PictMeasureIt LITE (v. 1.1.7)
Разработано ASAPPS
PictMeasureIt is a tool to measure the length of the object based on the relative distance of the approximate length and you want to measure.
Travel memories, children's growth record, and the collection is up to you Use.
- Lite version has ads, and there is a limit to the number saved.
Key Features
■ New Measurement
measured by the camera fromCamera ...
Take pictures, measure the distance or length.
measured by photo fromGallery ...
Measure the distance from the picture is saved.
■ Saved data
Restart the measurement
Restart the measurement from the saved state.
Save to Gallery
Save the measurement results in the image gallery.
Removes the selected measurements.
To improve the accuracy ...
Improve the measurement accuracy shooting with a constant distance from the camera to the part being measured of reference.
※ LITE version is limited to the number saved.
■ What's New
1.1.0 There were many requests for the selection of additional features as standard.
- will automatically be added to the list as a reference when determining the material.
- You can also delete from the list.
1.1.1 Bug fix
1.1.2 Improved some camera work
1.1.3 Correspondence to AdmakerSDK1.1
1.1.4 Add title logo animation
1.1.5 Improved title logo animation
1.1.6 Additional work in the background