Percentor is the ultimate percentage calculator app!
Percentor is an all-in-one percentage calculator!
Enter two values or one value and one percent-value.
Percentor quickly calculates the following figures and tells you how to understand.
Two values (A+B)
- A is x% of B.
- B is x% of B.
- A plus/minus x% is B.
- B plus/minus x% is A.
Value + Percent value (A + X)
- X% of A is y. (Percent)
- A plus X% is y. (Tax/Markup)
- A minus X% is y. (Discount)
- y minus X% is A. (Margin)
Application will save your last inputs between sessions.
Percentor can also be used as a tip calculator.
Keywords: add, all-in-one, amount, automatically, before, between, bill, calculate, calculated, calculating, calculation, calculator, Change, check, choose, compute, computed, decrease, difference, discount, discounts, divide, education, , equation, ercent, expression, free, functionality, help, helps, imagine, increase, Margin, markups, math, number, orginal, percent, Percentage, Percentages, Percents, price, prices, professional, proportion, quick, quickly, sale, save, school, select, selling, simple, support, tax, taxes, tip, Tips, total, ultimate, unique, value, values, VAT