Is Twitter Down (v. Cambridge ) Разработано WatchMouse |
Is Twitter Down is powered by WatchMouse's monitoring grid.
Both Twitter's website and API are checked by 40+ WatchMouse stations around the world, 24 hours per day, every day.
[2010-03-26] eric: FOLLOW ME: | @e_orozco | will return the favor!!!! |
[2010-03-22] ben: If a tweet falls in the forest & nobody hears it, they should've used "is twitter down" first! |
[2009-12-29] Skion: Works every time! |
[2009-12-23] Reese: its a funny ap. cool to see if twitters down in paris but only funny the 1st time i used it. its mainly useless if u have the twitter ap. |
[2009-12-11] ΛΙΛΗ: Funny and interesting |
[2009-10-26] morkmork: Funny and useful! |
[2009-10-24] sam: nice,but not sure I need an app. To tell me another app. Or site,-twitter is down |
[2009-10-23] Phoboulinos: Fantastic app. I love it... |