Pet Manager Free (with Ads) в Android Market

Icon for Pet Manager Free (with Ads) 1.4.11 Pet Manager Free (with Ads) (v. 1.4.11)
Разработано Topo Factory

Pet Manager allows you to track all your pet's data (images, veterinary contacts, etc), weights, history and all related tasks. You can also set reminders!

Supports all screen resolutions and landscape.

Permisions to:
keep reminders,
select veterinarian and ads

@Candy. Please email me with your problem.


Категория: Инструменты
Закачек: 10000-50000
Размер: 303.6 KB
Опубликовано: 2010-11-04
Обновлено: 2011-07-28

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Права доступа: 5 (показать/скрыть полный список)

Системное имя пакета: factory.topo.v.pet_manager_free

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Снимок экрана pet-manager-free-with-ads
Снимок экрана pet-manager-free-with-ads

Комментарии и оценки пользователей для Pet Manager Free (with Ads)

[2013-07-08] A Google User:
Good and easy Good and easy way to track your pet weight and put some useful information as bath day, Vet contact etc...
[2013-03-14] A Google User:
Excellent!!! Exactly what I was looking for! Would be perfect if it included separate pages for shots, medication and grooming and is movable to SD Card.
[2013-03-03] A Google User:
Would give it 5 stars if I could back up the stored data so only 3 stars due to that!
[2013-01-11] A Google User:
Love it I love this app. I've been using it for a long time. I have several pets and it helps me keep track of all their ages and everything, I breed rabbits and rodents and I put down their breeding schedule in the notes and their past litters in the history. I really love this app!!!
[2012-11-21] A Google User:
love it use it for family appts too because I like the setup...would be 5 stars if it could be saved to the sd card...had to get a new phone re put in all my info...took forever
[2012-11-04] A Google User:
Pet manager vs pet minder This is a good app, personally I like pet minder lite and pro better. They have a really cool feature which allows me to share my pets status with the whole family automatically. They have a cloud based server which syncs with who ever is running pet minder.
[2012-09-03] A Google User:
Good app We need a fix for the pic posted to the pets tab. It always appears sideways no matter if you rotate the picture or not.
[2012-08-20] A Google User:
Very promising A very promising app in which you can maintain the data for your pets. Recommended with the following reservations: Decide early if you will pay for the one without ads (support the development!), as you will have to reenter all the data again. :( The app still needs a way to save the entered data on an SD card in case you reset or change phone (promised by developer). I hope that the free app will be able to save data and the paid both save and restore so I can transfer my data. Meanwhile I will use the free version.
[2012-08-16] A Google User:
Jen It was can put in what you need to do but it would be nice if there was a section there saying what's shots they got when or surgeries...when they are due stuff like that..pretty generic but good start
[2012-08-10] A Google User:
Why do you need to start on startup?
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