An unofficial remake of the MOTODEV App Summit Agenda application. It is not endorsed by Motorola in any way.
I made this application because I wasn't happy with the visual quality of the official application. My version was hacked together in under 12 hours and is therefore a bit buggy and incomplete. I have decided to open source the application, so feel free to make changes to the app and push the changes back to me. Details at the end of the description.
- Choose which event you are attending
- View the agenda for that event
- Gets localised event data where possible
Ability to view presenter information may be added at some point. Given I only had 12 hours to devote to this I didn't have chance to add it.
Open Source
I need peoples help to improve this application. At the minute the code is horrible with hacks everywhere and there are major features missing.
If you want to view and edit the source head over to this GitHub page and fork it:
If you make some changes and want me to add it to the market version of the app just file a pull request.
Like I said the code is horrible but I only spent an evening and a bit developing it.
Enjoy the app and send me any comments you have