Phone Lock в Android Market

Icon for Phone Lock Phone Lock (v.
Разработано Apps 4 Cause

Phone Locker application is a simple one icon application and widget that locks your phone with a countdown, you can change the countdown time.

To add Widget:
Long Press on Screen > Android Widgets > Phone Locker

Remember to Long press the settings icon when the Lock screen count down is activated to get into the settings or add the Lock settings Widget to your screen. Remember to long press the button.

◊ Free Updates
◊ No ads or banners.
◊ Easy to use.
◊ Simple settings Widget.

Thank you


Категория: Инструменты
Закачек: 100-500
Размер: 74.7 KB
Опубликовано: 2011-01-15
Обновлено: 2012-01-03

Официальный сайт:

Баркод для Phone Lock
Воспользуйтесь сканером штрихкодов для быстрой установки этого приложения на ваш телефон!
Права доступа: 2 (показать/скрыть полный список)

Системное имя пакета: com.apps4cause.lock

Видео и снимки экрана

Снимок экрана phone-locker
Снимок экрана phone-locker

Комментарии и оценки пользователей для Phone Lock

[2011-06-10] Slim Pickins:
I've literally tried every lock app & this is the ONLY one that works with 2.3 on my DroidX. I'll donate again if I can lock immediately wo timer.
[2010-12-22] Roman:
Is not working on Samsung Galaxy S and after 5 minuts testing my money did not get refunded. Don't try this shit
[2010-12-22] Roman:
Is not working on Samsung Galaxy S and after 5 minuts testing my money did not get refunded. Don't try this shit
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