Последние обновлённые инструменты в Android Market

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10411-10420 из 23497


Z&N Studio опубликовал приложение 2011-10-16
(обновлено 2011-10-16)

This is a lock screen application on android platform.

If you install this software,your android phone lock screen can become very cool.

This software support 4 languages:English,Japanese,Traditonal Chinese ,Simplified Chinese.

The application support 4 screen:
QVGA screen(240x320)
HVGA screen(320x480)
WVGA screen(480x800)
WVGA screen(480x855)
For the big screen,this software use HD images.

In this application,it has 4 wallpapers that you can freedom change them.

If in your system has some another lock application that have some problem with this lock application.You need to close another lock application.The close method is,press menu button, and choose"settings"->"applications"->"manage applications"->select application->"force stop"

Иконка для Adobe AIR

Adobe AIR (v.

Adobe Systems опубликовал приложение 2010-12-09
(обновлено 2011-10-16)

Adobe AIR enables you to have your favorite web apps with you all the time. AIR apps run on your device without a browser, providing the convenience of a native app. You can learn more about AIR at http://adobe.com/go/airmobileinfo.  See what the most popular AIR apps are right now at http://www.appbrain.com/apps/popular/adobe-air/.

Download size of AIR is compressed to 6MB.  When installed, the binary is uncompressed to 16MB on the device.  With AIR 2.7, you now have the ability to move Adobe AIR to the SD Card.  The amount of data that can be moved is dependent on your OS version.

By clicking "Install", you agree to the Software License Agreement found at http://adobe.com/go/eum.

Иконка для BeatBox 1.03

BeatBox (v. 1.03)

Zachary Travis опубликовал приложение 2011-10-16
(обновлено 2011-10-16)

BeatBox is a mobile app for sending files between your dropbox and a friend's.  Log in, browse your files, choose one to send, and Bump phones together to connect with the person you'd like to send it to - once they've agreed, the file is copied to the BeatBox folder in their dropbox! Share videos, music, documents, or whatever files you'd like from your dropbox - without downloading them to your phone.

***Note: BeatBox and BeatBox Lite use your Dropbox account! Sign in with your username/password for Dropbox and you're set to go!***
Sign up for Dropbox here: https://www.dropbox.com/register

How To Send:
-Log in using your Dropbox username/password (fully secure)
-Browse your Dropbox and find the file you'd like to send
-Click on the desired file
-Once the recipient is ready, Bump phones to connect
-Once the connection is successful and the recipient has approved the transfer, you're finished!  You'll see a message once the transfer has successfully completed.

How to receive:
-Click on the menu button, and select "Get a File"
-Bump phones to connect with the sender
-Once connected, you'll get a message with the name and size of the file you're being sent, and a chance to continue or refuse the transfer
Once you accept, the transfer will begin and you'll get a message when it's complete! The file will appear in the BeatBox folder in your home Dropbox directory.

Иконка для QBANIN Spica GPSfix 1.0

QBANIN Spica GPSfix (v. 1.0)

QBANIN опубликовал приложение 2011-10-16
(обновлено 2011-10-16)

Run this application when you can't get GPS Fix normally. Wait for "GPS fixed" dialog (approx. 30 sec), and start you GPS application again.



Иконка для Reboot Recovery 1.0

Reboot Recovery (v. 1.0)

QBANIN опубликовал приложение 2011-10-16
(обновлено 2011-10-16)

This is a simple application that allows you to reboot phone to recovery. It can be started from launcher or long press "search" button menu.

Designed for Samsung devices.

Root is required.

Иконка для enigmWord Español 2.0.0

enigmWord Español (v. 2.0.0)

cmamaertens опубликовал приложение 2011-10-16
(обновлено 2011-10-16)

** Nueva interfaz de 14 cartas dirigidas, dos comodines, los acentos son compatibles: A, E, I, O, U, N, U

Versión gratuita de enigmword Español (anagrama), es una herramienta para palabras cruzadas, lucha, Word Wrap, boogle, Scrabble, falsa y para cualquier juego de palabras de otros.
Introduzca las tarjetas de 2-15 letras, por defecto esta herramienta inserta automáticamente letras

Motor de búsqueda, las palabras mejor respuesta posible (hasta 50).

Иконка для enigmWord Suomen 1.5

enigmWord Suomen (v. 1.5)

cmamaertens опубликовал приложение 2011-10-16
(обновлено 2011-10-16)

enigmWord Suomen (gratis version) anagram on nopein Webissä. Tämä työkalu on tehokas tuki ristisanatehtävä palapelit, pelit tunnettu kirjeillä kuten Boggle, scrambble, jne. ..

Tämän työkalun avulla voit löytää uusia sanoja ja tarkistaa oikeinkirjoituksen sanoja, jotka ovat luettelossa standardin sanaa käytetään pelaajien sanoja.

Sanat voi olla 2-15 merkkiä, oletuksena työkalu automaattisesti lisätä yhden tai kaksi merkkiä.

Palvelin lähettää 50 sanaa, jos mahdollista.

Иконка для enigmWord English 1.5

enigmWord English (v. 1.5)

cmamaertens опубликовал приложение 2011-10-16
(обновлено 2011-10-16)

enigmWordEnglish is the fastest web anagram available on the market; it is a fast help for crosswords, scramble, word wrap, boggle, or any word games.
With this tool, you can discover some new words and also you can confirm spelling of a word included in reference word list if is possible.

You can type 2-15 letters; by default this tool inserts automatically a wild or two wild cards or none.

As you type, the application will provide prompts from it's word lists (for US/Canadian it twl06 and for other english countries it is sowpods)

Words are immediately built and sent on the screen; each wild card will be displayed in "red" inside each found word.

The server will instantaneously returns the best possible words (up to 50)

A minimal definition will be displayed if found

Иконка для enigmWord Dansk 1.5

enigmWord Dansk (v. 1.5)

cmamaertens опубликовал приложение 2011-10-16
(обновлено 2011-10-16)

Hurtigt, effektivt og let at bruge for, spil så som crossword puzzles, Scramble, Boogle, og scrabble.
Indtast mellem 2 og 15 bogstaver for at gøre det muligt at bruge værktøj til at beregne forskellige kombinationer og.

En standard jokertegn er disponibel.

Højst 50 resultater returneres for hver kombination af bogstaver, når det er muligt.

Иконка для enigmWord Brasileira 1.5

enigmWord Brasileira (v. 1.5)

cmamaertens опубликовал приложение 2011-10-16
(обновлено 2011-10-16)

enigmWord Brasileira versão gratuita é mais rápido Brasileira anagrammeur na WEB. Esta ferramenta é uma ajuda poderosa para palavras-cruzadas, jogos bem conhecidas por cartas como Boggle, scrambble, etc ..
Com esta ferramenta você pode descobrir novas palavras e também verificar a ortografia de palavras que estão na lista de palavras padrão usado pelos jogadores de palavras.
Você pode ter palavras de 2 a 15 caracteres por omissão esta ferramenta insere automaticamente um curinga, ou por dois coringas.
As palavras são imediatamente enviados pelo servidor em sua tela. Os curingas utilizados no Word estão em cores.
O servidor envia 50 palavras, se possível.

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