Wuala в Android Market

Icon for Wuala 2.1.5 Wuala (v. 2.1.5)
Разработано LaCie

With Wuala for Android all your files are available directly in your pocket. This secure mobile application protects your privacy: File encryption is done directly on your phone and your password is never transmitted. Unlike other online storage services, Wuala cannot access your files.

- File encryption directly on your phone
- Access to all files, photos and music
- Download files
- Upload files directly from your phone

Check http://bugs.wuala.com/roadmap_page.php?project_id=13 for upcoming features.

In addition to Wuala for Android, Wuala is also available for Windows, Mac or Linux. It lets you:

- automatically backup files online
- sync files across multiple computers
- share files directly
- collaborate in groups
- keep your files safe: all files are encrypted directly on your computer before being uploaded

In order to use this app a Wuala account is required. If you do not have a Wuala account, you can create one for free at www.wuala.com.  

Further information about Wuala and its services can be found at www.wuala.com.


Категория: Инструменты
Закачек: 10000-50000
Размер: 1.4 MB
Опубликовано: 2011-12-18
Обновлено: 2011-12-18

Официальный сайт:

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Воспользуйтесь сканером штрихкодов для быстрой установки этого приложения на ваш телефон!
Права доступа: 2 (показать/скрыть полный список)

Системное имя пакета: com.wuala.android

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Снимок экрана wuala

Комментарии и оценки пользователей для Wuala

[2011-11-25] kpolulak:
Satisfactory. Interface could use improvement but works just fine. Great for accessing synchronized documents.
[2011-11-22] coderaka:
Great App Just work on my XOOM
[2011-11-07] Niall:
Not a great looking UI, needs simple options like 'delete' on files.
[2011-10-30] Miroslav:
+1 with download folder and auto-sync folder I miss whole folder download and ability to set folder to sync automatically. Otherwise great so far. Dropbox is better at these features but lacks at security. SpiderOak is far behind on this without the ability to upload files.
[2011-10-26] Teresa:
Works good on Evo, wish it would work on tablet, that's where I need it most. Hopefully that will change.
[2011-10-21] waxi:
Backup "folder" for Android? :)
[2011-10-18] Thilo:
Not adapted for tablet use: Works fine, but not adapted for use with motorola Xoom. Needs to be changed.
[2011-10-13] sorin:
Good, needs work The service is very good. The app is not there yet, missimg features like sync or at least bulk downloading. Sharing from the app would be also nice
[2011-10-11] Mickets:
Can't choose to download a folder? OK to browse the folders and retrieve a single file. But there's no way to select a whole folder to download, which makes it pointless too me. For example, I uploaded a set of HTML files and folders for me to read on my phone. But on Wuala for Android, I must select and download each file, one by one. Makes no sense to me.
[2011-10-07] Sash:
Best Cloud Service Secure + Has everything you need Sync Backup Share File Versioning Access Anywherand more
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