Total Screen Control Trial в Android Market

Icon for Total Screen Control Trial 1.9.3 Total Screen Control Trial (v. 1.9.3)
Разработано Alexandru Munteanu

Total Screen Control is an application for setting the Brightness Level, Screen Filter, ScreenOn Lock and Rotation Lock preferences individually for any application installed on your phone.
Allows you to apply a filter that dims the brightness below minimum value so your eyes don't hurt during night viewing. Very useful in low light conditions especially on AMOLED screens where even the lowest brightness value is still bright. Also can save a lot of battery combined with ScreenOn Lock based on phone orientation!

More features:
- Screen Filter/Privacy with schedule and brightness slider for fine control !
- Dynamic Screen Filter based on phone's light sensor! Forget about classic auto-brightness switch to Dynamic Screen Filter!
- ScreenOn Lock based on phone orientation! Keeps the screen on as long as you use your phone! SAVE BATTERY also!
- ScreenOn Lock, Brightness level and Rotation Lock individually for any app
- Notification icon on Status bar with all needed information
- Up to 5 configurable Screen Filter Presets
- 3 Widgets for easy access
- Configurable preferences, alerts
- Start at boot

Does your eyes hurt you when reading or playing before bedtime ? Enable the Screen Filter
Tired to get the screen off while reading your eBook, browsing on Web or playing? Setup the ScreenOn Lock
Want to set the brightness or rotation individually? Configure them with Total Screen Control
For all these this application is for you!

Keywords: screen filter, brightness, lock, filter, dim, light, sensor, orientation.


Категория: Инструменты
Закачек: 10000-50000
Размер: 677.5 KB
Опубликовано: 2011-01-22
Обновлено: 2012-01-21

Официальный сайт:

Баркод для Total Screen Control Trial
Воспользуйтесь сканером штрихкодов для быстрой установки этого приложения на ваш телефон!
Права доступа: 5 (показать/скрыть полный список)

Системное имя пакета: alex.munteanu.totalscreen.trial

Видео и снимки экрана

Снимок экрана total-screen-control-trial
Снимок экрана total-screen-control-trial

Комментарии и оценки пользователей для Total Screen Control Trial

[2011-09-16] Marcelo Alejandro:
Great app. Does what is supoused to do. No issues so far in my wildfire s.
[2011-09-07] Nick:
Its aight Dont see much of a change in battery life. But helps me at night when i dont want it bright or im in a movie.
[2011-08-25] Thorbjørn:
Good idea. But crashes often in setup
[2011-07-23] hotmatrixx:
Brand new phone. Install, get a trial expired error. Pity. I will change my eating when I get a fair enough go.
[2011-07-04] James:
Sucks... only a trial. Dont get it Screem filter is so muvh bettet!!!!
[2011-07-01] Jim:
Nice app works great and had no trouble with the trial. Will be buying the full app. EVO 4G
[2011-06-30] Benjamin:
It does make screen much more dim, and lets you know if it will be too dark. Only down side is that it doesn't save battery power. Uses power instead.
[2011-06-24] hasatan:
This is a very cool app. It will suck when the trial is over because I can't buy the full version.
[2011-06-07] rodica:
Una din aplicatiile mele preferate,foarte folositoare people Galaxy S!
[2011-05-30] Jeffery:
There is no the trial version goes straight to purchase window, waste of time, removed quickly.
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