Personal security software for Android™ .
Make sure someone knows when bad things happen.
Download iScared free version today and:
√ Automatically call/text your friend/loved one when you feel threatened.
√ Periodically send your location to your loved one.
√ Pick separate contacts (one for texts and one to be called)
√ Send text/call to the same contact
How iScared works
When your know you will have to walk thru an area you know is not the best place to be use iScared. Simply start the app and hold down your thumb/finger and when you feel threatened just put the phone in your pocket or purse. The app will then start a user defined countdown and if the disarm button is not pressed before the countdown ends iScared will call your contact chosen. iScared will also send a text and periodic location updates. This will continue until it is disarmed. Currently is not using the GPS in your phone but is using cell phone towers and wifi to configure location. The new version will allow for GPS pin point accuracy.
This app will be free until the next version is released. Current projection for the next version is **June 12**. Will also include the ability to only call or text your contact. Sorry it is taking so long but I have a demanding job.