Convert various units easily using this handy application - a number of categories are included as follows:
* Distance
* Area
* Volume
* Weight
* Density
* Speed
* Pressure
* Energy
* Power
* Frequency
* Magnetic Flux Density
* Dynamic Viscosity
* Temperature
* Heat Transfer Coefficient
* Time
* Angles
* Data Size
* Currency Exchange Rates
* Fuel Efficiency
Please note that the application now requires internet access in order to provide the up-to-date currency exchange rates
It's very simple to use - enter the number, press the Convert button and, in the screens that follow, choose the category, the unit to convert from and the unit to convert to - it can handle both decimals and negative numbers as required
This functionality already comes bundled with the developer's Scientific Calculator application but the functionality also works well as a stand-alone application for those not needing the full functionality of a scientific calculator