Ward Tools в Android Market

Icon for Ward Tools 0.5 Ward Tools (v. 0.5)
Разработано Smatt Development

Allows ward leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS) to access some of the data stored in MLS.  The majority of the data available from this app is specifically for ward leaders.  Other similar apps that are available do not show leader specific details.

With this app you can do the following:
- View details about families and individuals.
- Find out who is assigned to home and visit teach each family.
- View the home/visiting teaching assignments of each individual.
- Access reports, such as members approaching baptism age and Bishop's annual and semi-annual youth interviews.
- See what callings each member has including when they were sustained and if they have been set apart.
- Browse all the callings by organization.

Note: The membership record number (MRN) was removed from the export files in MLS version 3.3.  Ward Tools did not remove it and has no control or choice in the matter.  Please don't rate this app poorly due to not showing the record number.  We have no way of adding it back.  This was a decision made by Church Headquarter.

IMPORTANT: You must have admin access to MLS. Stake data is NOT supported.


Категория: Инструменты
Закачек: 10000-50000
Размер: 421.2 KB
Опубликовано: 2010-08-14
Обновлено: 2012-01-19

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Права доступа: 1 (показать/скрыть полный список)

Системное имя пакета: org.wardtools

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Снимок экрана ward-tools
Снимок экрана ward-tools

Комментарии и оценки пользователей для Ward Tools

[2011-08-26] Ricky:
Great tool! Use it every Sunday in meetings!
[2011-08-15] Richard:
Executive sec Indispensible app It is possible to create a custom report in MLS that includes record #s and is the same as the old export file.
[2011-06-28] MadMat:
Haven't used it since the MRN was removed.
[2011-06-22] HickSticks:
As a ward clerk of a 600+ ward for six years, I rarely needed membership numbers on my phone. I'm fine with the church removing it from export data.
[2011-05-27] Phil:
As a Bishop the membership number is vital, please put it back
[2011-03-14] Mike:
Best app out there. I look forward to an over the air update.
[2011-03-08] Steve:
The record number was removed from the MLS export files. Ward Tools doesn't have control over that. Don't rate the app poorly for this.
[2011-03-07] Michael:
THANK YOU! 4 App, Work, & Time. Rate Stars 4me r NOT proper Thanks; & never 2b held back 4 silly 'personal' wishes 4 App. Where can I send U $? 2 TY
[2011-03-06] Travis and becky:
Great app works awesome. Can you add a lock out timer that relocks the app without having to kill it. (Better security)
[2011-03-06] Don:
Need record numbers back. HQ needs to understand we need these numbers as we work in the Wards and don't have a PC sitting next to us.
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