Pet Manager в Android Market

Icon for Pet Manager 1.4.9 Pet Manager (v. 1.4.9)
Разработано Topo Factory

Pet Manager allows you to track all your pet's data (with images, veterinary contacts, etc), weights, history and all related tasks.
Also set reminders!

Supports all screen resolutions and landscape.

Permisions to:
keep reminders,
select contact

You can try free version first.


Категория: Инструменты
Закачек: 100-500
Размер: 551.0 KB
Опубликовано: 2010-11-03
Обновлено: 2011-07-27

Баркод для Pet Manager
Воспользуйтесь сканером штрихкодов для быстрой установки этого приложения на ваш телефон!
Права доступа: 3 (показать/скрыть полный список)

Системное имя пакета: factory.topo.v.pet_manager

Видео и снимки экрана

Снимок экрана pet-manager
Снимок экрана pet-manager

Комментарии и оценки пользователей для Pet Manager

[2012-09-23] A Google User:
Backup please! I find this app useful but there's really not much point to it without backup as I have to keep a copy of the data elsewhere. Annoying to get the bought version and find I need to manually transfer the data across too.
[2012-06-29] A Google User:
Best Pet Database on Android... for me. Got plenty of pets and helps me keep track of feeds, sheds/ molts etc. Would really like to see progress photos, stats charts, and data export in the future but, still good as it is.
[2012-06-21] A Google User:
Almost excellent... Dear App Creator.... Please please update this so we can save our records & this otherwise wonderful app onto our SD cards. I spent hours & days filling the records out in great detail for my 20 pets. I added what the collars & tags looked like, the pets' unique marks, upcoming & past medical visits, diet info, microchip #s, just everything. I wanted it all plainly & correctly documented, especially for an emergency. WELL... my LG Spectrum needed a factory reset and °POOF°. Everything now gone forever. :*(
[2011-09-18] A Google User:
Very basic App but it is useful! Need to update and have a backup option to save all this info! I have 6 animals & I put alot of time & info into this
[2011-08-01] A Google User:
Ok app. Pet Master is free though and lets me also attach groomer and boarding info as well as calendar events for these and vets that this one lacks.
[2011-05-24] A Google User:
Information lost when purchased I have both up still but the purchsed version gives me no way of moving information from the free version.
[2011-05-24] David:
Information lost when purchased I have both up still but the purchsed version gives me no way of moving information from the free version.
[2011-05-20] A Google User:
Good app for keeping info in one place.
[2011-05-20] Benny:
Good app for keeping info in one place.
[2011-05-18] A Google User:
Simple, easy to store/manage/delete data. Plenty of notes space; ability to manage various screens. As easy as filling in a brief synopsis or extended
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