MillTurn Calc в Android Market

Icon for MillTurn Calc 1.1 MillTurn Calc (v. 1.1)
Разработано Society of Manufacturing Engineers

Developed by the Society of Manufacturing Engineers, the Machine Tool Feed and Speed Calculator (MillTurn Calc) is a basic machine shop calculator to determine speed feeds for turning and milling applications coupled with a material selection guide. This application is ideal for machine tool operators looking for a quick and simple way to utilize formulas at their fingertips.

Material selection guide features information on:
- Coated carbide
- Cobalt tool steel
- High-speed steel
- Uncoated carbide


Категория: Инструменты
Закачек: 10000-50000
Размер: 734.3 KB
Опубликовано: 2011-06-19
Обновлено: 2011-06-19

Официальный сайт:

Баркод для MillTurn Calc
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Права доступа: 4 (показать/скрыть полный список)

Системное имя пакета: org.sme.mtcalc

Видео и снимки экрана

Снимок экрана millturn-calc
Снимок экрана millturn-calc

Комментарии и оценки пользователей для MillTurn Calc

[2013-08-10] A Google User:
Error in metric cutting speeds Works OK for imperial units but metric cutting speeds mmpM are out by a factor of 39.37 which implies incorrect metric conversions.
[2012-10-03] A Google User:
Avoid Useless. This was designed by real engineers? I think not. Avoid. These guys are playing at being engineers, they even have their own club. They couldn't point to a lathe in a machine shop filled with lathes
[2012-10-03] GARETH:
Avoid Useless. This was designed by real engineers? I think not. Avoid. These guys are playing at being engineers, they even have their own club. They couldn't point to a lathe in a machine shop filled with lathes
[2012-05-22] A Google User:
App calculates backwards App figures out SFM. Yet SFM is already known from cutting material. App should calculate RPM of different SFM's, tooling, & diameters.
[2012-05-22] Paul:
App calculates backwards App figures out SFM. Yet SFM is already known from cutting material. App should calculate RPM of different SFM's, tooling, & diameters.
[2011-12-06] A Google User:
Not useful Obviously whoever wrote this app has never used a machine tool. All the calculations are in reverse.
[2011-12-06] Davoid:
Not useful Obviously whoever wrote this app has never used a machine tool. All the calculations are in reverse.
[2011-06-10] A Google User:
Great app, love the metric option!
[2011-06-10] Pete:
Great app, love the metric option!
[2011-04-18] A Google User:
No reverse calculations
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