WifiBatt в Android Market

Icon for WifiBatt 1110 WifiBatt (v. 1110)
Разработано Neniinoo

With WifiBatt you no longer have to go into your mobile device's settings to turn your wireless on and off.

WifiBatt allows you the set parameters to determine when and for how long the WiFi should be in use, hence significantly improving the battery life of your mobile device. Although most Android devices come with a battery saver, there are still some aspects over which you have no control. WifiBatt literally turns off the WiFi when your device is not in use, which consequently helps save your battery life.  Give it a try, your battery will thank you!


- Saves 10 - 15 % battery life by turning off your wireless connection
- Turns off wireless after a minute if not connected successfully
- With a user specified time, WifiBatt turns your wireless connection off when screen is off and back on when the screen is in use.
- Ability to start service upon startup
- Memory consumption less than 4 MB
- Size on disk less than 65 KB

* Upcoming features:
- Average battery saved will be included in the next version

How to Use:
1) Connect to your favorite wireless hotspot (Ex: MyHome)
2) Open WifiBatt
3) Start the service
4) Thats all the service will automatically run in the background turning on your wireless when the screen is on (process may take 5 - 20 seconds) and turning off the wireless (depending on your choice)

Please report any problems you may be experiencing.

*** Phones with issues ***
- LG Optimus One: has a build in feature that turns wireless off when screen is off no timer settings. To disable this feature and use WifiBatt simply follow these steps.
1) go to settings
2) Wireless & Network settings
3) Wi-Fi Settings
4) press the menu button
5) Choose Advanced
6) Choose Wi-Fi Sleep Policy
7) choose "Never" or "Disabled"

** This application is provided "as is" with no warranty.

Thank you for your interest.

tags: wifibatt neniinoo appstore apps app market android battery saver minimize wifi wireless "smart phones" mobile cellphones gadgets "cell phones"


Категория: Инструменты
Закачек: 100-500
Размер: 42.1 KB
Опубликовано: 2011-07-20
Обновлено: 2011-07-20

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Системное имя пакета: com.neniinoo.android

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Комментарии и оценки пользователей для WifiBatt

[2012-05-15] A Google User:
[2012-02-19] A Google User:
Not working under my condition It seem it doesn't work with the LG G2x(P999) and CM7.1 nightly 221...+ faux123 kernel .48
[2011-09-04] A Google User:
Love This app! Simple yet effective
[2011-07-27] A Google User:
Wifi sleep doesn't work on my phone with custom rom. This app is exactly what I was looking for.
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