WifiBackup PRO в Android Market

Icon for WifiBackup PRO 1.3.6 WifiBackup PRO (v. 1.3.6)
Разработано MobileFramework

1.3.6 Fixed FC's on some phones.
1.3.5 Removed trace log entry of password.
1.3.4 Fixed Froyo sleep issue

Set it and forget it!  Backup, Scheduling & 2-way sync!

WifiBackup allows you to set a network share and make a complete backup of your sdcard.  Easily transfer files over wifi.


Категория: Инструменты
Закачек: 100-500
Размер: 3.3 MB
Опубликовано: 2010-09-29
Обновлено: 2011-05-09

Официальный сайт:

Баркод для WifiBackup PRO
Воспользуйтесь сканером штрихкодов для быстрой установки этого приложения на ваш телефон!
Права доступа: 9 (показать/скрыть полный список)

Системное имя пакета: PowellDev.WifiBackup

Видео и снимки экрана

Снимок экрана wifibackup-pro
Снимок экрана wifibackup-pro

Комментарии и оценки пользователей для WifiBackup PRO

[2011-10-15] K-Mile:
No longer maintained, FCs on my Desire Z.
[2011-07-10] Robert:
No more updates. Still needed work
[2011-03-07] Kevin:
Features Great app! just purchased it for my xoom! some features it needs a must -. backup schedule should be days, months, yrs, etc - loads on my android 3 but needs to be optimized for tablets and android 3 would be cool - show file dir of share, and sdcard, and does a compare showing updated files, or deleted, etc :)
[2011-01-27] Evan:
Is dev still supporting this? Was hopeful and paid for this, now disappointed.
[2010-12-31] Enrico:
Fails without notification. Needs an update.. tired of paying for apps that devs stop supporting. Buyer beware
[2010-12-24] Roine:
Abandoned by the author so it is better to use something else as this program has problems...
[2010-11-21] Michael:
Hasn't been updated for a while and doesn't really work.
[2010-10-24] Eric:
As other comments have stated: hangs frequently, needs an update, also needs ability to cancel backup currently running. 5th star app if fixed!
[2010-09-27] Noah:
Works, but not if you are modifying a file while it's copying. Needs feature to turn on/off wifi automatically for scheduled backups.
[2010-09-08] Robert:
Works great.
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