(обновлено 2012-05-08)

Locator360 - Easy to share your locations instantly
- Keywords: Locator, Location, Share, GPS

Locator360 is a must-have app that can help you to share your location easier, let others know where you are instantly.

Think about these situations:

1. You are travelling in a beautiful city, just want to share your current location with your friends
2. Your friend comes to your city for the first time, he gets lost, needs your help, you hope he can tell you his detailed location
3. You are in some trouble and you need to tell your family/friends where you are
4. Earthquake, tsunami happened, you need to send your location as soon as possible

- Use the phone GPS and network location providers
- Shows current address via text or Goolge maps
- Send address, GPS position and Google maps link via E-mail or SMS
- Send address, GPS position and Google maps picture via E-mail or MMS
- Send location on SNS, buzz, twitter, facebook
- Allows you to modify, comment related informations

Иконка для Mom Maps Free 1.0.5

Mom Maps Free (v. 1.0.5)

New Media Parents опубликовал приложение 2012-04-28
(обновлено 2014-03-16)

About Mom Maps Free
 Mom Maps Free helps you find kid-friendly places when you’re on the go! ** As seen in the Wall Street Journal, San Francisco Chronicle, Huffington Post, Washington Post, Tech Crunch, Babble, Red Tricycle and more! 

New users:   Please note that previous sign-in issues have been resolved!  App requires only email and username.  Also note that app supports 28 metro areas and many small towns - and new spots are being added daily!  Please feel free to add some in your town if you'd like Mom Maps to go there!
Looking for a great play date place? Need to find indoor fun on a rainy day or a nearby playground when you're on the road? Mom Maps Free lets you tap the collective wisdom of parents everywhere to find kid-friendly fun when you need it. Search our extensive list of parks, playgrounds, restaurants, museums and indoor play areas, as well as reviews by parents, for parents. We also partner with top parent bloggers and family travel experts to bring you their top kid-friendly picks. 


· GPS – Find kid-friendly locations which are close to you, plus a map to get you there
· View the average rating for all locations as well as the most recent review and photo
· Submit your own ratings, reviews and photos
· Share your favorites with friends via Facebook or email

Over 28,000 locations from 28 metro areas and counting, including:  
West Coast:  San Francisco Bay Area, Sacramento, Los Angeles, Orange County San Diego, Seattle, Portland, Vancouver, Hawaii (Oahu, Maui, and Kauai)
West:  , Albuquerque, Salt Lake City, Boise
East Coast: New York City, Weschester, NY, Washington DC, Philadelphia, Boston,
Mid West:  Chicago, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Milwaukee, , Raleigh,
South:  Jacksonville, Charlotte, Dallas, New Orleans, Atlanta
Europe:  Paris, UK

New areas added ongoinly!


"Whenever we go on vacation, I like to find a playground so my preschooler can have a little time to hit the swings and the sandbox. I used Mom Maps to find a great park last time we were in Kona, Hawaii. I felt like a local!” - Stacie D. 

"School's out and you're not sure what to do with the kids? Mom Maps (free) shows you the closest parks, restaurants, playgrounds, and more. It's perfect for setting up your next playdate, too!" lilsugar.com 

"Good neighborhood playgrounds. Fun places to go if it rained. Restaurants that didn't turn up their noses at children... the application finds nearby restaurants, parks, museums and play spaces that are mom-tested, kid-approved." sfgate.com 


For support please contact support@mommaps.com or visit www.mommaps.com for more information about Mom Maps or Mom Maps Free. 


Mom Maps was created by a San Francisco mom and co-founder of the leading group of family-friendly developers, Moms with Apps. Mom Maps is committed to providing parent-to-parent recommendations and reviews to make it easier to find new places for kid-friendly fun in your own area and on the road. 

Mom Maps is a member of Moms with Apps, a collaborative group of family-friendly developers seeking to promote quality apps for kids and families. 
Recommended Ages: Parents

Иконка для Destination Compass Free 1.3.2

Destination Compass Free (v. 1.3.2)

in-trinity опубликовал приложение 2012-04-24
(обновлено 2014-03-16)

Displays compass indicating the direction of your destination.
Compass will be shown in the status bar.

It displays the distance and destination addresses.
In addition, the bookmark can be done.

A pay version is prepared. The advertisement is not displayed in a pay version.

- using sensors;
OS version 2.2 below: GPS sensor + Orientation sensor
OS version 2.2 and above: GPS sensor + Magnetic sensor + Accelerometer sensor
Accuracy of the compass of this application will depend on the sensitivity of these sensors, some models may not be shown in the right direction.

There are other apps -> https://market.android.com/developer?pub=in-trinity
YouTube -> http://www.youtube.com/user/intriandroid
Twitter -> http://twitter.com/#!/In_Trinity
Facebook -> http://on.fb.me/vDUVnp

Иконка для Club Carlson — Hotel Rewards 1.0.17

Club Carlson — Hotel Rewards (v. 1.0.17)

Club Carlson опубликовал приложение 2012-02-26
(обновлено 2014-03-14)

Carlson Hotels helps you enjoy all the benefits of the global Club Carlson rewards program — and more — right from your phone.

**Key Features**
— Search from among 1000+ Carlson Hotels worldwide
— Redeem your points for stays at Radisson®, Country Inns & Suites By CarlsonSM, Park Inn® and Park Plaza®
— Find hotels near your current location or in any city
— Book a stay or view/cancel an upcoming stay
— Sign-up for Express Booking
— Explore the area with Google Maps and over 4 million points of interest from local restaurants to tourist attractions

Иконка для Flight Times UK 1.0

Flight Times UK (v. 1.0)

BrightAI опубликовал приложение 2012-02-21
(обновлено 2012-02-21)

Let Flight Times be your guide to the latest flight information for 27 of the UK’s major airports. Track arrivals and departure times for each airport, or use the search options to search for your flight directly.

Flight Times Features:

• Custom ordering of Airport list (Have your favourites together)

• Select from 27 UK airports:

- Aberdeen
- Belfast
- Belfast City
- Birmingham
- Bournemouth
- Bristol
- Cardiff
- Doncaster Sheffield
- East Midlands Airport
- Edinburgh
- Exeter
- Guernsey
- Glasgow
- Glasgow Prestwick
- Inverness
- Isle of Mann
- Jersey
- Leeds Bradford
- Liverpool
- London City
- London Heathrow
- London Gatwick
- London Luton
- London Stansted
- Manchester
- Newcastle
- Southampton

• Arrival and Departure listings*
• Filter or Search for your flight, either by flight number or destination location by clicking on the search button on the main menu, or clicking on the Search icon on the top right corner of the display.

*A data connection will be required


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