WifiFixerFree в Android Market

Icon for WifiFixerFree 0.9.2 WifiFixerFree (v. 0.9.2)
Разработано Andreas Groll

A tool to prevent Android Bug #2207: when connected to wifi, after some time you cannot access mobile data anymore, you have to switch to flight mode or 2G/3G. Using wifi all the time is more power efficient (5-10% battery drain over night using this tool), but this bug is very annoying.

This tool will trigger a mobile connection for a few seconds, while still connected to wifi. The connection interval is configurable to minimize battery drain.

You can find the online help under http://goo.gl/FA6d2. For questions mail me, send bug reports or join this thread http://goo.gl/BmbCZ

Extensively tested on Nexus One (froyo), Samsung Galaxy 3 i5800 (eclair and froyo). Please report others.


Категория: Инструменты
Закачек: 10000-50000
Размер: 41.8 KB
Опубликовано: 2011-06-21
Обновлено: 2011-06-21

Баркод для WifiFixerFree
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Права доступа: 4 (показать/скрыть полный список)

Системное имя пакета: com.symsoft.wififixerfree

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Комментарии и оценки пользователей для WifiFixerFree

[2013-01-02] A Google User:
Best app out there This app is the most useful app ever my wifi would always disconnect and give me a authenticifation error but thanks to this app it stopped that and fixed the wifi on the Samsung galaxy ace iix
[2012-09-09] A Google User:
galaxy s 2 work well fix my Wi-Fi
[2012-07-30] A Google User:
Not working for the htc desire Active but other than pop up msgs doesn't really reactivate mobile data
[2012-07-14] A Google User:
Droid X one & only wifi fix! I couldn't believe it myself, but this app actually fixed all my Droid X wifi connectivity issues! Thank you so much!
[2012-06-11] A Google User:
José A. "...don't n'd it yet; but s. func...thanks..."
[2012-04-02] A Google User:
Mx Will get better rating if thr loggings are auto cleared by app itself or not keep log at all if it cant clear itself
[2012-03-21] A Google User:
A Awesome job. Thanks to the developer. Deleted the app by mistake and had to wait the whole day for the WiFi to work and for new to download the app. Now its done. Bye bye WiFi problems.
[2012-03-07] A Google User:
scott Finally one that really works
[2012-02-17] A Google User:
Crap Doesn't do anything
[2012-02-16] A Google User:
Works perfectly With the timer set to 15 minutes this app has completely solved the issue of my wifi connection becoming unresponsive on my galaxy s2. I many thanks!
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