KreedzMe Light (v. 1.4)
Разработано S.Struve
You know what Kreedz is? You are a Kreedzer? Then is this your app ;)
KreedzMe Light shows your own Longjumprecords (Who remember this? ^^) on your Android Phone support 2.1, 2.2, 2.3.x and higher. It´s optimize for 800x480 Pixel Screen, for example Samsung Galaxy S or S II.
The Features are:
- Sorted list with:
Longjump, Highjump, Weirdjump, Countjump, Double CJ, Multi CJ, Drop CJ, Drop DCJ, Drop MCJ, Bhop LJ, Standup Bhop,Drop Bhop and Drop Standup Bhop
- 10AA Menu ( Weirdjump and Countjump ) LIGHT VERSION!
- a Gimmick when you shake your phone ;)
How it works?
- Easy touching to your Jumps then click on Unlock to unlock the Typingbox and add your Jumpdata per hand in the box
- confirm and then you have stored your Stats.
!!!This is a Light-Version so only Weirdjump and Countjump works. The Version is for testing!!!