WhereRing (v. 1.99.0)
Разработано Sean Foy
Adjust your phone's ringer mode just by moving around. WhereRing remembers whether you want ringing, silence, or vibration in each spot. It uses fine-grained GPS to notice when your location changes, and it updates your ringer accordingly. WhereRing is quite streamlined; check out Locale if you want something more elaborate. This is free (gpl3) software (http://code.google.com/p/wherering/).
WhereRing uses the high-power/fine-accuracy GPS mode exclusively, so it is better for daily/local use and nightly recharging than for use with rarely-visited, region-sized ringer mode areas. In the latter case, you should (de)activate WhereRing on a temporary basis rather than allowing it to activate automatically when your Android starts up.
Ringer mode zones ("places") can be configured by typing in latitude/longitude, or with the "use current location" feature. Each place can have a name, a radius, and a ringer mode (vibrate, ring, or silent). You can view places on a Google Map to verify that the coordinates are as you expect.
Normally, WhereRing remembers your original mode as you enter a location, changes the mode according to your settings, and restores the mode as you leave. If you manually change your ringer mode while you are in a location, WhereRing will leave that override in effect until you enter a new location.
Users who are new to Android: this application makes use of menus activated by your hardware menu button, so as not to clutter your display with less-frequently-used buttons. Consult your device's user manual if you are unaware of the existence of the standard Android menu feature.