Leeds Total News (v. 1.2)
Разработано BrightAI
All the latest news and gossip for Leeds United from around the world. Brought to you by Total News.
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© 2010-2011 Bright Artificial Intelligence Ltd. ‘Total News’, ‘Bright Guides’ and ‘Live Guides’ are unregistered trade marks of Bright Artificial Intelligence Ltd. All rights reserved. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners and Bright Artificial Intelligence Ltd makes no warranty or representation in respect of them. No player, team, association or organisation endorses or is associated or connected with this software product in any way and Bright Artificial Intelligence Ltd makes no representation of any such endorsement, association or connection. No image or likeness of any player, club, association or organisation is intentionally used in this product and any similarity with any graphical element of this software product is co-incidental. All statistics are researched or computer generated and are not intended to be (and should not be) relied upon or considered a true reflection of the abilities or performances of any individual player, team or competition. All chat services are un-moderated by us and subject to fair use by you. You should not use the chat service in any way that may breach any condition of entering a football ground. This software product is provided for your private, non-commercial use only.