Is your vehicle preforming as well as it could? Does it seem like you’re going through gas too fast?
MPG Calculator is a fantastic tool to help track the average Miles per Gallon of your vehicle. Just enter in fill up data when you stop for gas, and let the calculator keep track! Make sure to reset your tripometer between fill ups!
Supports any number of Vehicles!
Track any number of fill-ups for your Vehicles!
Calculates average Miles per Gallon of your Vehicle!
Calculates average Cost per Gallon of all fill-ups!
This app should not be used to refute or challenge claims of manufacture MPG ratings or gas prices. It was developed solely as an informational tool to help check performance of your vehicles. If your MPG calculation seems too low you should check for options to improve the rating (replace air filter, fuel filter, injector cleaner, drive slower, etc).