BaiduInput (v. Разработано Baidu Inc. |
Baidu Input is an applicatioin to dramatically improve the typing speed of smartphones or mobile Terminals.The application provides various information,powerful Dictionary,beautiful interface,simply follow,animation function.Furthermore,Refine on serching engine of Baidu,cloudy Optimization,baidu input dictionary will be more and more precision.Equiped your android mobile with Baidu Input to exceed your current typing speed is your first choise.
1、Multiple input methods(Pinyin,Stroke,Wubi,HandWriting,English)meet different user requirements
2、Powerful Dictionary,refine continuely to provide personal dictionary
3、Easy to ues,Elaborate design,dependent on Patent of Dots and dashes
4、Beautiful interface,personal theme and Various skin
5、Efficient Core,make sure accuracy and typing speed
[2013-08-18] A Google User: 1.logo太难看 请把界面上的logo去掉 2.可供选择的皮肤布局是个亮点,但是少又不好看,希望添加谷歌拼音的皮肤 3.英文输入方式下,逗号和句号竟然合在一个键上,这样打个逗号多费劲? 4.为什么没有emoji表情? |
[2013-08-17] A Google User: 差一点就完美 繁体输入时,打不到 "于,仆,郁,后,干,余" 等字。建议新增繁简混输功能。谢谢。 |
[2013-08-15] A Google User: 英语有待加强 good,I like it |
[2013-08-07] A Google User: 垃圾 首先我对自己贡献给百度的一票下载量感到耻辱,然而又为打击盗版而评论的一星而感到高兴。我真不明白一个输入法要那么多狗屁功能有什么用,改变皮肤的唯一理由就是百度的默认皮肤太丑了。百度不是喜欢超谷歌吗?你看看谷歌拼音输入法的皮肤,再看看你的皮肤,一个“du”就像一坨狗屎。Google,Facebook,Twitter界面上都没有自己的商标,你个破百度还自以为了不起,标一个“du”,比那个百度狗爪子商标还难看。 |
[2013-08-06] A Google User: 百度更懂中国人。 |
[2013-08-02] A Google User: really awesome app. use it everyday |
[2013-08-01] A Google User: Plz arabic Please add Arabic language |
[2013-08-01] A Google User: 升级后一直卡住需要重启 一直打字的时候卡住 搞的手机也卡住然后重启之后才好 升级之前我会一直用搜狗的 |
[2013-07-30] A Google User: 九宫格英文输入有问题 长按选择时手指位置和选择的字母对不准 |
[2013-07-29] A Google User: 识别率太棒了 在手机端一直坚持用百度输入法,不为别的,是因为识别率太高了!必须赞! |
[2013-07-20] A Google User: Q Wo hen xihuan |
[2013-07-12] A Google User: not on htc on htc is very bad to wrie and key alway missingwords input but other phone is good like samsung sony lg |
[2013-07-10] A Google User: very good |
[2013-07-08] A Google User: Need to be able to switch languages 各方面都不错但最大的问题是无法切换到其他语言键盘。我知道这个输入法自带英文,但它比起谷歌自带那个可以滑动的还差的远。另外我日常还需要用其他两种外语。我到现在都无法从百度键盘切到其他键盘。无奈只能删掉了。 我觉得百度不应走大而全的路,除了中文和英文外还需要使用其他多种外语的还多有人在。百度总不能指望自己把所有外语键盘都包下。 |
[2013-07-08] A Google User: 不错... |
[2013-07-05] A Google User: English? Keyboard seems mostly in English but all settings cannot be read. I clicked everywhere looking for the word English in the settings... barely useable for us as-is. |
[2013-07-04] A Google User: 创意看的见 支持 |
[2013-07-01] A Google User: 经常出现字体重叠 经常出现字体重叠。。。坑 |
[2013-07-01] A Google User: 用起来还可以 就是太丑了… |
[2013-06-26] A Google User: ~ 为什么一直要切换百度输入法?明明切换好了还是要切换。 |
[2013-06-26] A Google User: 不錯 hooe that there will be more language and methord of typing |
[2013-06-26] A Google User: lovely awesome but help me help me in getting english language for keyboard menu..i will surely rate 5...great.. |
[2013-06-25] A Google User: Awesome, just that I'm not Chineese This a great keyboard app, I have switched from Googles's keyboard to Baidu. A translation, though will be very much aprpreciated |
[2013-06-25] A Google User: 相使用方便,快捷,舒服 |
[2013-06-17] A Google User: 繁中字庫什麼時候能改善 繁中的字庫什麽時侯才能強大一些??????? |
[2013-06-16] A Google User: s2当机 每次导致当机,我用回旧版 |
[2013-06-11] A Google User: the key better than iOS default. also user friendly. skip away the android keyboard. haha. |
[2013-06-11] A Google User: best input ever It's suitable for one hand input . |
[2013-06-10] A Google User: Good Good |
[2013-06-10] A Google User: 百度日本学以致用。 继P-02e之后,百度及时跟进,让用户体验到便捷操作,很好。 |
[2013-06-10] A Google User: 手寫許多粵語字出不來!! It's just ok. 很多字手寫出不來,比如:冇,嘢, 咗,喺——等廣東話常用字完全沒反應! 反而QQ輸入法就完全冇問題! 希望你們能糾正它! Thanks |
[2013-06-09] A Google User: 滑动符号比较方便! |
[2013-06-09] A Google User: 。。。。 上面那些哥。。换输入法是要到上面抽屉里的。。。没看到那个小键盘标识吗?!拉开抽屉就可以换了。你见过win上的输入法的悬浮窗上带切语言? |
[2013-06-09] A Google User: 英文支持需要加强 不得不说,用来用去,最后还是换回到百度输入法,还是百度用起来最舒服。我需要经常回复英文邮件,但百度英文这块实在是有待提高啊!不少英文法完全可以实现高速输入,智能预测英文词汇,智能纠错,我在输入的时候完全不需要考虑按键的准确性。 如果只考虑中文输入的话,我给百度5分! |
[2013-06-09] A Google User: 好 好 |
[2013-06-09] A Google User: 輸入 好。 |
[2013-06-07] A Google User: excellent 很好用,很適合中國人 |
[2013-06-07] A Google User: 3分,回车键位置真是反人类 |
[2013-06-03] A Google User: Good Very good |
[2013-06-01] A Google User: Good |
[2013-05-31] A Google User: Hmmmm 还不错,但是无法切换到其他输入法,有点不方便 |
[2013-05-31] A Google User: Easy to use.very good.! |
[2013-05-30] A Google User: no english |
[2013-05-28] A Google User: 还是很不错的 希望能够进一步优化性能,特别是按键的手感,滚动条的流畅度以及整体的反应速度。 |
[2013-05-27] A Google User: whats the point of creating an app in chinese and posting it on play store. wft. Cool interface though |
[2013-05-27] A Google User: English vocabulary never expand 老毛病,英语词汇量太小,放弃。 ----------------------------- I tried all inputs from the market and only touchpal and this one match what I was looking for. I love the skin themes and layout. You need to improve English words prediction. |
[2013-05-27] A Google User: Amazing potential The app is a masterclass. I experienced it when I installed MIUI. You guys need to release an english version. It the most polished keyboard I have every used, need english support! |
[2013-05-26] A Google User: Not bad Quite good |
[2013-05-23] A Google User: Please support korean keys I love baidu input. Please support 12 key korean keys. |
[2013-05-22] A Google User: 好 很难得的特意找到软件来评分, 完爆搜狗输入法. |
[2013-05-20] A Google User: 总的来说还不错 新版更强 百度云输入在移动网络情况下有时不好使 英文有待加强 |
[2013-05-20] A Google User: 能够精益求精 全键模式时切换到输入数字与符号应该也要保持全键模式,全键模式的空格太小,空格旁的按键若能够自行原则保留与否会更好 |
[2013-05-18] A Google User: 新版界面非常好 颜色和布局非常好,也完全是高清的。占用内存很小,反应比以前快 |
[2013-05-15] A Google User: we need english we need english for settings |
[2013-05-15] A Google User: Cool, but... 因为本人除了中文输入外,有时还需要输入法语,但在键盘上找不到输入法间的切换,不够方便。除此之外,觉得这个输入法还是相当不错,特别是全屏输入和英文字母的辨认都做得不错,配得5星。 |
[2013-05-15] A Google User: 流程挖 界面很干净 打字流畅 符号还算齐全^O^/ |
[2013-05-13] A Google User: 非常好! 真的是特意过来评价的,这次更新之后,界面看起来非常的舒服,打字也很顺手。一定是五星! |
[2013-05-12] A Google User: 不错 更新之后确实好用了,进步明显 |
[2013-05-10] A Google User: 新版界面非常不错 平常一般不写review,但是百度输入法的新版界面和易用程度,必须特意来评价,值的5颗星。多谢。 |
[2013-05-08] A Google User: 很好。 |
[2013-05-07] A Google User: Hay Do et |
[2013-05-07] A Google User: beautiful interface i will give it 4 star just for the interface |
[2013-05-07] A Google User: English we need english support |
[2013-05-07] A Google User: new update is excellent. 之前没有什么想评论的冲动 ,新版给我耳目一新的感觉。 非常好 现在非常值5颗星。 希望继续保持 |
[2013-05-06] A Google User: 更新介绍看起来脑残 对比搜狗触宝之后,拼音输入法我还是选了百度 今天居然一输入中文就崩溃,不给力啊 |
[2013-05-06] A Google User: 好 很好用的中文输入 |
[2013-05-06] A Google User: 最近一次更新比较满意了 |
[2013-05-06] A Google User: Samsung Galaxy S3 good~ |
[2013-05-04] A Google User: 韩语 中文很好用,很舒服,但是,唯一的缺点就是没有韩语日语,好不方便啊。每次总是用着用着就还是因为不方便而换成go输入法了。 |
[2013-05-03] A Google User: Like this app Can you add 'left arrow' and 'right arrow' key? |
[2013-05-03] A Google User: 顺滑度很好。 英文没有候选字吗? 最上面那个真的很丑+很碍眼。 整体是很不错的。 还有没有英文滑动输入法吗? |
[2013-04-30] A Google User: 一点小问题 每次英文输入 a 和 I 是不会自动加空格的,导致经常输入错误。望改进 |
[2013-04-28] A Google User: Problem with Spacebar and Cap lock. Firstly, the space bar is too short.. Always kanna the full stop. Secondly, for the english keyboard, it doesn't automatic set as cap lock after a full stop. Lastly, everything does very well!! Excellent!! |
[2013-04-22] A Google User: Settings in English pls This is one of most amazing input app. But I can't understand the settings... plz add full English language support. Thanks |
[2013-04-21] A Google User: 不思进取 好用的皮肤清晰度低。常用标点符号用起来不方便。触宝支持双拼了。英语方面它还是强项,最后结果你懂的。 |
[2013-04-20] A Google User: 不支持蓝牙键盘,差劲! 如题!!而且安装时强制要求设为默认输入法,矫情得很哪!! |
[2013-04-14] A Google User: "T+ dual-letter layout" and "touchpal curve" ? I love this input tool because of its efficiency compared to other input tools like touchpal and I hope this advantage will be preserved as the software evolve. However there are two missing features that I am Craving.I do have a strong opinion that T+ layout is currently the best layout for ShuangPin and may be also a choice for the other input methods. Hopefully I will get this feature as soon as possible. My second wish for this input tool is that it can provide a feature like "TouchPal Curve", which may be a little more challenging than implementing the above proposal. I will miss this still wonderful input tool until the wanted features are implemented or through other ways my expectation for inputting efficiency are met. |
[2013-04-13] A Google User: Quick easy and stable Quick easy and stable |
[2013-04-07] A Google User: English please! I love this.. but I have problem with language. Will you make this app (and some your apps) in english? |
[2013-04-06] A Google User: Force close Was ok until recent release. Could not start anymore--force stop. Fix it! |
[2013-04-06] A Google User: 总体来说不错,每次升级就把用户体验计划自动开启了,很耗电 大家最好把使用帮助里的我用户体验计划关了,很耗电那个,百度个流氓每次升级都默认打开,下次再这样我换搜狗试试。 |
[2013-04-05] A Google User: 中文不错英文很烂 中文真心不错,英文输入实在不敢恭维,市场上应该很多成熟的英文输入法吧,为什么不拿来用 |
[2013-04-04] A Google User: 坚决抵制流氓软件 不把它设置成默认,连选项都打不开。而且还窥视通话记录,短信,地理位置,十恶不赦的流氓软件! |
[2013-04-03] A Google User: Good Easy to use. Fast and smart. |
[2013-04-03] A Google User: 字体变大了 update后,键盘的字母变大了… 不习惯,可以修改回字母小一点吗? |
[2013-03-25] A Google User: brilliant the best of the best |
[2013-03-20] A Google User: Thanks Very friendly tool |
[2013-03-20] A Google User: 很好 |
[2013-03-14] A Google User: 英语输入还是需要improve 打中文非常好用,但我90%都打的是英语,有点不方便。 |
[2013-03-13] A Google User: 好用!赞! Especially for english imput. |
[2013-03-11] A Google User: 不支持nexus 7 |
[2013-03-10] A Google User: 很好 很好我很喜欢这个 |
[2013-03-01] A Google User: 4.12经常卡 以前还会有,升级4.12后,好几次打开输入法就卡死了 |
[2013-02-27] A Google User: 本来可以给四星 不给输入法切换按钮减一星,去通知栏切换很麻烦你懂吗?有点自知之明好吗英文模式做得像屎一样,官方输入法的长按空格切换也不支持。为什么一定要至少选两种模式?我就只用一种不行啊?把输入模式切换按钮让给输入法切换行不行啊? 是有多想把用户有限在你们的输入法? 候选栏那个蓝不拉叽分辨率又低的图标再减一星。明明设置里面只选了两种全键为什么候选栏里的切换还是全部列出来再减一星。语音输入不给关闭可是不能给零星。 |
[2013-02-20] A Google User: good 布局合理,简单实用 |
[2013-02-15] A Google User: Eh Its okay but on the tab its like mega size |
[2013-02-10] A Google User: 新的Shift 键功很不方便 新的Shift 键功很不方便,没人按手机用两个手指的,希望放回之前的功能:Shift键自动第一个字而已,除非按两次Shift |
[2013-02-01] A Google User: 挺好的但有点问题 挺舒服的。就是有时候候选短语与拼音完全不同,牛头不对马嘴啊。。。还有中英混输还要加强。 |
[2013-01-29] A Google User: Very nice input Nice! |
[2013-01-13] A Google User: 表情 可以增加一些emoji表情吗 |