vzw htctbolt device showcase (v. 2.03) Разработано VZW Showcase |
Do not download or install this application, it is intended solely for use within Verizon Stores as a promotional tool.
[2011-03-18] Greg: Great Demo App Great demo app for learning about all the great things this amazing device can do! |
[2011-03-16] Verizon: Anything worth the wait is worth waiting .... March 17th it begins!!! |
[2011-03-13] nyia: Yep never said a release date. All speculation ..I'm patiently waiting. Patients is a virtue!! |
[2011-03-11] ฮศปเฮ: Verizon said Q1 for release and it's still Q1 so don't get ur panties in a bunch. This is why they don't give dates. U ppl blow up over everything. |
[2011-03-10] blair: Give me my Thunderbolt! From: Thunderbolt |
[2011-03-10] erica: March 15th might actually be the date! Thunderbolt here I come. :) |
[2011-03-10] kingsfan33: Shame on u vzw for this delay |
[2011-03-10] 0mie: Thanks... for nothing Verizon, where is the phone? You have a few apps optimized for the Thunderbolt in the Market, but no phone to use them on. Get your stuff together, then we can talk :) |
[2011-03-10] froader: Where is the Thunderbolt? Cant figure out how to make a small 1400mah battery last more than 2hrs with 4g and a big screen. Come clean! |
[2011-03-10] James: Anyone know the password for this thing? |
[2011-03-10] Jeremy: Verizon, I've been your customer almost 7 years, and I've never seen such a failure to launch a product. Come on |
[2011-03-10] erick: Im done with Verizon to dam expensive, and tmobile I can save s lot of money now that's what's up |
[2011-03-10] Tom: THIS IS COMPLETE BS!!! If Verizon delays the release date one more time i think i'm gonna flip! I drove to the store on two of the dates only to find out it was pushed back again... To my surprise when i called this morning "the latest release date" and it has been pushed back again to an unknown date... GET IT TOGETHER VERIZON! |
[2011-03-10] Luke: I love people complaining about Verizon delaying the launch.Do you people understand that Verizon never said a release date. It was speculation |
[2011-03-10] Zack: Hate waiting |
[2011-03-10] Greg: You drove to the store on the day "coming soon"? My calendar doesn't have that day on it..... |
[2011-03-10] paul: @Luke - I agree No point complaining about the "delays" because there was never a date publicly announced. All the dates were internal targets and anything earlier than March 17th would have been considered an early release. |