Text Scientific Calc (v. 1.51)
Разработано GontaSmith
- Scientific Calculator formula input by text.
- Calculate with physical units is available (for dimensional analysis).
- Unit conversion of the answer.
- Real time calculation without pushing enter key or any button.
- History of formulas and units.
- Built-in software keyboard available.
Push prefix-button to toggle on/off before push unit-button.
- IME (and android software keyboard) On/Off Toggle-Button available.
- Usage displays by Menu Button.
(including available units/functions/constans)
Available Functions
- sqrt
- exp
- log,log10
- sin,cos,tan
- asin,acos,atan
- sinh,cosh,tanh
- Units/Prefix/Functions/Constants is case sensitive.
- Need space between the Units.
(ex. 'torque' mN=>"m N")
- Bundle with the '()', when exponentiate the number with units.
Wrong:5m^2 Identified as "5 Square meter".
Correct:(5m)^2 Identified as "5m * 5m".
- Use "u" for the prefix "micro"