Sidur Ashkenaz (v. 4.0) Разработано RobertR |
Sidur Ashkenaz, includes:
* Shaharit
* Minha
* Arvit
* Birkat HaMazon
* Birkat Meein Shalosh
* Boreh Nefashot
* Tfilat HaDerech.
Requires Hebrew fonts installed.
Powered by Robert.R.
Enjoy using the application.
Key Words:
Sidur,Sydur,Sidoor, Sidour,Sydour,Tfila,Tefila,Hebrew,Siddur,Israel,Hebrew,סידור,תפילה
[2010-07-08] Alex: Y no fonts? |
[2010-07-06] Meir: Works great, thanks! Only suggestion is to add optional/holiday additions. It would be neat if you could hide and expand them. Also add havdalah. Thnx |
[2010-06-29] Danny Rosenbluth: Great job! |
[2010-06-23] tareq: This app is stupid |
[2010-06-16] wintermute: It doesn't work on my G1 Donut (The G1 Donut doesn't support hebrew). |