Roulette Pal в Android Market

Icon for Roulette Pal 1.0 Roulette Pal (v. 1.0)
Разработано Flare Apps

Roulette Pal is your one stop resource for all things roulette from videos, news, articles and tips to win and much much more Roulette Pal is your essential guide to land casino or online roulette. The following are some of the features of the app. Do not enter the casino without it!
- Video Tutorials on how to play Roulette, how to win at roulette, Roulette Scams and the most amazing Roulette trick you’re ever likely to see!  
- News feeds bring you the latest from land and online casinos
- Gambling Tips
- Some amazing famous bet stories
- Top Roulette betting systems
- The story of Roulette and its history
- The types of bets and how to place them
- Discover the House Edge!
- View all the odds and stats at a glance
- Learn about Roulette cheating techniques
- How the Roulette Wheel works
- Essential table etiquette


Категория: Инструменты
Закачек: 100-500
Размер: 1.6 MB
Опубликовано: 2011-05-27
Обновлено: 2011-05-27

Официальный сайт:

Баркод для Roulette Pal
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Права доступа: 5 (показать/скрыть полный список)

Системное имя пакета: com.flareapps.roulettepal

Видео и снимки экрана

Снимок экрана roulette-pal
Снимок экрана roulette-pal

Комментарии и оценки пользователей для Roulette Pal

[2012-03-04] A Google User:
Nothing new.
[2012-03-04] Johnny:
Nothing new.
Страница:  1