Find departure times for AtB's buses and busstops in Trondheim, Norway.
Alf's ByBuss for Trondheim (Norway) is going to help you find departure-times for AtB buses and also show where bus-stops are located.
The search-box can use natural language for querying. F.eks "When does the next bus go from Ila to Voll so that I arrive before 21.00?"
You also need to use nearly full english sentences for the oracle to understand that you want you answer i english. Typing just "Ila to Voll" the Oracle will interpret "to" as the Norwegian spelling for the number two.
- Keeps earlier searches and shows auto-completion-list while you type.
- Shows all bus-stops on the map.
- Tap to/from bus-stops and auto-fill search-bar with it's name.
- Use GPS/WiFi to find your location and also get current locations address for use in search.
- Reverse search to travel the opposite direction.
- Show last answer from the AtB bus-oracle.
- Update last search.
- New XML with all bus-stops in Trondheim and the area around.
- Real-time information about buses arriving at a bus-stop
Please let me know if you find any bugs at simen.sorensen at
Info about problems etc will be given at:
Twitter: @AlfSimen
Tags: bus, buss, Trondheim, AtB, transport, Norway, realtime, sanntid
- Checks for internet-connectivity before search. (why I need new permission android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE)
- Translated to english (by default it is shown in Norwegian, but if your locale is set to GB or US it will be in English)
- Now with realtime info about a bus-stop!
- Fixed realtime after AtB changed id's
- Menu option for seeing the pdf's of all of AtB's schedules.
- Added option to save app to SD-card