Have you ever had to continuously check the status of a course to see if any seats have opened up? Well, that's the old way of doing it! Simply provide the UD Course Checker with the course ID, section, and semester and let it monitor the course for you! Also, if preferred, you may use a direct link to the course's information page.
Please note that the application can only check the number of seats available for courses at the University of Delaware. Also note that this application is in no way affiliated with UD, so do not contact them for support.
This is my first Android application, so I would greatly appreciate any feedback you have to offer!
Feature List:
- Auto-URL retrieval when supplied with course name and section.
- Browser button to take you to the UD course search to find URLs for courses, if needed.
- Various options to control when checks occur, such as the interval between checks, the ability to wake up the phone to check, and ability to start checking when the device boots.
- Notifications (in the task bar) when a course becomes available.
- A couple different themes to add color.
- Ability to display the system wallpaper instead of a theme, including Live Wallpapers ("donate" status only).