Have you ever wondered, how your Cellular/WiFi connection compares to others in your region (country / state)?
Features :-
- Performs Network Latency (Round Trip Times) Tests on your WiFi/Cellular Network.
- Benchmarks your performance using data from your region.
- Secure Network Connection.
- Utilizes your bandwidth efficiently.
Details :-
We have collected Network Delay Data (Round Trip Time Measurements) from thousands of cellular/WiFi based mobile users from across the world. When you use this App, it compares your network performance (in terms of network delay) with other users in your state/country. So, it gives you a realistic idea of the performance of your cellular/WiFi connection.
About :-
This application is a part of research done by WiNGS Lab at the Department of Computer Sciences, University of Wisconsin - Madison.
Students :- Ashish Patro, Michael Griepentrog
Professor : Suman Banerjee
Thanks for using the app. Please send your feedback at feedback@networktest.org.