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Иконка для Cheqqer Triplog 2.0

Cheqqer Triplog (v. 2.0)

Oberon Interactive опубликовал приложение 2012-06-18
(обновлено 2012-06-18)

Cheqqer Triplog is there for you to help you keep track of the many places on earth you have visited and will visit in the future. By cheqqing in to each and every city you visit, you'll come across funky rewards you'll receive as a surprise. Wanna find out what they are and collect them all? Download the Cheqqer Triplog App and start to travel, cheq in & share!

+ Cheq in to every city in the world
+ Share your cheq ins with your friends on Facebook & Twitter
+ Keep track of your travels in your personal Triplog
+ See where your friends have been
+ Full offline functionality for when you are travelling abroad without data roaming.

Иконка для MisterVolo air ticket 1.1

MisterVolo air ticket (v. 1.1)

GinLemon опубликовал приложение 2012-06-18
(обновлено 2012-06-18)

MisterVolo compare the best deals on travel, flights, hotels, cruises, vacation rentals, last minute, event tickets and travel insurance available in more than 250 sites of the Internet. Select your search criteria, and with one click you'll get the best deals on the web!

Иконка для Gran Canaria Reiseführer 1.1

Gran Canaria Reiseführer (v. 1.1)

TOURIAS опубликовал приложение 2012-06-18
(обновлено 2012-06-18)

Der Tourias Travel Guide ist ein kostenloser Reiseführer für Gran Canaria. Sehenswürdigkeiten werden in Text und Bild – inklusive Öffnungszeiten und Eintrittspreisen - vorgestellt. Über die „In der Nähe“ Funktion finden Sie komfortabel Unterkünfte, Restaurants, Bars oder Ausgehmöglichkeiten in Ihrer direkten Umgebung. Auf der integrierten Karte sehen Sie Ihren aktuellen Standort in Gran Canaria und weitere interessante Orte in Ihrer Nähe.

Иконка для Kétkerék 1.04

Kétkerék (v. 1.04)

Telenor Hungary опубликовал приложение 2012-06-18
(обновлено 2012-06-18)

A Telenor Kétkerék Kerékpáros Útvonaltervező alkalmazás a magyar biciklisek közlekedésének, tájékozódásának megkönnyítésére készült.

Az alkalmazás az útvonaltervezésen túl rendelkezik számos hasznos funkcióval , mint például az útvonal rögzítés, a több mint 18000 POI, a sokrétű indulási- és célpont meghatározás. A közösségi funkciók által lehetséges a tervezett és rögzített útvonalak megosztása és a
mások által megosztott útvonalak keresése, letöltése.

Az útvonaltervezés az OpenStreetMaps-ben szereplő minden kerékpározásra alkalmas út figyelembevételével történik.
A térkép online kapcsolatot igényel, a már megtervezett, vagy elmentett útvonal adatai internet kapcsolat nélkül elérhetőek.

Az app a Google Maps térképet és a MapQuest Directions útvonaltervező rendszerét használja.


- Útvonal tervezés
- Jelenlegi pozíciótól
- Térkép alapján
- POI-k segítségével
- Kedvencekkel
- Koordinátákkal
- Részletes útvonal információk
- Térképnézetek
- Hagyományos térkép
- Műholdas térkép
- POI-k megjelenítése
- Kedvencek megjelenítése
- Automatikus újratervezés
- Közösségi funkciók
- Útvonal letöltése, keresése
- Tervezett és rögzített útvonal megosztása
- Útvonal rögzítés (tracking)
- Útvonalat letöltése
- Iránytű
- Sebességmérő
- Beállítások
- Tervezett átlagsebesség
- Mintavételezés léptéke (tracking)
- POI adatbázis frissítése

Иконка для Longueville Manor 2.1

Longueville Manor (v. 2.1)

BeAppi Ltd опубликовал приложение 2012-06-17
(обновлено 2012-06-17)

Longueville Manor is recognised as Jersey's most highly acclaimed hotel. It is the only AA Five Red Star hotel on the Island and the sole member of the world's finest collection of small luxury hotels, Relais & Châteaux.

With its 30 bedrooms and suites, renowned restaurant and enchanting grounds, this boutique property is recognised as one of Europe's most celebrated getaways.

Understated service, fine food and attention to detail, makes Longueville Manor a unique haven of luxury and indulgence.

Sitting at the foot of one of Jersey's most attractive valleys, Longueville Manor is admired by both travel writers and food critics alike, a testimony of owners, Malcolm and Patricia Lewis's passion for welcoming guests to their "home from home".

Both Longueville Manor and the island of Jersey make the perfect destination for that romantic break, magical family holiday, or peaceful corporate stay. In addition, the professional events team can arrange meeting facilities, tailor-made events, weddings, and private dining.

Иконка для Sant Pere de Reus 2.4

Sant Pere de Reus (v. 2.4)

Tarracodroid опубликовал приложение 2012-06-17
(обновлено 2012-06-17)

Aquesta aplicació és una guia de les activitats que es duen a terme durant la Festa Major Sant Pere 2011 de Reus.

Amb aquesta aplicació es poden veure els actes que es realitzen en un dia concret o totes les activitats d'un tipus determinat. Per exemple: quins espectacles infantils hi ha programats, quins concerts, quines projeccions, etc.
A més a més, l'aplicació està integrada amb Google Maps i si es desconeix l'ubicació d'un acte, es pot consultar el mapa per veure on es cel·lebra i la nostra posició actual. Tanmateix, es poden veure tots els llocs on es cel·lebren actes.

IMAC (Institut Municipal d'acció Cultural) ha col·laborat en la creació d'aquesta aplicació aportant les dades del programa de Festa Major Sant Pere 2011.

Per més informació consultar la plana web:

Terminals on s'ha provat l'aplicació:
- HTC Desire
- HTC Desire HD
- HTC Hero
- HTC Wildfire
- Motorola Defy
- Samsung Galaxy Mini
- Samsung Galaxy S

TarracoDroid Community
Comunitat d'Usuaris Android de Tarragona

Иконка для Lima Street Map 1.0.2

Lima Street Map (v. 1.0.2)

Dubbele.com опубликовал приложение 2012-06-17
(обновлено 2012-06-17)

Do you feel online Google Maps is too slow showing you the map? Do you want an easy way to mark and remember where you are? Do you need a list of streets where you are? You don't want to carry around a big unwieldy paper map? Tired of having the paper map blown to pieces by the wind every time you try to figure out where you are and where you need to go?

The mobile street maps are for you! All the map data is loaded on your phone before you leave your home, so can you be on the streets, offline, and still know everything about the area you are in, and locate yourself or any street in the city. You don't need any network connection at all once the application is installed on your phone - no WiFi, no 3G, no GPRS!

This is a complete street level map for your phone. The entire map is stored on your phone, so it works where you have no access to the Internet - it works where Google Maps is inaccessible. This prevents expensive data roaming charges by loading all the map data to your phone before you leave home. You can turn off all network functions and still be able to find your way around. Lets you find all streets, and many useful locations such as ATM's, parkings, museums, and many others.

Map data (c) OpenStreetMap and contributors, CC-BY-SA.

Иконка для Leeds Street Map 1.0.2

Leeds Street Map (v. 1.0.2)

Dubbele.com опубликовал приложение 2012-06-17
(обновлено 2012-06-17)

Do you feel online Google Maps is too slow showing you the map? Do you want an easy way to mark and remember where you are? Do you need a list of streets where you are? You don't want to carry around a big unwieldy paper map? Tired of having the paper map blown to pieces by the wind every time you try to figure out where you are and where you need to go?

The mobile street maps are for you! All the map data is loaded on your phone before you leave your home, so can you be on the streets, offline, and still know everything about the area you are in, and locate yourself or any street in the city. You don't need any network connection at all once the application is installed on your phone - no WiFi, no 3G, no GPRS!

This is a complete street level map for your phone. The entire map is stored on your phone, so it works where you have no access to the Internet - it works where Google Maps is inaccessible. This prevents expensive data roaming charges by loading all the map data to your phone before you leave home. You can turn off all network functions and still be able to find your way around. Lets you find all streets, and many useful locations such as ATM's, parkings, museums, and many others.

Map data (c) OpenStreetMap and contributors, CC-BY-SA.

Иконка для Honolulu Street Map 1.0.2

Honolulu Street Map (v. 1.0.2)

Dubbele.com опубликовал приложение 2012-06-17
(обновлено 2012-06-17)

Do you feel online Google Maps is too slow showing you the map? Do you want an easy way to mark and remember where you are? Do you need a list of streets where you are? You don't want to carry around a big unwieldy paper map? Tired of having the paper map blown to pieces by the wind every time you try to figure out where you are and where you need to go?

The mobile street maps are for you! All the map data is loaded on your phone before you leave your home, so can you be on the streets, offline, and still know everything about the area you are in, and locate yourself or any street in the city. You don't need any network connection at all once the application is installed on your phone - no WiFi, no 3G, no GPRS!

This is a complete street level map for your phone. The entire map is stored on your phone, so it works where you have no access to the Internet - it works where Google Maps is inaccessible. This prevents expensive data roaming charges by loading all the map data to your phone before you leave home. You can turn off all network functions and still be able to find your way around. Lets you find all streets, and many useful locations such as ATM's, parkings, museums, and many others.

Map data (c) OpenStreetMap and contributors, CC-BY-SA.

Иконка для Информация об очередях 1.6

Информация об очередях (v. 1.6)

Студия Борового опубликовал приложение 2012-06-17
(обновлено 2012-06-17)

Информация об очередях в пунктах пропуска через границу Республики Беларусь.

Обновляется каждые 2 часа - требуется подключение к Интернету.

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