WlanDecrypter. WEP KeyGen. (v. 1.1) Разработано buckynet |
WlanDecrypter. Dictionary Builder default WEP key for service provider routers on the Internet. Eighteen contains the BSSID's known so far, and its patterns for each router. Select the BSSID and enter the ESSID name two characters to create the dictionary.Manual and instructions in the menu.
[2010-12-07] Vyper: No English instructions. |
[2010-12-06] Jamie: Terrible |
[2010-11-17] Tony: Useless |
[2010-11-02] david: Would be great to have instuctions in the language that is posted on the market |
[2010-10-27] Brian: No se usarlo.... un manual quicas. |
[2010-10-21] Angel L: No tiene instrucciones.. |