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Иконка для Gdansk Street Map 1.0.2

Gdansk Street Map (v. 1.0.2)

Dubbele.com опубликовал приложение 2012-09-23
(обновлено 2012-09-23)

Do you feel online Google Maps is too slow showing you the map? Do you want an easy way to mark and remember where you are? Do you need a list of streets where you are? You don't want to carry around a big unwieldy paper map? Tired of having the paper map blown to pieces by the wind every time you try to figure out where you are and where you need to go?

The mobile streetmaps are for you! All the map data is loaded on your phone before you leave your home, so can you be on the streets, offline, and still know everything about the area you are in, and locate yourself or any street in the city. You don't need any network connection at all once the application is installed on your phone – no WiFi, no 3G, no GPRS!

This is a complete street level map for your phone. The entire map is stored on your phone, so it works where you have no access to the Internet - it works where Google Maps is inaccessible. This prevents expensive data roaming charges by loading all the map data to your phone before you leave home. You can turn off all network functions and still be able to find your way around. Lets you find all streets, and many useful locations such as ATM's, parkings, museums, and many others.

Map data (c) OpenStreetMap and contributors, CC-BY-SA.

Иконка для Offline Map Bangkok 8.2

Offline Map Bangkok (v. 8.2)

digitalmobilemap опубликовал приложение 2012-09-23
(обновлено 2014-10-29)

Bangkok Offline Map, vector map, totally offline maps, no internet connection.

Key features:
* Offline map
* Store and load map data from memory card
* ZoomIn/ZoomOut/Pan, Pinch to zoom, Long press to open context menu
* Search street by name and/or intersection with other streets
* Search point by name, type, distance or type+name, type+distance
* Search GPS location by latitude and longitude in decimal format
* Partial name search
* Can touch any object on map (point, street, building, park, river...) to view its name
* Text to Speech point/street name in 5 default languages: German, English, Spanish, French, Italian. If you use other TTS, it can speak point/street name in more than 20+ languages.
* GPS real-time tracking with built-in compass
* Rotate map
* Voice guidance
* Navigation with Routing offline from point to point.
* Supports all android phones and tablets screen sizes and densities. You only need to purchase the application one time, Android Market allows you to install and use this application on all android devices that you have (android phones + 7", 9" or 10" android tablets) without any additional charge.

If you want to try the application to see how it works, you can download demo versions:
* Denver (USA) Offline Map https://market.android.com/details?id=denver.digitalmobilemap.com
* Singapore Offline Map https://market.android.com/details?id=singapore.digitalmobilemap.com

For quick use of the application, use PC/laptop to download offline map data files for following cities from http://www.mediafire.com/?6i729cajchy5s then put the .jar files in your android memory card before purchase the application and use the application to open the .jar files.

To generate map data for other city/country, follow instructions from:


Basic User Guide

Touch and drag to move map, pinch to zooom, tap on + button to zoom in, tap on - button to zoom out, tap on an object (street or point) to view its name, double tap or touch and hold (long press) on an object (street or point) to set that object as start waypoint or target waypoint.

There is an option to load routing nodes into memory. Select this option to speed up calculation of shortest/fastest route.

How to use turn by turn navigation:
1. Define start waypoint and target waypoint then select AutoRouting from main menu to calculate shortest/fastest route. The application will remember your route.
2. Turn on "In Car Navigation When GPS Tracking/Routing" and "Keep On Road When Tracking" options in Setup menu
3. Select GPS tracking from main menu.
4. Wait until the application receive the first GPS signal. (It may take a few minutes to get GPS fix depend on your phone GPS receiver).
5. Mount your phone on the phone handle in your car.
6. Drive along the shortest/fastest route highlight on the map, the application will speak to you with voice guidance (turn left or turn right).
7. Follow the turn by turn navigation instructions you will reach the target waypoint.


Map data is from OpenStreetmap (http://www.openstreetmap.org) and contributors under a Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/).

OpenStreetMap is a collaborative, wiki-like mapping project. Because of openly-editable wiki nature of the OpenStreetMap, map data is subjected to mapping errors. The application will able to find correct shortest/fastest route most of the times, however we can not guarantee the application is ALWAYS able to find correct shortest/fastest route with OpenStreetMap data.

Иконка для IMGuest - Hotel Social Network 1.0.1

IMGuest - Hotel Social Network (v. 1.0.1)

IMGuest.com опубликовал приложение 2012-09-23
(обновлено 2012-09-23)

IMGuest is the first and only Hotel Social Network worldwide.

IMGuets is a must have cool app when traveling the world on business or vacation.

IMGuest helps you connect, interact and meet with other guests at your hotel and hotels around you.

Hotels are fascinating venues. A lot can happen between their walls exploring thrilling interaction between guests like business savvy that travel around the globe or even entire families on their exciting vacation.

IMGuest diminishes the boring and upgrade your stay at any hotel in the world by making it much more productive, socially, engaging and interesting.


Check in to your hotel.
Share your purpose of checkin and look for other interesting purposes.
Search and find like minded hotel guests at your hotel.
Look for other guests around.
Find out who checked out your profile.
Add interesting hotel guests to your favorites.
Send private messages directly to guest's email to engage.
Setup face to face meetings with other guests.
Get notified regard new guests at your hotel.
Get notified regard nearby favorites guests.
Explore hotel specials, benefits and announcements.

Иконка для London Traffic Cameras 1.0

London Traffic Cameras (v. 1.0)

LegionWare опубликовал приложение 2012-09-23
(обновлено 2012-09-23)

Check your route for traffic jams before you get there. Almost 200 London traffic cameras included.

* 3 "Save to Favourite" buttons
* Install to SD card
* Search for camera capable

Иконка для 无线深圳 1.0

无线深圳 (v. 1.0)

aaaaaaaacccccccc опубликовал приложение 2012-09-23
(обновлено 2012-09-23)


Иконка для 스마트 항공 스케줄 2.0

스마트 항공 스케줄 (v. 2.0)

한국항공진흥협회 опубликовал приложение 2012-09-23
(обновлено 2014-10-29)

스마트 항공 스케줄
현재 날짜와 시간을 기준으로 항공기의 실시간 출발, 도착 정보를 보여줍니다.
특정 공항/시간/날짜를 선택하시면 실시간으로 항공기의 출발/도착 정보를 볼 수 있습니다.
항공사를 통해 확정되어 배포되는 항공 스케줄 정보로, 주간 또는 특정 일자별 예정된 항공 스케줄 정보를 조회 할 수 있습니다.
항공 운항과 관련된 부가 정보를 볼 수 있습니다.
- 전국공항 실시간 출도착 정보
- 즐겨찾기, 항공사/목적지/편명 검색
- 국제선/국내선 주간,일자별 스케줄 정보
- 전국공항 기상 정보
- 세계의 시각 정보
현재 프로그램 버전 : Ver 2.0
배포처 : 한국항공진흥협회
문의처 : webmaster@airportal.co.kr

Иконка для Obuda english 1.4

Obuda english (v. 1.4)

Appsters.me опубликовал приложение 2012-09-23
(обновлено 2012-09-23)

The Mayor Bús Balázs Recommends the Touristic GPS

Welcome in Óbuda, in the second biggest district in Budapest in the 2000 year old town. Óbuda is a special place, where the memories of the different ages are to be present at the same time – the high rise buildings, past and the present. The Aquincum, the two Amphitheatres and the ruins of the civilian city are telling about the nearly semi-Colonel Roman rule. The remains of the Klarissa church and abbey built in the 14th century, the baroque St. Peter and Pal church, the Zichy castle, the synagogue in classicist style, or the gas-works in Óbuda which received monument protection. Walking on the Main square of Óbuda the visitors can feel a last century atmosphere. The square houses from spring to autumn numerous cultural events, in winter a skating rink is waiting for the skaters.
Óbuda has always been famous for its hospitality. The cosy little restaurants of the district have already been popular at the beginning of the last century, and our visitors even today can be a part of this kind of hospitality.

I recommend our publication presenting values, accommodations and welcoming facilities of our district as a useful fellow traveller. I wish you could keep the time you have spent in Óbuda as the nicest memories, and discover all what not even a GPS can give you: the magical atmosphere of Óbuda. If you can, please come back to us! We, Óbuda citizens, welcome you!

What is app useful for?

We present alltogether 182 institutions, sights, restaurants in Óbuda. In the database there are 21 tourist attractions, 8 museums, 24 churches. Services: 43 restaurants, 16 nightclubs, 24 accommodations. Rich illustration: 505 photos.

We give a brief description of some places. We can save the practical data of the places (address, phone number, e-mail address, web site) in the phone book of the phone. One click and we can see the website and the Facebook site of the sights.

The sights can be searched on the map and we can even plan a route from our position. For easier handling some places can be saved as a favourite and the most popular places candidate by the others as favourite can be watched as well. In the data we can search for any words or browse by categories.

Beta version.

Иконка для Óbuda 1.5

Óbuda (v. 1.5)

Appsters.me опубликовал приложение 2012-09-23
(обновлено 2012-09-23)


Bús Balázs polgármester ajánlja a turisztikai GPS-t:

Szeretettel köszöntöm Önöket Óbudán, Budapest második legnagyobb kerületében, a 2000 éves városban. Óbuda különleges hely, ahol egyszerre vannak jelen a különböző történelmi korok emlékei és az égbe nyúló toronyházak, múlt és jelen. A rómaiak közel fél évezredes uralmáról mesélnek Aquincum, a két amfiteátrum, a polgárváros romjai. A XIV. században épült klarissza templom és kolostor maradványai, a barokk Szent Péter és Pál templom, a Zichy kastély , a klasszicista zsinagóga, vagy a mûemlékvédelmet kapott Óbudai Gázgyár, mind közkedvelt látnivalók Óbudán. Óbuda Fő terére látogatva hamisítatlan századeleji hangulat fogadja az utazókat. A tér tavasztól őszig számos kulturális rendezvénynek ad otthont, télen pedig jégpálya várja a korcsolyázni vágyókat.

Óbuda mindig is híres volt vendégszeretetéről. A kerület hangulatos kisvendéglői már a századelőn is közkedveltek voltak, és ma is ebben a vendégszeretetben lehet része azoknak, akik ellátogatnak hozzánk.

Hasznos útitársként ajánlom figyelmükbe kerületünk értékeit, szálláshelyeit és vendégváró létesítményeit bemutató kiadványunkat. Kívánom, hogy az Óbudán töltött napokat legszebb emlékeik között őrizzék, és fedezzék fel mindazt, amit egy turisztikai GPS sem adhat vissza: Óbuda varázslatos hangulatát. Ha tehetik, térjenek vissza hozzánk! Mi, óbudaiak, szeretettel várjuk Önöket!

:::Mit tud az app?:::

Óbudán összesen 182 intézményt, nevezetességet, vendéglátóhelyet, mutatunk be. Az adatbázisban 21 turisztikai látványosság, 8 múzeum, 24 templom szerepel. Szolgáltatások: 43 étterem, 16 szórakozóhely, 24 szálláshely adatai. Gazdag illusztrácó: 505 fénykép.

Az egyes helyekről rövid leírást adunk. A helyekhez tartozó praktikus adatokat (cím, telefonszám, e-mail, weboldal) elmenthetjük a telefonkönyvbe. Egy kattintással megnézhetjük a látnivalók weboldalát, Facebook oldalát.

Az nevezetességeket megnézhetjük térképen, és az aktuális pozíciónktól útvonalat is tervezhetünk. A könnyebb kezelést segíti, hogy az egyes helyeket elmenthetjük a kedvencek közé, és a legnépszerűbb, mások által kedvencnek jelölt helyeket is megnézhetjük. Az adatokban kereshetünk bármilyen szóra, vagy kategóriák szerint böngészhetünk.

Béta verzió

Иконка для HAK 2.0.2

HAK (v. 2.0.2)

Hrvatski autoklub опубликовал приложение 2012-09-23
(обновлено 2012-09-23)

Sve informacije potrebne vozačima na jednom mjestu uvijek su pri ruci uz mobilnu aplikaciju Hrvatskog autokluba - HAK!

Hrvatski autoklub nacionalna je udruga vozača i vlasnika vozila, a sada niz korisnih informacija kojima raspolaže nudi i kroz mobilnu aplikaciju.

Aplikacija nudi pregled najpotrebnijih putnih informacija poput:

- trenutno stanje na cestama, graničnim prijelazima i trajektnom prometu
- informacije o ograničenjima i zabranama prometovanja na cestama
- prognozu prometa za sutra
- slike uživo s preko 150 kamera na najbitnijim cestovnim pravcima u RH
- pozicije policijskih radara
- aktualne cijene goriva

Stanje na cestama možete brzo i sažeto saznati i kroz TV emisiju Promet info, čije je zadnje izdanje moguće pogledati. Kroz aplikaciju moguće je pristupiti popisu autoklubova udruženih u HAK s osnovnim kontaktnim informacijama, kao i popisu partnera u sustavima "HAK preporučuje" i "Show your Card!" koji za članove HAK-a nude popuste na svoje proizvode i usluge. Vama za pomoć, popis autoklubova i partnera poredan je prema blizini od Vaše trenutne pozicije. Uz POMOĆ NA CESTI pozivom na jedinstveni besplatni broj 1987 omogućava da Kontaktnom centru HAK-a pošaljete svoju trenutnu GPS lokaciju te time omogućite brz pronalazak i pružanje kvalitetne usluge, ma gdje se nalazili! Omogućena je i na POMOĆ NA MORU, gdje aplikacija šalje SMS s Vašim koordinatama mreži pomoći i dostave na moru EmergenSea.

Osim navedenog, aktualna verzija sadrži i niz drugih funkcionalnosti:

- uslugu mParking za brzo i jednostavno plaćanje parkiranja SMS-om u gradovima u Hrvatskoj, obogaćeno nizom funkcionalnosti (automatska detekcija grada po GPS lokaciji korisnika, automatska detekcija parkirne zone u Zagrebu, podrška za više automobila, evidencija razdoblja naplate, evidencija o cijenama i trajanju parkirne karte, itd...)
- popis i prikaz na karti najbližih benzinskih postaja sedam najvećih naftnih kompanija u Hrvatskoj (preko 650 benzinskih postaja), navigacija do odabrane postaje
- sveobuhvatan popis interesnih točaka u Hrvatskoj - preko 14.000 interesnih točaka (POI) iz niza kategorija (autokampovi, autoškole, bankomati, bolnice, hosteli, hoteli, poštanski uredi i kovčežići, kiosci, ljekarne, nacionalni parkovi, parkovi prirode, poslovnice banaka, prodavaonice, stanice za tehnički pregled i dr.)
- pregled zauzeća pojedinih javnih garaža i parkirališta uživo
- prosječne cijene goriva u Europi iz 40-ak europskih zemalja
- Gdje mi je auto? - alat za pomoć pri pronalasku svog automobila parkiranog u nepoznatoj sredini, pješačka navigacija do automobila
- pregled cestarina na kompletnoj mreži autocesta u Hrvatskoj
- olakšano kontaktiranje HAK-a i važnih službi (brzo biranje hitnih brojeva)
- olakšano učlanjivanje u HAK

Preuzmite aplikaciju i istražite sve njezine mogućnosti!
Više informacija na http://www.hak.hr/smartphone

Vaš Hrvatski autoklub

Иконка для 掌上合肥 1.3

掌上合肥 (v. 1.3)

365jia.cn опубликовал приложение 2012-09-22
(обновлено 2012-09-22)



─ 随时随地查找美食、休闲、酒店、加油站、停车场、景点、医院、银行、缴费等各种商家设施
─ GPS定位自动搜索周边各类商户,省时省力
─ 提供商户电话、地址地图、客观点评等全面信息
─ 写下自己的消费体验,并和其他网友分享
─ 收藏自己喜欢的商家店铺,以后可以更加方便的查看

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