Популярные инструменты в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
8121-8130 из 23497
Иконка для Black and White board 2.2

Black and White board (v. 2.2)

henteko опубликовал приложение 2012-09-03
(обновлено 2012-09-03)

Black and White board for drawing picture and memo!!

Android 1.6~3.1 support!!

This is good drawing app!!

Иконка для TBS Podcast ラジオ 1.3.1

TBS Podcast ラジオ (v. 1.3.1)

John Yoo опубликовал приложение 2012-09-03
(обновлено 2012-09-03)

TBS RadioはRssを利用してラジオ番組をまた聞くことができるようにしています。

「月曜JUNK 伊集院光 深夜の馬鹿力」
「火曜JUNK 爆笑問題カーボーイ」
「水曜JUNK 山里亮太の不毛な議論」
「木曜JUNK おぎやはぎのメガネびいき」
「金曜JUNK バナナマンのバナンムーンGOLD」
「JUNKサタデー エレ片のコント太郎」

荒川強啓 デイ・キャッチ!
トラックの日スペシャル トラックは生活(くらし)と経済のライ      フライン~東日本大震災とトラック輸送~
証券知識普及プロジェクト Presents イチからはじめる資産運用
英検Presents パックンマックン・海保知里の英語にThank you!
鈴木おさむ 考えるラジオ

Tag: TBS Radio, TBS podcast, TBS ラジオ,

Иконка для Task Manager + 0.9.13

Task Manager + (v. 0.9.13)

Isnow Studio опубликовал приложение 2012-09-02
(обновлено 2012-09-02)

Task Manager+ is a simple and easy to use the android task killer tool.
Whether your system is running more and more slower
Whether your battery is running out more and more faster
So, try Task Manager+, this is the newest and best task management tool, which make your phone more cleaner and using more smoother.

# 1 Tap to kill a task / process / service
# Support batch Kill
# Show current memory status
# Display the recent task, including name and running status.
# Display the currently running process, including name and memory size
# Display currently running services, including name and service name
# Various sorting capabilities such as application  name and memory size
# View application detail
# Switch to the application
# Uninstall the application
# Identify the critical applications, avoid misuse
# Auto-optimization

Similar applications on the market including: Advanced Task Killer, Advanced Task Manager, ES Task Manager

# Better user experience:
  1 Place kill button for each application, operation is more convenient
  2 show task/process/service, state more clearly
  3 Distinguish between ordinary application / critical applications in different colors
  4 Support gesture sliding, more convenient in touch screen
# Better technical:
  1 through pre-loading mechanism, showing faster
  2 identification of critical applications, avoid misuse
# The user-friendly:
  1 blue color scheme, visual comfort
  2 simple layout of the program, more convenient operation

1 What is the use of Task Manager?
A: Do you know why your phone will run more slowly? and you know why your phone battery consumption faster?
  As more running process, more memory used, when system have not enough memory, performance will be getting worse.
  As more running process, more CPU used, when more power consumed, the battery will run out

2 What is the task / process / service?
A: In a android phone:
  process is the basis for the application to run, tasks / services are a special form of process;
  task is application opened by the user, which include user interface;
  service is running process in the background and there is no user interface

3. Why are there some applications running that i did not open ?
A: Some applications will start when the phone turn on or invoked by other events for android system event trigger mechanism

4. Why do some applications restart when i kill it?
A: Some applications will restart by system event, which task manager cant prevent it. So you could enable auto optimization feature, which monitor app running status smartly, and kill it at first time

5. Why can not i kill the task / service (in android2.2 later)?
A: Android2.2 later, the mechanism of task management changed:
  Task only keep that the application's state that user open, so even if you kill the process for task, the task still remains;
  Task / service can not be killed, but android system can kill it.
  If you need to kill tasks / services, we also provide assistance to operate it(click on a task / service, then you will enter the application details screen, click the "force stop" to kill it)

Task Manager+ is the newest and best task management tool on the market currently, just try it
Any questions, please contact us: isnowstudio@gmail.com

Иконка для Combat Assistant (Free) 2.5.1

Combat Assistant (Free) (v. 2.5.1)

Vision Software опубликовал приложение 2012-09-01
(обновлено 2014-09-24)

Combat Assistant, used for tracking initiative and status effects, intended for use with the Dungeons and Dragons rules set (4th Edition), though users have noted it is also useful with previous editions, and other role playing systems, e.g. Pathfinder.

Ever got confused by trying to keep track of status effects, hit points, healing surges, etc. in a game.  Well, be confused no more with this versatile app for keeping track.

Useful for DMs who need to keep track of player defenses as well as hit points of their monsters.  Will also automatically apply ongoing damage and check with you whether your creatures have made their saving throws.  Monsters can also be pre-created and then are saved automatically* to keep the flow of the game going without having to pause to add details of new creatures to the combat.

Useful for players to keep track of an entire party's details, including hit points, healing surges, temporary hit points and status effects.

Portraits can also be assigned to creatures, so you can take a photo of each player using your phone's built in camera and then quickly assign those photos to each creature.

Tutorial mode also available to show you the features of the application.

Please note that none of the content in this application is created by or endorsed by Wizards of the Coast.

This version is identical to the paid version, except that the paid version will save previously used information.  With the free version, all infomation is lost every time you quit.

* paid for version only

Keywords: Dungeons, dragons, roleplaying, games, dungeon, master, combat, assistant, initiative, status, effect, tracking, 4e

Иконка для Silent Mode Switcher 1.7

Silent Mode Switcher (v. 1.7)

Droid Experiment опубликовал приложение 2012-09-01
(обновлено 2012-09-01)

The perfect application to quickly set the phone in silent mode without having to unlock the phone!

Works with the original lock screen of your phone.

The handling is very simple:

1) Turn ON the screen without unlocking the phone.
2) Shake briefly until you feel the vibration, which confirms the change.

That's it! Faster is not possible :)

+ Widget

IMPORTANT: This application works only when your phone is locked and the screen is switched on.

Works with the original unlock screen of your phone, may not be compatible with alternative "home" screens

tags: silent toggle, silentmode, silent mobile, toggle, Mute, Ringer mode

Иконка для Cloud Spy Cam Demo 1.9

Cloud Spy Cam Demo (v. 1.9)

simplylogic опубликовал приложение 2012-09-01
(обновлено 2012-09-01)

Transform your phone into an advanced remote controlled wireless security/spy/stealth IP camera with features including scheduled silent camera picture snapshot/video recording and upload MP4/JPEG content to the Cloud (gmail/picasa for remote viewing) or save to SD card, stream real time camera video from the handset camera over WiFi/3G networks to a remote PC,Mac or Linux server anywhere in the world, G-Sensor/Picture Motion Detection and automatic activation of camera snapshot, out-bound video streaming or Video/Audio recording. Power supply monitor automatically emails on power loss/gain and the ability to control the CloudSpyCam application features remotely from anywhere in the world, and lots more!

Demo version of Cloud Spy Cam. All features are enabled apart from video recording and scheduler features. Application will ONLY run for a maximum time of 5 minutes.

For a full description of features and help guide please checkout www.androidcloudcam.net.

The main application features are covered below.

1. Operates as a stealth camera running as a silent background service. The application supports taking silent camera pictures without anyone knowing!

2. View MJPEG content from the camera over WiFi/3G networks using the free Android application CamBuddy.

3. Utilize your phone as a Skype portable webcam. MJPEG stream supported by most video chat services.

4. Supports real time video streaming over WiFi and 3G networks. Either connect to the device over WiFi and use VLC to view content or use the free streaming server (included as a download from CloudSpyCam) to stream real time camera video from the device over 3G. No third party included!

5. Supports capturing scheduled silent camera snapshots and uploading the images to the Cloud or save to SD card. Configure application to capture and send camera images to gmail or Picasa based on  pre-configured timed intervals.

6. Supports G-Sensor/Picture motion detection. Automatically activate camera snapshot mode,video streaming mode or video/audio recording.

7. Supports scheduled Video/Audio recording with options to either save video recording to SD card or upload to gmail for remote viewing.

8. Scheduler supports a 24 hour clock to control running tasks.

9. Supports power monitor. Notifies using gmail when the battery status on the device changes. If the device is plugged into the mains, the device can detect a power failure from the mains and automatically email to notify.

10. Supports secure remote control from anywhere in the world. The application can be controlled remotely using gmail to switch ON/OFF application features and change camera settings (i.e. zoom, turn camera flash light ON/OFF, adjust picture quality,switch ON Snapshot/Video mode and many more).

11. Advanced performance settings to cater for long surveillance operations and limited power.

12. CloudCam runs as a background silent service and does not interfere with other running applications.

13. The application has been tested across a range of Android handsets/devices using a set of strenuous tests. The CloudCam application will stream content for a long as the battery lives! If the Android device is connected to a power supply, the CloudCam application will stream forever!

14. Free streaming server supports automatic presentation of real time streaming video content from the handset to waiting streaming players like VLC. Multiple streaming servers can run in parallel on a PC,Mac or Linux server servicing multiple CloudCam device allowing multiple CloudCam devices can be viewed from a single source.

Provides a range of features to service a variety of tasks in everyday life like security spy camera/sensor,home/car/bike/workshop/lockup/office/baby/elderly person/pet/hydroponic/fishtank/wildlife monitor,surveillance,travel picture buddy(automatically keep a track of your loved ones)...

Any questions then please drop an email to droidcloudcam@gmail.com.

I hope you enjoy!

Иконка для one2free 2.1

one2free (v. 2.1)

CSL Limited опубликовал приложение 2012-08-31
(обновлено 2012-08-31)

A personalised service app allows you to stay in control of your personal mobile usage with up to date information from one2free.

• one2free brings you a new mobile experience with your Android device.  With the latest information 24/7, the one2free Service App offers you instant access to the services you need and a convenient way to check your account and service plan information.  

Key Features
• Unique and personalised customer experience
• Access voice, SMS and data usage and set usage alert
• Access account balance
• Bill payments
• Joining of Roaming Data Package and Roaming Tips
• oneRewards Member Privileges
• Manage mynet settings
• User friendly guide for Android device and value added services
• Locate and contact the nearest one2free shop
And many more……

Supported Android Device
Acer: Liquid
Google: Nexus S
HTC: Desire, Desire HD, Desire S, Wildfire, Wildfire S
LG: Optimus One with Google™
Sony Ericsson: Xperia arc, Xperia mini, Xperia neo, Xperia PLAY, Xperia X10 HD

• one2free Service App is complimentary for Android device users.  Selected functions and information may only be accessed by one2free customers with log-in credentials.
• Downloading one2free Service App with 3G connection may incur mobile data charge

Иконка для Androbench (Storage Benchmark) 3.4

Androbench (Storage Benchmark) (v. 3.4)

CSL@SKKU опубликовал приложение 2012-08-31
(обновлено 2012-08-31)

AndroBench is a benchmark application that measures the storage performance of your Android Devices. Now we provide the function of Micro benchmarks, SQLite benchmarks and Macro-benchmarks for free and no advertisement. Feel free to check internal or external storage of your android devices.

Иконка для Message Notification Lite 2011.9.7

Message Notification Lite (v. 2011.9.7)

Keyboard Assault опубликовал приложение 2012-08-31
(обновлено 2012-08-31)

This is a sms text notification utility aimed at giving those who do not have a visual notification system (such as an LED) on their phone.  The alert pops up when you receive a text message.  Message Notification is also a great tool for those who already have an LED signal system. This also has the ability to repeat the text tone to remind you that you have a pending text.

If you have any issues, feel free to contact me so I can fix them as quickly as possible.

Also, this is Ad supported, therefore it uses many Ad permissions:
Internet, Read phone state, access network state, and write external storage.

Message notification also uses these:
Receive sms - to detect when you got a message.
Wake lock - to turn on your screen.
Device power - to turn up the brightness of the screen.
Disable keyguard - to lock and unlock your phone (keep it safe and functional)

Relevant keywords:
Message notification, message popup, sms notification, text message notification,  LED, Screen notification, Nexus s, Samsung galaxy S,  Samsung Vibrant,  receive text, message warning,  message alert, text message alert, text alert, sms alert, missed message, missed text, missed sms, message indicator, sms indicator, text indicator, sms popup, message popup, text popup, sms pop up, text pop up, message pop up, missed text, missed message, missed sms

Иконка для PDF Downloader 1.3.2

PDF Downloader (v. 1.3.2)

KEI co. опубликовал приложение 2012-08-31
(обновлено 2012-08-31)

In some cases when you try to save a PDF file from the link in a browser, can not see the PDF files failed to download.
This application is intended to solve it.

As a cause fail to download, you have issues or set of Web servers, and password authentication.

Using it is easy.
Press and hold the portion of the link of the browser, or enter the URL of the link with PDF files, please select the "PDF Downloader" from appearing there "share" link. Address is sent to the URL input field of PDF Downloader then.
Please enter your user name and password if a password is required to obtain the PDF file if.
And begin downloading the PDF file, the file will be saved in the SD card. After that, please look at your PDF viewer. When the download is complete A list of applications can open the PDF file as shown will be displayed.

When you manually enter the URL of the link is easy to do using the copy and paste.

From Ver.1.3 is now able to change the destination to the SD card. Please change the settings from MENU.

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