Live Food Trucks Map - TruxMap в Android Market

Icon for Live Food Trucks Map - TruxMap 1.2.3 Live Food Trucks Map - TruxMap (v. 1.2.3)
Разработано TruxMap

TruxMap is a live gourmet food truck map for Los Angeles, Orange County, San Francisco, New York City, Washington DC, San Diego, and Portland. The minute a food truck makes their current or future whereabouts known, you will see them on the TruxMap app. Menus and directions are just one touch away. The open food trucks are visually represented by green markers and the food trucks opening soon are represented by blue markers.

Quickly scan what food trucks are near you, browse through the menus and food images before making a decision. Once you've completed eaten the food, submit a review or your truck images so others can know what to expect.


Категория: Инструменты
Закачек: 10000-50000
Размер: 510.0 KB
Опубликовано: 2011-05-13
Обновлено: 2011-05-13

Официальный сайт:

Баркод для Live Food Trucks Map - TruxMap
Воспользуйтесь сканером штрихкодов для быстрой установки этого приложения на ваш телефон!
Права доступа: 6 (показать/скрыть полный список)

Системное имя пакета: com.truxmap

Видео и снимки экрана

Снимок экрана live-food-trucks-map-truxmap
Снимок экрана live-food-trucks-map-truxmap

Комментарии и оценки пользователей для Live Food Trucks Map - TruxMap

[2013-06-27] A Google User:
Not ready for primetime Almost seems to be a beta or demo. The dates are all over the place. Some from Dec 2012. Some from September 2013. Uninstalling.
[2013-06-20] A Google User:
Stopped working for SF Needs update?
[2013-06-17] A Google User:
Doesn't work I open the app for NYC and it says there are no stops.
[2013-06-04] A Google User:
Not enough trucks Crashed a couple of times on my GS3. Also doesn't have many trucks displayed.
[2013-05-15] A Google User:
Great Wow
[2013-05-04] A Google User:
Worked great first try. We were downtown and starving with our 1 y/o son... we found fish tacos... delicious!
[2013-03-15] A Google User:
Good idea with not so good results. this needs some serious revamping to be usable. There is a truck stuck on my list that moved to Austin Texas. The addresses are not current. When trucks advertise where they will be for dinner while still at their lunch location it sends you in the wrong direction.
[2012-11-27] A Google User:
Add NOLA food trucks Nice idea, but Unistall until you add NEW ORLEANS.
[2012-10-25] A Google User:
Only one that works? I wanted one with a map and I tried 3. 2 of them basically didn't work at all this one works. By "works“, I mean the trucks show up on the map, and the map responds to feature controls as expected. Also, this was easiest to use, and had best links to useful info. Bad: designed for phones only. On tablets, huge fonts and small real estate for map make for insufficient info shown.
[2012-09-18] A Google User:
FC i1
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